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dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study is to pursue teaching scheme to advance Chinese speaking ability of high school students and consequently, definition of speaking ability, general principles of speaking education and method of teaching speaking by step have been examined based on the theory of teaching foreign language. With regard to theory of scholars, step to learn speaking is classified by two steps. Type of language is possessed at the first step and data of language occurs within the limited scope is operated and practised. Methodology of teaching at this step includes imitation, recitation, replacement . transformation, consequential exercise, extended exercise, question and answer exercise and virtual communication practice. At the second step, it is a step to use the function of language and meaning of words from counterpart is understood and individual opinion or thoughts are voluntarily expressed with mutual exchange. Method of teaching at the this step includes memorizing social customary expression, instructing communication in real situation, verbal report and role play. These two steps must be closely combined and integrated in order to improve an ability of speaking. The sixth education course currently enforced and that of the seventh which is scheduled to be effective in future have been comparatively analyzed in terms of Chinese speaking education in chapter III. Unlike conventional education course which has emphasized on step to learn language form and accordingly adopted the teaching method to translate grammar, communication ability is the goal in educating foreign language as far as current and seventh education course are concerned. With regard to the contents of Chinese speaking in educational course, objective of education to teach speaking Chinese is to communicate in relatively easy language. Therefore, it has been recommended to considerably utilize various activities such as game and role play in order to maximize speaking on their own in terms of teaching method to improve an ability of speaking Chinese. On top of that, item to utilize multi media and teaching/learning materials has been newly added to enhance learning effect in the seventh education course. However, according to the research result of current status with the target of teachers and students, various issues to be solved exist in order to implement learner-centered education of speaking in real educational situation which is contrary to the development of education course. Issues to be solved and scheme to improve are as following. First, factor of educational situation. Individual teaching is difficult because of populated class. Second, inefficiency of teaching materials. Effect of speaking with current textbook is hard to be created since text book is form-oriented. As far as opinion of current teachers is concerned, grammar is too dominant and contents of conversation is also difficult in the textbook of Chinese I conversation. Conversation must be easy and interesting. Easy words can be learned easily and the simplest language is nothing but the most important word. It must be reflected in the textbook to be revised in future so that textbook can be structured more easily and interestingly. Third, specific teaching method to meet educational course must be studied. Precedent data to be studied in terms of method to teach speaking Chinese is greatly insufficient so that teaching materials to be referred by teachers are not nearly available. Thus, it is urgently required to study concrete and systematic scheme to teach speaking. Fourth, practical training of teachers are required. Since final outcome of education is manifested in class, training of teachers on method to teach speaking is absolutely prerequisite. It is assumed that more concrete and practical teaching method which can be utilized by both students and teachers are required in order to execute learner-centered class which is also pursued by educational course. Based on the issues mentioned earlier, this study has proposed to utilize multi media as a learning method to teach speaking and practice speaking voluntarily by learner in accordance with chapter of current textbook (Chinese I by Jihaksa). Concerning teaching method according to the chapter of textbook, song, actual materials, role play and verbal report etc. have been extensively utilized in order to draw interests while linking conversational situation manifested in textbook. Also, contents have been selected based on what students want to learn and what can be applied in real situation. As far as learning method with multi media is concerned, it has been introduced specifically with CD-ROM and internet in which learners and media can be mutually interacted in order to practice speaking. Having introduced above teaching methods, issues are proposed by the researcher as below. First, one of the most direct methods to promote communication is to provide an opportunity for learner to participate. Therefore, those teachers of Chinese language who aim for communication must minimize the intervention of teacher and try to lead the learner-centered class including small group learning or group activity etc. Second, if various communicative activity etc. is introduced to class as one of the methods for teacher to lead class interestingly and to induce interest and motive of learner rather than continuing predictable and conventional activity, Chinese class will be able to be far effective. Third, it is required to constantly develop and distribute abundant data on communication function to be easily used in foreign language class. Lastly, more study must be implemented in terms of evaluation tool to effectively measure an ability of verbal communication of learner.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsI. 서론 = 1 A. 연구의 목적 = 1 B. 연구의 대상 = 2 C. 연구의 방법 = 2 II. 이론적 배경 = 3 A. 말하기 능력의 정의 = 3 B. 말하기 교육의 일반 원칙 = 4 C. 단계별 지도 방법 = 6 1. 언어 형태 습득 단계에서의 지도법 = 7 1.1 모방 = 7 1.2 암송 = 8 1.3 대치·변형 연습 = 8 1.4 연쇄적 연습 = 9 1.5 확장 연습 = 9 1.6 문답 연습 = 10 1.7 가상적 의사소통 연습 = 10 2. 언어 기능 사용 단계에서의 지도법 = 11 2.1 사회 관습적 표현의 암기 = 12 2.2 실제 상황에서의 의사소통 지도 = 12 2.3 구두 보고 = 12 2.4 역할극을 활용한 지도 = 13 III. 현행 중국어 교육과정과 말하기 교육 현황 분석 = 14 A. 교육과정에서의 중국어 말하기 교육 = 14 1. 중국어 교육과정의 언어 기능 체계 = 15 2. 말하기 교육의 목표 = 17 3. 말하기 내용 = 18 4. 말하기 방법 = 19 5. 말하기 평가 = 20 B. 말하기 교육 현황 분석 = 23 1. 설문 방법 및 절차 = 23 2. 설문 내용 및 분석 결과 = 25 IV. 중국어 말하기 능력 향상을 위한 교수 학습 방안 = 35 A. 교과 단원에 따른 말하기 교수법 = 35 1. 단원 I에서의 말하기 지도 방법 = 37 2. II단원에서의 말하기 지도 방법 = 39 3. III단원에서의 말하기 지도 방법 = 43 4. IV단원에서의 말하기 지도 방법 = 48 5. 교실 중국어의 상용을 통한 말하기 지도 = 51 B. 멀티미디어를 활용한 중국어 말하기 학습법 = 52 1. CD-ROM 활용한 중국어 말하기 학습 = 52 2. 인터넷을 활용한 중국어 말하기 학습 = 53 V. 결론 = 55 참고문헌 = 58 부록 = 61 영문초록 = 67-
dc.format.extent1266006 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 교육대학원-
dc.title중국어 말하기 능력 향상을 위한 교수 방안 연구 : 고등학교 '중국어I'을 중심으로-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.identifier.major교육대학원 중국어교육전공- 2-
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