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Showing results 1 to 30 of 163

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
19961920年代 後半 民族唯一黨運動에 관한 硏究이은경Master's Thesis
20081930-1940년대 미국 초현실주의 미술에 대한 연구이은경Master's Thesis
2010A projection pursuit index for large p small n data이은경Article
2019A Study on Factors Determining of Officetel Price in Seoul Using Data Mining Methods김예은Master's Thesis
2020A Study on Various Deep Learning Algorithms with R박정민Master's Thesis
2020Ablation of Peroxiredoxin V Exacerbates Ischemia/Reperfusion-Induced Kidney Injury in Mice이은경; 우현애Article
2022Adjustment for Multimorbidity in Estimations of the Burden of Diseases Using Korean NHIS Data박혜숙; 이은경; 신윤희; 이혜아Article
2020An allometric pharmacokinetic model and minimum effective analgesic concentration of fentanyl in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery이은경Article
2015An Open-label Comparison of a New Generic Sevoflurane Formulation with Original Sevoflurane in Patients Scheduled for Elective Surgery under General Anesthesia이은경Article
2019Analysis of Domestic Cause of Death Data Using Big Data Visualization Technique오래은Master's Thesis
2022Applying Binary and Count Sampling Strategies for Zero-Inflated Models주선미Master's Thesis
2018Association of blood pressure components with mortality and cardiovascular events in prehypertensive individuals: a nationwide population-based cohort study이외숙; 하은희; 강덕희; 최규복; 김승정; 박은미; 류동열; 이은경Article
2021Bayesian multivariate receptor modeling software: BNFA and bayesMRM오만숙; 이은경Article
2017Blood pressure control during chronic kidney disease progression이외숙; 하은희; 강덕희; 최규복; 김승정; 류동열; 이은경; 오형중Article
2014Blood pressure lowering effect of korea ginseng derived ginseol K-g1이은경; 김주희Article
2022Can focus salvage the double accusative ditranstive construction in Korean? An experimental investigation이은경Article
2020Changes in plasma volume before and after major abdominal surgery following stroke volume variation-guided fluid therapy: a randomized controlled trial이은경Article
2020Comparison of Customer Personalized Item Recommendation Algorithms Based on E-Commerce Data정혜윤Master's Thesis
2017Comparison of parameter estimation methods to various types of population pharmacokinetic models using ML and REML method문지수Master's Thesis
2016Comparison of the analgesic effect of patient-controlled oxycodone and fentanyl for pain management in patients undergoing colorectal surgery이은경Article
2016Data Visualization and Statistical Graphics in Big Data Analysis이은경Review; Book Chapter
2020Development and validation of the food involvement inventory (FII) featuring the attitudinal constructs김광옥; 이은경; 정서진Article
2022Development of a new pharmacokinetic model for target-concentration controlled infusion of vancomycin in critically ill patients이은경Article
2011Diet quality scores and oxidative stress in Korean adults권오란; 이은경Article
2024Dosing Strategy of Ramosetron to Prevent Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting and Development of Prediction Models Using Data Obtained From Randomized Controlled Trials: A Comparative Study이은경Article
2017Effect of Blood Pressure Control on Cardiovascular Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease이슬비Master's Thesis
2017Effect of flour information (origin and organic) and consumer attitude to health and natural product on bread acceptability of Korean consumers김광옥; 이은경Article
2022Effects of Story Grammar Instruction on Korean EFL College Students’ Reading Comprehension, Key-Words Recall, and Reading Strategy Use이은경Doctoral Thesis
2016Efficiency of a New Mesh-Type Nebulizer (NE-SM1 NEPLUS) for Intrapulmonary Delivery of Ipratropium Bromide in Surgical Patients이은경Article
2024Electroencephalographic Features of Elderly Patients during Anesthesia Induction with Remimazolam: A Substudy of a Randomized Controlled Trial이은경Article