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Showing results 1 to 30 of 144

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2013A Cheeger inequality of a distance regular graph using Green's function이윤진Article
2015A Cheeger inequality of a distance regular graph using Green's function (vol 313, pg 2337, 2013)이윤진Correction
2018A continued fraction of order twelve as a modular function이윤진; 박윤경Article
2017A level 16 analogue of Ramanujan series for 1/π이윤진; 박윤경Article
2010A lower bound on the minimum weight of qth power residue codes over GF(q)유진주Master's Thesis
2018A mass formula for cyclic codes over Galois rings of characteristic p3이윤진Article
2013A Multidimensional Continued Fraction Using the Algebraic Jacobi-Perron Algorithm이은혜Master's Thesis
2024Algorithms for Constructing Balanced Plateaued Functions With Maximal Algebraic Degrees이윤진Article
2021An infinite family of Griesmer quasi-cyclic self-orthogonal codes이윤진Article
2017An upper bound on the Cheeger constant of a distance-regular graph이윤진Article
2020Anti-obesity effect of Chrysanthemum morifolium in a high fat diet-induced obese rats이윤진Master's Thesis
2023Average value of the divisor class numbers of real cubic function fields이윤진Article
1994Betti-Mathieu groups of GF(qN)이윤진Master's Thesis
2011Binary formally self-dual odd codes이혜숙; 이윤진Article
2020Binary LCD Codes and Self-Orthogonal Codes via Simplicial Complexes이윤진Article
2014Boolean functions with MacWilliams duality이혜숙; 이윤진; 현종윤Article
2013Bordered Double Circulant Extended Quadratic Residue Codes over Finite Fields장윤경Master's Thesis
2023Characterization of LCD codes constructed from Toeplitz matrices and polynomials최우정Master's Thesis
2019Characterization of p-ary bent functions in terms of strongly regular graphs이윤진Article
2022Characterization of p-ary functions in terms of association schemes and its applications이윤진Article
2024Characterization of weakly regular p-ary bent functions of ℓ-form이윤진Article
2019Class groups of cyclic extensions over the rational function field유진주Doctoral Thesis
2009Class groups of global function fields with certain splitting behaviors of the infinite prime이윤진Article
2019Classification of cyclic codes over a non-Galois chain ring Zp[u]/〈u3〉이윤진Article
2015Classification of cyclic self-dual codes over Z_(4) or Z_(8) of length 2^(e)김승희Master's Thesis
2013Classification of extremal self-dual quaternary codes of lengths 30 and 32이윤진; 김현진Article
2013Classification of Self-Dual Codes over Z_16 and Z_8김현희Master's Thesis
2022Classification of self-dual cyclic codes over F_{p^m}[u,v]/ associated with principal ideals박신유Master's Thesis