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Showing results 1 to 30 of 185

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2017A research on the organic minimalism regarding changes in minimalism: Focused on the field of contemporary branding김수정Article
2017A study of graphic symbol reflecting experiences김수정Article
2019A study of the brands characteristics using big data corpus analysis-focused on south korean sanitary pad brands-김수정; 이수진Article
2012A Study on the Flexible Identity System as a Cultural Identity홍윤지Master's Thesis
2020Analysis on the shape and size of sanitary pads and user experience evaluation김수정; 김동은; 이수진Article
2000Anna Halprin에 관한 연구김수정Master's Thesis
2018Association between Cigarette Smoking Status and Composition of Gut Microbiota: Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study김형래; 이진화; 김수정; 이수환Article
2018Association between Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Gut Microbiota in a Large Population: a Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study김형래; 이진화; 김수정; 이수환Article
2018Association of body mass index with incident tuberculosis in Korea하은희; 천은미; 김수정Article
2017B급 문화 스타일을 배경으로 한 언어유희(Pun)의 실험조형 디자인연구이주현Master's Thesis
2017Characteristics associated with progression in patients with of nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease : a prospective cohort study김수정Article
2019Clinical characteristics of patients with newly developed acute cholecystitis after admission to the intensive care unit장중현; 이진화; 류연주; 김수정; 이수환Article
2018Clinical outcomes and prognostic factors in patients directly transferred to the intensive care unit from long-term care beds in institutions and hospitals: a retrospective clinical study장중현; 이진화; 류연주; 최윤희; 김수정; 이수환Article
2017Co-Curation을 위한 미술관 서브 아이덴티티 디자인 연구김민정Master's Thesis
2018Co-design 관점의 장소브랜딩 연구정예경Master's Thesis
1994COFFEE-SET 디자인개발에 관한 연구김덕희Master's Thesis
2023Comparison of operative and fertility outcomes of single-incision robotic myomectomy: a retrospective single-center analysis of 286 cases박미혜; 이정훈; 김수정Article
1988Doris Lessing의 The Golden Notebook에 나타난 통합에의 추구김수정Master's Thesis
2017Entertainment company's brand extension with pop culture content communication김수정; 엄윤경Article
2009Flexible Identity 디자인에 관한 연구김윤정Master's Thesis
2018Global Socio-economic Networks and Ethnic Relations in the Fashion District, Los Angeles김수정Doctoral Thesis
2019Hemoptysis requiring bronchial artery embolization in patients with nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease장중현; 이진화; 심성신; 류연주; 최선영; 김수정; 윤희영Article
2018High blood neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio associated with poor outcomes in miliary tuberculosis장중현; 김유경; 이진화; 심성신; 류연주; 김수정; 이수환Article
2018Inhaled corticosteroids in COPD and the risk of lung cancer하은희; 이진화; 김수정Article
2022Johannes Brahms의 Cello Sonata No.1 in e minor, Op.38에 관한 분석 및 연구김수정Master's Thesis
2016Julian Barnes’s A History of the World in 10½ Chapters and the Historical Sublime김수정Master's Thesis
2018K-BEAUTY 플래그쉽 스토어에 나타나는 체험마케팅 특성에 관한 연구유현지Master's Thesis
2019Long-Term Mortality and Prognostic Factors in Aspiration Pneumonia장중현; 이진화; 심성신; 류연주; 김수정; 윤희영Article
2024Longitudinal changes of vaginal microbiome during pregnancy and puerperium in Korean women김수정Doctoral Thesis
2017Medical thoracoscopy in pleural disease: Experience from a one-center study김수정Article