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Showing results 1 to 30 of 295

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
20122011년 전면 개정된 화장품법의 주요 내용과 유럽의 화장품 규정과의 비교 연구임관희Master's Thesis
201660세 이상 고령층 환자에서의 Valproic acid 집단 약동학최현애Master's Thesis
2013A cross-sectional study of factors related to gastrointestinal drug use in Korean adolescents곽혜선; 이병구; 이정연; 배승진Article
2013A Novel Marker for Precocious Puberty and Effects of Polymorphisms of the EAP1 gene on Sex Hormone Levels오벼리Master's Thesis
2011A phase III study to assess immunogenicity and safety of LBVW0101 compared with Tritanrix HB(R)박정현Master's Thesis
2017A randomized controlled trial of genotype-guided warfarin initiation in patients with cardiac valve replacement이관영Master's Thesis
2022A Risk Scoring System Utilizing Machine Learning Methods for Hepatotoxicity Prediction One Year After the Initiation of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors곽혜선; 이정Article
2024A risk-scoring system to predict dupilumab-associated ocular surface disease in patients with atopic dermatitis곽혜선Article
2021A systematic review and meta-analysis of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor use and psoriasis incidence곽혜선; 송곤진Article
2021ABCA1 69C>T Polymorphism and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Updated Meta-Analysis곽혜선; 송곤진Review
2021ABCA1 유전자 다형성과 혈중 지질 농도와의 연관성심선영Master's Thesis
2021ABCA1 유전적 다형성과 제 2형 당뇨병 발생의 연관성김지연Master's Thesis
2023ABCG2 Gene Polymorphisms May Affect the Bleeding Risk in Patients on Apixaban and Rivaroxaban곽혜선; 박준범; 송태진; 이정; 김동혁Article
2012Absorption and Metabolism of Aceclofenac김은영Doctoral Thesis
2013Adequate intensity of warfarin therapy for Korean patients with mechanical cardiac valves.곽혜선Article
2017Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation을 시행한 소아에서 Cyclosporine 치료역 미달시점이 aGVHD발생시기에 미치는 영향정은경Master's Thesis
2009Amikacin에 의해 유도되는 nephrotoxicity의 위험인자에 관한 연구윤수원Master's Thesis
2021Analysis of risk factors for hepatotoxicity induced by immune checkpoint inhibitors곽혜선Article
2021Antihypertensive drug use and psoriasis송곤진Doctoral Thesis
2022Antihypertensive drug use and psoriasis: A systematic review, meta- and network meta-analysis곽혜선; 송곤진; 이정; 김명규Review
2019APOB gene polymorphisms may affect the risk of minor or minimal bleeding complications in patients on warfarin maintaining therapeutic INR곽혜선Article
2015Application of Monodirectional Janus Patch to Oromucosal Delivery System곽혜선Article
2021Article machine learning approaches to predict hepatotoxicity risk in patients receiving nilotinib곽혜선Article
2023Association between <i>SLCO1B1</i> genetic polymorphisms and bleeding risk in patients treated with edoxaban곽혜선; 박준범; 송태진; 이정; 김동혁Article
2021Association between ABCA1 Gene Polymorphisms and Plasma Lipid Concentration: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis곽혜선Review
2021Association between ADCY9 Gene Polymorphisms and Ritodrine Treatment Outcomes in Patients with Preterm Labor김영주; 곽혜선Article
2019Association between anxiety and aggression in adolescents: a cross-sectional study곽혜선; 김주희; 송곤진Article
2021Association between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and aggression subscales in adolescents곽혜선; 송곤진Article
2017Association between CACNA1C gene polymorphisms and ritodrine-induced adverse events in preterm labor patients김영주; 곽혜선Article
2017Association between CACNA1C gene polymorphisms and ritodrine-induced cardiac adverse events백민영Master's Thesis