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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2022약물관련 악골괴사와 괴사를 동반한 악골골수염의 발생위험요인 비교분석이영희Master's Thesis
2021The Long-term Cumulative Survival and Success Rate of Autotransplanted Third MolarLI, JINGWENMaster's Thesis
2020An ultrasonographic evaluation of masseter muscle thickness in patients with parafunctional habit어드후미치드게렐Master's Thesis
2018Effects of pH Alteration on the Pathogenesis of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw엔제닌알파파라Master's Thesis
2012Comparative study on the Cumulative Survival Rate of Posterior Maxillary Implants by the sinus graft approachesXiuyan LiuMaster's Thesis
2015Experimental Development of Medication-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw on Rats with Precedent Metabolic Bone DiseaseJacquiline Czar I. TatadMaster's Thesis
2015An Experimental Study on the Microcracks in the Pathogenesis of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ) in RatsMaria Erika A. LandayanMaster's Thesis
2005Effect of Collagen Membrane and Atelocollagen Sponge on Bone Formationin a Rat Cranial Defect Model김지원Master's Thesis
2005The effect of Irradiated Allogenic Cancellous Bone combined with tetracycline on local bone formation in a rat calvarial modelYUN, YOUNG-JUMaster's Thesis
2007Effect of maxillary sinus graft on the survival of endosseous implants전혜란Master's Thesis
2006상악동내 골이식술과 동시 및 후에 식립된 임플란트의 3년 기능 유지율류화숙Master's Thesis
2006Microarray analysis of MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cell response to Machined titanium surface and Resorbable blast material titanium surface김현희Master's Thesis
2006Gene-expression of MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells cultured on Anodized titanium surface and Machined titanium surface by means of cDNA microarray박주미Master's Thesis
2005Experimental study on the acellular dermal matrix graft for the root coverage in dog조민영Master's Thesis
2005외장연결나사형 임프란트 Neoplant?와 3i-Osseotite?의 누년적 보존율 및 변연골의 변화김미정Master's Thesis
2005A comparison of fracture strength of porcelain versus composite resin veneered metal crown in single implant supported restoration under impact force이순임Master's Thesis
2005이중나사 구조의 원추형 내측연결 임플란트(GS II^(??))에서 지대주에 따른 삼차원 유한요소 응력분석장미라Master's Thesis
2005Comparative study on the fracture strength of metal-ceramic versus composite resin veneered metal crowns in cement-retained implant supported crowns under the vertical compressive load전경아Master's Thesis
2005근첨형 외부육각연결형 임플란트( USⅢ^(?? ))에서 지대주종류에 따른 주변골의 유한요소 응력분석김미영Master's Thesis
2005성견 경골에서 자가장골이식이 임플란트 골유착에 미치는 영향강남연Master's Thesis