2022 | 약물관련 악골괴사와 괴사를 동반한 악골골수염의 발생위험요인 비교분석 | 이영희 | Master's Thesis |
2021 | The Long-term Cumulative Survival and Success Rate of Autotransplanted Third Molar | LI, JINGWEN | Master's Thesis |
2020 | An ultrasonographic evaluation of masseter muscle thickness in patients with parafunctional habit | 어드후미치드게렐 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | Effects of pH Alteration on the Pathogenesis of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw | 엔제닌알파파라 | Master's Thesis |
2012 | Comparative study on the Cumulative Survival Rate of Posterior Maxillary Implants by the sinus graft approaches | Xiuyan Liu | Master's Thesis |
2015 | Experimental Development of Medication-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw on Rats with Precedent Metabolic Bone Disease | Jacquiline Czar I. Tatad | Master's Thesis |
2015 | An Experimental Study on the Microcracks in the Pathogenesis of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ) in Rats | Maria Erika A. Landayan | Master's Thesis |
2005 | Effect of Collagen Membrane and Atelocollagen Sponge on Bone Formationin a Rat Cranial Defect Model | 김지원 | Master's Thesis |
2005 | The effect of Irradiated Allogenic Cancellous Bone combined with tetracycline on local bone formation in a rat calvarial model | YUN, YOUNG-JU | Master's Thesis |
2007 | Effect of maxillary sinus graft on the survival of endosseous implants | 전혜란 | Master's Thesis |
2006 | 상악동내 골이식술과 동시 및 후에 식립된 임플란트의 3년 기능 유지율 | 류화숙 | Master's Thesis |
2006 | Microarray analysis of MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cell response to Machined titanium surface and Resorbable blast material titanium surface | 김현희 | Master's Thesis |
2006 | Gene-expression of MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells cultured on Anodized titanium surface and Machined titanium surface by means of cDNA microarray | 박주미 | Master's Thesis |
2005 | Experimental study on the acellular dermal matrix graft for the root coverage in dog | 조민영 | Master's Thesis |
2005 | 외장연결나사형 임프란트 Neoplant?와 3i-Osseotite?의 누년적 보존율 및 변연골의 변화 | 김미정 | Master's Thesis |
2005 | A comparison of fracture strength of porcelain versus composite resin veneered metal crown in single implant supported restoration under impact force | 이순임 | Master's Thesis |
2005 | 이중나사 구조의 원추형 내측연결 임플란트(GS II^(??))에서 지대주에 따른 삼차원 유한요소 응력분석 | 장미라 | Master's Thesis |
2005 | Comparative study on the fracture strength of metal-ceramic versus composite resin veneered metal crowns in cement-retained implant supported crowns under the vertical compressive load | 전경아 | Master's Thesis |
2005 | 근첨형 외부육각연결형 임플란트( USⅢ^(?? ))에서 지대주종류에 따른 주변골의 유한요소 응력분석 | 김미영 | Master's Thesis |
2005 | 성견 경골에서 자가장골이식이 임플란트 골유착에 미치는 영향 | 강남연 | Master's Thesis |