2014 | 1960년대 대중연애소설의 젠더 패러디 연구 | 이지영 | Doctoral Thesis |
2015 | 3-5세 누리과정 교사용 지도서에 대한 유아교사의 인식 및 활용 | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
2020 | Activation of ATM/Akt/CREB/eNOS Signaling Axis by Aphidicolin Increases NO Production and Vessel Relaxation in Endothelial Cells and Rat Aortas | 조인호; 이현주; 이지영 | Article |
2018 | Air pollution exposure during pregnancy and ultrasound and birth measures of fetal growth: A prospective cohort study in Korea | 하은희; 박혜숙; 이지영 | Article |
2024 | Association between long-term PM2.5 exposure and risk of Kawasaki disease in children: A nationwide longitudinal cohort study | 하은희; 김혜순; 이지영; 이정원; 이환희; 이지현 | Article |
2023 | Association of type 2 diabetes mellitus with lung cancer in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | 하은희; 이진화; 이지영; 김남은 | Article |
2018 | Associations between prenatal lead exposure and birth outcomes: Modification by sex and GSTM1/GSTT1 polymorphism | 하은희; 이지영 | Article |
2001 | Camptothecin과 B-lapachone에 의한 혈관세포 사멸 기전 연구 | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
2016 | Citron Rho-interacting kinase mediates arsenite-induced decrease in endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity by increasing phosphorylation at threonine 497: Mechanism underlying arsenite-induced vascular dysfunction | 조인호; 서정원; 박정현; 이현주; 이지영 | Article |
2014 | Color Filter Array 취득 영상의 디모자이킹 성능 향상 | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
2016 | Do Credibility, SNS Dependency Affect Formation of Informed Public in Rumor Communication? | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
2003 | e-learning 사이트의 학습효과 증진을 위한 interface 사용성 연구 | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | Effects of traffic-related air pollution on susceptibility to infantile bronchiolitis and childhood asthma: A cohort study in Korea | 이지영 | Article |
2003 | Evanescent-mode analysis of short-channel effect in MOSFETs | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
2016 | Expression of angiopoietin-1 in hypoxic pericytes: Regulation by hypoxia-inducible factor-2 alpha and participation in endothelial cell migration and tube formation | 조인호; 박윤신; 이지영 | Article |
2019 | Fine particulate matter and incidence of metabolic syndrome in non-CVD patients: A nationwide population-based cohort study | 하은희; 박혜숙; 홍영선; 이은경; 이지영 | Article |
2005 | Functional Studies on Small Ubiquitin Related Modifier, SUMO-1, in Stress Response | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
2010 | H. Villa-Lobos의 피아노 모음곡 「Prole do Bébé No.1」의 분석 연구 | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
2002 | Matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), membranous type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 (TIMP-2) mRNA expression in endometriosis | 이지영 | Doctoral Thesis |
2020 | Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species in TNFα-induced necroptosis | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
1996 | Pierre Boulez의 Structures la에 대한 연구 | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | Preventive Effect of Residential Green Space on Infantile Atopic Dermatitis Associated with Prenatal Air Pollution Exposure | 하은희; 이지영; 이명지 | Article |
2013 | Protein phosphatase 2A B56 alpha mediates retinoic acid -induced decreases in phosphorylation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase at serine 1179 and nitric oxide production | 조인호; 안정혁; 성혜윤; 박정현; 이지영 | Meeting Abstract |
2021 | Rethinking the Homeland through Female Narratives in Hollywood Asian Family Films | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | Synergistic anti-tumor effects of bevacizumab and tumor targeted polymerized VEGF siRNA nanoparticles | 이지영 | Article |
2002 | TV홈쇼핑에서의 의복 구매 행동에 관한 연구 | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
2007 | Web 2.0 RSS를 기반으로 한 WBI 교육정보시스템 설계 및 구현 | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
2019 | 간호대학생의 독일간호실습 경험 | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
1999 | 갈색계 자연염료를 이용한 고서화이미지의 텍스타일 디자인 연구 : 커피염색을 중심으로 | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |
1997 | 고서의 디지털화와 색인에 관한 연구 | 이지영 | Master's Thesis |