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Showing results 1 to 30 of 95

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2000(1996-97년) 노동법 개정과 국가 자본 노동의 역학관계박정은Master's Thesis
201920-30대 여성의 운동 자기도식과 운동지속의도의 관계박정은Master's Thesis
2011A negative side of outsourcing marketing functions and market-based learning process박정은Article
2023Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective mechanisms of nootkatone in neuroinflammation and Parkinson's disease mouse models박정은Doctoral Thesis
2023B2B 영업사원의 지향성, 역량 및 영업성과와의 관계정효영Doctoral Thesis
2013Consequences of impulse buying cross-culturally: A qualitative study박정은Article
2024Development and Evaluation of Ionizable Lipids for mRNA Vaccine Application박정은Master's Thesis
1999Dmitri Shostakovich의 prelude op.34에 관한 연구 : No. 10, 15, 16, 24를 중심으로박정은Master's Thesis
2021e-CRM 구성요인이 온라인 쇼핑몰 재구매 의도 및 e-구전에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구DU, LINGLIMaster's Thesis
2024ESG가 기업 이미지 관리에 미치는 영향Du, PinouMaster's Thesis
2007Factors of determining long-term orientation in interfirm relationships박정은Article
2012Frequency of CRM implementation activities: A customer-centric view박정은Article
2024‘From fail to prevail’ : How a salesperson’s communication sentiment influences consumer forgiveness in service failures focusing on the role of consumer self-construal박정은Article
2017GI 협동학습 모형을 적용한 미술 수업이 고등학교 1학년의 학습동기와 학업성취도에 미치는 영향박정은Master's Thesis
2018GP130 downregulation induces cell death via STAT family in human colon cancer cells박정은Master's Thesis
2021HMR 선택 속성과 모바일 앱 속성이 1인 가구 소비자의 HMR 구매 의도에 미치는 영향박선영Master's Thesis
2021Homomorphic Encryption for Single User and Multiple Users박정은Doctoral Thesis
2010How does CRM technology transform into organizational performance? A mediating role of marketing capability박정은Article
2024How Does Green Advertising Skepticism Affect Gen Z Consumers Purchase Intention of Green ApparelMamyshova, AkakMaster's Thesis
2010How does sales force automation influence relationship quality and performance? The mediating roles of learning and selling behaviors박정은Article
2000IMT-2000의 계층셀 구조에서의 복합 호 처리 알고리즘에 관한 연구박정은Master's Thesis
2019KOL가 소비자 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구LI, CHENXIMaster's Thesis
2023MZ 세대의 라이브 커머스 쇼핑 시 소비자 특성이 구매 의도에 미치는 영향박가현Master's Thesis
2020TAM에 근거한 소비자의 온라인 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구DENG, ZIQIMaster's Thesis
2017The Effects of A Salesperson's Communication Style on Consumer Forgiveness during Service Failures in Sales ProcessLUO, JIEQIONGMaster's Thesis
2024The Effects of Country-of-Origin on Mongolian Consumer Product Evaluation and Purchase IntentionGanzorig, JavzandulamMaster's Thesis
2024The Impact of Online Behavioral Advertising on Consumer Attitude and Impulse BuyingLegros, ElisaMaster's Thesis
2017The Role of Buyer Trust in Outsourced CRM: Its Influence on Organizational Learning and Performance박정은Article
2019We chat 플랫폼 품질과 기업특성 및 판매원 성격특성이 기업성과에 미치는 영향CUI, YINGMaster's Thesis
2020감정적 요인이 영업성과 및 직무만족에 미치는 영향GUO, XIAOTONGMaster's Thesis