2008 | 2-Dimensional Inorganic Nanohybrid for Drug Delivery | 김주영 | Master's Thesis |
2016 | 5세 누리과정 과학교육 내용과 미국 차세대 과학교육 기준 유치원과정 비교 연구 | 김주영 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | A Study on Bivariate Lifetime Distributions with Multiple Dynamic Competing Risks and Its Applications to Life Insurance | 김주영 | Doctoral Thesis |
2012 | Alveolar Macrophages Play a Key Role in Cockroach-Induced Allergic Inflammation via TNF-α Pathway | 김주영 | Article |
2020 | Asymptotic Behavior of Volatility in Nonstaionary Augmented GARCH(1, 1) Model with Stationary Mixing Errors | 김주영 | Master's Thesis |
2016 | Baculovirus Displaying Hemagglutinin Elicits Broad Cross-Protection against Influenza in Mice | 장준; 김주영 | Article |
2019 | Capillary Tube Based Molecular Diagnostic Test for Naked Eye Detection of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria | 김주영; 이혁진 | Article |
2020 | Development of Molecular Diagnostic Systems based on Isothermal Amplification of Dumbbell-shaped DNA probe | 김주영 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | Effect of apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase recruitment domain on vaccine efficacy: Overcoming the effects of its deficiency with aluminum hydroxide adjuvant | 장준; 김주영 | Article |
2003 | Effective global brand marketing management strategies : including a case analysis | 김주영 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | Escape from thymic deletion and anti-leukemic effects of T cells specific for hematopoietic cell-restricted antigen | 장준; 김주영 | Article |
2020 | Highly selective detection of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) using a dumbbell DNA probe with a gap-filling approach | 김주영; 이혁진 | Article |
2009 | IEEE 802.16e 무선링크 자원 낭비 최소화를 위한 헤더 압축 및 맥 스케쥴링 방안 | 김주영 | Master's Thesis |
2012 | Immunological impact of taekwondo competitions | 김주영 | Article |
2016 | In hot pursuit of the first vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus | 장준; 김주영 | Review |
2015 | Memory programming in CD8(+) T-cell differentiation is intrinsic and is not determined by CD4 help | 장준; 김주영 | Article |
2017 | Monoclonal Antibody against G Glycoprotein Increases Respiratory Syncytial Virus Clearance In Vivo and Prevents Vaccine-Enhanced Diseases | 장준; 김주영 | Article |
2013 | Mucosal Vaccination with Recombinant Adenovirus Encoding Nucleoprotein Provides Potent Protection against Influenza Virus Infection | 장준; 김주영 | Article |
2012 | Need for a safe vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus infection | 장준; 김주영 | Review |
2015 | Obesity Increases Airway Hyperresponsiveness via the TNF-alpha Pathway and Treating Obesity Induces Recovery | 김주영 | Article |
2018 | Pan-Influenza A Protection by Prime-Boost Vaccination with Cold-Adapted Live-Attenuated Influenza Vaccine in a Mouse Model | 장준; 김주영 | Article |
2019 | Sublingual Immunization With an RSV G Glycoprotein Fragment Primes IL-17-Mediated Immunopathology Upon Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection | 장준; 김주영 | Article |
2016 | Sublingual immunization with Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine effectively induces immunity through both cellular and humoral immune responses in mice | 장준; 김주영 | Article |
2018 | The effects of combined aerobic and resistance training on inflammatory markers in obese men | 김주영 | Article |
2007 | The Exact Test of Homogeneity in Two Binomial Proportions by using SAS Macro | 김주영 | Master's Thesis |
2019 | Voluntary exercise reverses immune aging induced by oxidative stress in aging mice | 김주영 | Article |
2010 | 교사의 조건부 관심 및 자율성 지지와 학생의 학업참여 간의 관계에서 자기결정동기의 매개효과 | 김주영 | Master's Thesis |
2016 | 남성 프리미엄 뷰티샵 서비스 품질에 관한 사례 연구 | 김주영 | Master's Thesis |
2009 | 문화 아이덴티티를 기반한 한국공간디자인에 관한 고찰 | 김주영 | Master's Thesis |
2021 | 북한이탈주민의 문화적응, e-헬스 리터러시, 사회적지지가 약물오남용행위에 미치는 영향 | 김주영 | Master's Thesis |