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Showing results 20704 to 20723 of 86364

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2019I am not afraid to travel!이경진Master's Thesis
2023I Can Read김경민Master's Thesis
2018I do care about your response as much as you do about mine최정윤Master's Thesis
2023“I Had No Problems and Just Felt So Fabulous”: The “Storylines” of Methamphetamine Initiation in Aotearoa/New ZealandTrent M. BaxArticle
2018I hate binge-watching but I can't help doing it: The moderating effect of immediate gratification and need for cognition on binge-watching attitude-behavior relation임소혜Article
2012I Like Your Product When I Like My Photo: Misattribution Using Interactive Virtual Mirrors조혜정Article
2021I Will Visit Where They Are EatingTRUONG, TU ANHMaster's Thesis
2000I, Albeniz의 중 III, IV권에 관한 연구이미나Master's Thesis
1977i-umlaut와 i-umlaut에 依하여 생긴 短母音의 音素組織變更에 대하여車聖恩.Master's Thesis
1999I. Albeniz의 [Iberia]중 1, 2권에 관한 연구임지선Master's Thesis
1984I. Bachmann詩에 나타난 미학적 카테고리로서의 유토피아 개념金美卿Master's Thesis
1978I. F. Stravinsky의 piano sonata 분석 연구박정희Master's Thesis
2003I. Kant의 자연관과 환경철학의 가능성이희진Master's Thesis
1991I. Kant의 취미판단과 객관성의 문제신정원Master's Thesis
2003I. Metal-Mediated Allylation and Reduction II. Indium Halide(III)-Mediated Sn2' Reaction of Allyl Alchohol and Allenol Derivatives전보경Master's Thesis
1987I. Stravinsky의 "Oedipus Rex" 에 관한 분석적 고찰최은순Master's Thesis
1986I. Stravinsky의 in Memoriam Dylan Thomas에 관한 연구손경순Master's Thesis
1988I. Stravinsky의 Septet에 대한 분석적 연구이정은Master's Thesis
1986I. Stravinsky의 Symphony of Psalms에 나타난 조성에 관한 연구박은경Master's Thesis