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Showing results 1 to 30 of 55

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
20232030 세대의 다차원적인 노화불안 내면화LI, LINMaster's Thesis
2018Adoption of mobile apps for mental health: Socio-psychological and technological factors안순태Conference Paper
2014Advertising or games? advergames on the internet gaming sites targeting children안순태Article
2021Binge Drinking and Obesity-Related Eating: The Moderating Roles of the Eating Broadcast Viewing Experience among Korean Adults김혜경; 안순태Article
2014Children's advertising literacy for advergames: Perception of the game as advertising안순태Article
2022Cognitive and Emotional Assessment toward Suicidal People: Korean Suicide Stigma Scale for General Public안순태; 이하나Article
2020Cultural Differences in Reactions to Suicidal Ideation: A Mixed Methods Comparison of Korea and Australia안순태Article
2012Dietary supplement advertising in the US: A review and research agenda안순태Article
2024Disclosure-induced skepticism of greenfluencers’ postsPranoto, Athira TajaMaster's Thesis
2024Disconnected in a Connected WorldJohnson Aliesha RaeMaster's Thesis
2013Do online ad breaks clearly tell kids that advergames are advertisements that intend to sell things?안순태Article
2020Do websites contain factors to aid older adults’ adoption of health-related information and communication technology?안순태Article
2022Evaluating a shared decision-making intervention regarding dialysis modality: development and validation of self-assessment items for patients with chronic kidney disease류동열; 안순태; 김수진Article
2010HIV/AIDS stigma and religiosity among african American women안순태Article
2013How direct-to-consumer drug websites convey disease information: Analysis of stigma-reducing components안순태Article
2024How people react to suicidal ideation: The effect of suicide literacy, suicide stigma, and expressive suppression안순태; 이하나Article
2024K-Pop Exposure and Appearance Anxiety in Young WomenQiao, LeiMaster's Thesis
2019Korean children's understanding of social media advergames: An exploratory study of ad recognition and skeptical attitudes toward advertising안순태Article
2020Marriage migrants' use of social media안순태Article
2019Mediating effects of emotional venting via instant messaging (IM) and positive emotion in the relationship between negative emotion and depression [부정적 정서와 우울의 관계에서 인스턴트 메시징(Instant Messaging)을 통한 감정 표출과 긍정적 정서의 매개효과]안순태Article
2011Mitigating the effects of advergames on children: Do advertising breaks work?안순태Article
2024Mobile contents for daily mood management: application of regulation focus theory안순태; 이하나Article
2020Perceived Benefits of and Barriers to Disclosure of Depressive Feelings: An Exploratory Study Using Semantic Network Analysis안순태Article
2023Perceived COVID-19 susceptibility and preventive behaviors: moderating effects of social support in Italy and South Korea안순태; Peter J. SchulzArticle
2019Recognizing Native Ads as Advertising: Attitudinal and Behavioral Consequences안순태Article
2018Self-regulation for Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA): Analysis of OBA notices안순태Article
2014SNS 공공건강정보 수용요인에 관한 연구이민지Master's Thesis
2022Social stigma of suicide in South Korea: A cultural perspective안순태; 이하나Article
2016Social Stigma Toward Suicide: Effects of Group Categorization and Attributions in Korean Health News안순태Article