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Noodle consumption patterns of american consumers: NHANES 2001-2002
- Title
- Noodle consumption patterns of american consumers: NHANES 2001-2002
- Authors
- Chung, Chin Eun; Lee, Kyung Won; Cho, Mi Sook
- Ewha Authors
- 조미숙
- SCOPUS Author ID
- 조미숙
- Issue Date
- 2010
- Journal Title
- 1976-1457
- Citation
- NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 243 - 251
- Keywords
- Noodles; food and diet consumption patterns; NHANES 2001-2002; Americans
- Publisher
- Indexed
- Document Type
- Article
- Abstract
- Although noodles occupy an important place in the dietary lives of Americans, up until the present time research and in-depth data on the noodle consumption patterns of the US population have been very limited. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the food consumption and diet patterns of noodle consumers and non-consumers according to age, gender, income, and ethnicity. The 2001-2002 NHANES databases were used. The NHANES 2001-2002 data showed that noodle consumers reporting noodle consumption in their 24-h recall were 2,035 individuals (23.3% of total subjects). According to the results, the mean noodle consumption was 304.1 g/day/person, with 334.3 g for males and 268.0 g for females. By age, the intake of those in the age range of 9-18 years old ranked highest at 353.0 g, followed by the order of 19-50 year-olds with 333.5 g, 51-70 year-olds with by 280.4 g, older than 71years old with 252.3 g, and 1-8 year-olds with 221.5 g. By gender, males consumed more noodles than females. Also, according to income, the intake amount for the middle-income level (PIR 1 similar to 1.85) of consumers was highest at 312.5 g. Noodle intake also showed different patterns by ethnicity in which the "other" ethnic group consumed the most noodles with 366.1 g, followed by, in order, Hispanics with 318.7 g, Whites with 298.6 g, and Blacks with 289.5 g. After comparing food consumption by dividing the subjects into noodle consumers and non-consumers, the former was more likely to consume milk, fish, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and alcoholic beverages while the latter preferred meat, poultry, bread, and non-alcohol beverages.
- 10.4162/nrp.2010.4.3.243
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- 신산업융합대학 > 식품영양학과 > Journal papers
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