2021 | A Candidate for Blind Signature in Hash-and-Sign Paradigm | 이정현 | Master's Thesis |
2015 | A depth specific description of somewhat homomorphic encryption and its applications | 이향숙; 임선간 | Article |
2005 | A group key agreement protocol from pairings | 이향숙 | Article |
2018 | A lattice attack on homomorphic NTRU with non-invertible public keys | 이향숙 | Conference Paper |
2020 | A Parallelized Lattice Gadget Decomposition Algorithm with Bounded Uniform Distribution | 전소현 | Master's Thesis |
2004 | A Public Key Cryptosystem Based on Vector Decomposition Problem | 李英蘭 | Doctoral Thesis |
2013 | A Reduction of Discrete Logarithm Problem to Pairing Inversion Problem | 김은경 | Master's Thesis |
2020 | A refinement of Müller's cube root algorithm | 이향숙; 조국화 | Article |
2017 | A Revision of Quality Estimation of BKZ reduced Bases and Its Applications | 정세은 | Master's Thesis |
2004 | A self-pairing map and its applications to cryptography | 이향숙 | Article |
2011 | A short and efficient redactable signature based on RSA | 이향숙; 임선간 | Article |
2005 | A survey of scalar mutiplications and its implementation | Eom, Soo Kyung | Master's Thesis |
2023 | Adaptively Leakage-Resilient Secret Sharing Scheme with Seedless Non-malleable Extractor | 이유진 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | Addition-Subtraction-Multiplication chain for Isogeny-based Cryptography | 임희진 | Master's Thesis |
2020 | Algorithms for the Generalized NTRU Equations and their Storage Analysis | 이향숙; 임선간; 조국화 | Article |
2014 | An efficient decoding of goppa codes for the mceliece cryptosystem | 이향숙; 임선간 | Article |
2011 | An efficient incomparable public key encryption scheme | 이향숙; 임선간 | Article |
2016 | An efficient lattice reduction using reuse technique blockwisely on NTRU | 이향숙; 임선간 | Article |
2015 | An Improved Attack Algorithm on NTRU Using Modified Reuse Technique | 정경미 | Master's Thesis |
2020 | An Instantiation of IND-CCA Secure KEM based on Lattice without Random Oracle | 김재선 | Master's Thesis |
2009 | Analysis of the strong instance for the vector decomposition problem | 이향숙 | Article |
2021 | Analysis on Yu et al.'s dynamic algorithm for canonic DBC | 이향숙; 임선간; 엄수경 | Article |
2011 | Constructing elliptic curves with bilinear groups of composite order | 안소영 | Master's Thesis |
2012 | Constructing pairing-friendly curves with variable CM discriminant | 이향숙; 박철민 | Article |
2016 | Construction for Families of Pairing-friendly Elliptic Curves | 이파라 | Doctoral Thesis |
2010 | Construction of Pairing-friendly Elliptic Curves with fixed or variable CM discriminant | 조은주 | Master's Thesis |
2016 | Cryptanalysis of Feistel Block Ciphers, SIMON and SEED using Low Data Attack | 황서연 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | Duplication free public keys based on SIS-type problems | 이향숙; 임선간; 이주희 | Article |
2009 | Efficient and generalized pairing computation on Abelian varieties | 이향숙; 박철민 | Article |
2012 | Efficient computation for optimal pairings over elliptic curves | 엄수경 | Doctoral Thesis |