2005 | A Cookbook for Traditional Korean Weddings | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | A family of non-stationary subdivision schemes reproducing exponential polynomials | 윤정호; 이연주 | Article |
2014 | A framework for moving least squares method with total variation minimizing regularization | 윤정호; 이연주 | Article |
2003 | A Stationary Binary Subdivision Scheme By Radial Basis Function Interpolation | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2014 | Adaptive total variation minimization-based image enhancement from flash and no-flash pairs | 윤정호; 이연주 | Article |
2013 | An improved weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme with a new smoothness indicator | 윤정호; 이연주 | Article |
2007 | Convergence of increasingly flat radial basis interpolants to polynomial interpolants | 윤정호; 이연주 | Article |
2007 | Development of New Classes of Wavelet Systems for Data Representation | 이연주 | Doctoral Thesis |
2010 | Homomorphic Public key systems on Elliptic curve groups | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | Improving consumer test method for product innovation | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2024 | Improving the effectiveness of consumer sensory profiling test method for predictive modeling of satisfaction in innovative food products | 이연주 | Doctoral Thesis |
2011 | Initial Voriconazole Trough Blood Levels and Treatment Outcomes of Invasive Aspergillosis in Patients with Hematologic Malignancy | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2012 | Mapped WENO schemes based on a new smoothness indicator for Hamilton-Jacobi equations | 윤정호; 이연주 | Article |
2013 | Modified essentially nonoscillatory schemes based on exponential polynomial interpolation for hyperbolic conservation laws | 윤정호; 이연주; 하영수 | Article |
2010 | Neuroprotective and memory enhancing effects of Phytoceramide | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | On collocation matrices for interpolation and approximation | 이연주 | Article |
2014 | On Convergence of Flat Multivariate Interpolation by Translation Kernels with Finite Smoothness | 윤정호; 이연주 | Article |
2006 | Stationary binary subdivision schemes using radial basis function interpolation | 윤정호; 이연주 | Article |
2006 | Stationary subdivision schemes reproducing polynomials | 윤정호; 이연주 | Article |
2021 | Structural and functional studies on novel phosphatase Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase domain-containing protein 2 (Hdhd2) | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2019 | Topological analysis of L-malate/succinate antiporter DcuE | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2003 | 데스크탑 VR 사이트에서의 사용자 만족향상을 위한 설계요소에 관한 연구 | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2010 | 새터민 청소년을 위한 한국어 속담교육 방안 | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | 소아청소년의 정중구개봉합 성숙도 평가 | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2009 | 의학도서관 이용자교육 모형 개발에 관한 연구 | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2003 | 잎(葉)의 이미지 표현 연구 | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2001 | 전통떡살문양을 응용한 니트웨어 디자인 연구 | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2015 | 중학교 사회 교과서의 다문화·상호문화교육 내용에 관한 연구 | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2019 | 카바페넴 내성 장내세균 획득에 관한 위험인자 | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |
2011 | 튀니지 벤 알리(Ben Ali) 정권의 정치적 정적주의(Political Quietism) 연구 | 이연주 | Master's Thesis |