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dc.description.abstractThe rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has lead to the increased use of ICT in instruction and learning. The convergence of the mobile devices with existing educational technologies provides learners with greater flexibility by make learning available and accessible. The term m-learning is coined to describe the convergence of mobile technologies with e-learning (Kossen 2001). The development of m-learning products and the provision of m-learning opportunities are expected to be rapidly expanding areas of education and training. In business, for example, the importance of m-learning has been raised as many companies look into mobile technologies to support mobility of their KM activities. KM aims to leverage organizational knowledge by replicating it efficiently among the individuals with the use of ICT. When knowledge repositories in the KM system grow to incorporate the best learning in the company, organizations convert these into courses and plug them in new recruit training or link the to performance management. This way it is ensured that best practices are ingrained well into employees (from website As described by Prokesch (1997), in the ‘learning organization’ knowledge sharing activities are facilitated through the use of ICT and each participant is not learning in isolation. As the primary goal of KM is to connect people to information and people, integration of mobile technology with KM foster knowledge sharing as well as learner collaboration. Although m-learning is generally considered to increase the performance of learners by making learning accessible, no research has done in relation to the factors influencing m-learning success from the learner’s perspective. Previous researches on mobile technologies are mostly technology-oriented (S. Kristorfferson, 1999). For example, small keyboards, limited battery life, unreliable network connections are mainly concerned. However, it’s can’t be said that all problems and solutions are originated in the technical domain only. In contrast to the technical research, this study investigates key determinants of m-learning success perceived by users (and develop a model to explain how the determinants influence m-learning success). Studying m-learning success from learner perspective (how well their needs are satisfied) is critical to understand the value and efficacy of management actions and investment in m-learning. Bersin (2003) suggests several measures of e-learning success that include scores, improvements in sales, and reduction in turnover. However, too many exogenous variables can be involved to the measurements of these variables. For example, Lucas (1975) has shown a weak relationship between the economic performance of sales personnel and their information system utilization. Newmann and Segev (1980) show low correlation between bank branch users’ reaction to satisfaction factors and their organization’s performance. Therefore, User satisfaction construct is used to measure m-learning success. In IS research, user satisfaction is considered to be the most critical and widely used measure of IS success (Delone and McLean, 1992; Power and Dickenson, ). Since m-learning contents is delivered via either wired or wireless internet, they are information-oriented products and services. Thus the previous research on IS success could be applicable to understanding m-learning success. Yet, previous studies on user satisfaction are geared towards the traditional data processing, which makes this study necessary. In this study, we use a review of previous studies and focus group interviews to identify key determinants of m-learning success. In m-learning, goods and services are not clearly divided. When the products have intangible attributes, product supplier is in the service business. (Shostack, 1977, Pitt et. al, 1995). They exist along a spectrum of tangibility, from pure products to relatively pure services, with hybrid somewhere near the center point. 3 dimensions of user satisfaction were identified. Those were system quality, contents quality and service quality. These dimension were used to generate 32 items. A sample of customers were asked to rate each item on a five-point scale anchored on strongly disagree(1) and strongly agree(5). This initial questionnaire was used to assess the satisfaction of customers who had recently purchased learning products of 3 different types of m-learning site. Understanding of how the determinant collectively affect m-learning success could provide valuable guidance to both managers and researchers.-
dc.description.tableofcontents목차 Ⅰ.서론 = 1 A. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 = 1 B. 연구 방법 = 3 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 = 4 A. 모바일 인터넷과 m-learning = 4 B. 서비스 품질에 대한 이론적 고찰 = 16 C. 정보시스템 품질에 대한 이론적 고찰 = 24 Ⅲ. 연구 설계 = 29 A. m-learning 품질의 개념적 틀 = 29 B. 설문항목 도출 과정 = 31 C. 변수의 조작적 정의 = 53 Ⅳ. 실증 분석 = 58 A. 조사의 실시 및 표본의 특성 = 58 B. 상관 분석 = 59 C. 요인 분석 = 60 D. 연구모형 도출 및 가설 설정 = 69 E. 가설 검정 = 70 Ⅴ. 결론 = 73 A. 연구 결과 = 73 B. 연구의 의의 = 74 C. 연구의 한계 = 75 참고 문헌 = 77 부록-설문지 = 83 Abstract = 87-
dc.format.extent1163450 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 일반대학원-
dc.titlem-learning의 품질 요인이 고객 만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.translatedAn exploratory Study of Factors influencing on m-learning success-
dc.creator.othernameOng, Soo min-
dc.format.page92 p.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 경영학과- 2-
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