2014 | 2-(trimethylammonium) ethyl (R)-3-methoxy-3-oxo-2-stearamidopropyl phosphate suppresses osteoclast maturation and bone resorption by targeting macrophage-colony stimulating factor signaling | 배윤수; 이수영; 김재상 | Article |
2019 | 2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl (R)-3-methoxy-3-oxo-2-stearamidopropyl phosphate enhances thrombopoietin-induced megakaryocytic differentiation and plateletogenesis | 배윤수; 김재상 | Article |
2012 | 2-(Trimethylammonium)ethyl (R)-3-methoxy-3-oxo-2-stearamidopropyl phosphate promotes megakaryocytic differentiation of myeloid leukaemia cells and primary human CD34 + haematopoietic stem cells | 전길자; 배윤수; 한소엽; 김재상; 임진경 | Article in Press |
2013 | A High-Dimensional, Deep-Sequencing Study of Lung Adenocarcinoma in Female Never-Smokers | 이상혁; 김재상; 김완규; 정연주 | Article |
2015 | A highly recurrent novel missense mutation in CD28 among angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma patients | 이상혁; 김재상 | Letter |
2022 | A novel kinase inhibitor ax-0085 inhibits interferon-γ-mediated induction of pd-l1 expression and promotes immune reaction to lung adenocarcinoma cells | 김재상 | Article |
2012 | A positive feedback loop between Sox2 and Sox6 inhibits neuronal differentiation in the developing central nervous system | 이경은 | Doctoral Thesis |
2014 | A recurrent inactivating mutation in RHOA GTPase in angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma | 이상혁; 김재상; 김완규 | Article |
2009 | A study of microRNAs in silico and in vivo: Emerging regulators of embryonic stem cells | 김재상 | Short Survey |
2014 | Ahnak functions as a tumor suppressor via modulation of TGFβ/Smad signaling pathway | 배윤수; 김재상; 이대기; 이인혜 | Article in Press |
2014 | Ahnak functions as a tumor suppressor via modulation of TGFβ/Smad signaling pathway. | 배윤수; 김재상; 이대기; 이인혜 | Article |
2006 | An essential complementary role of NF-κB pathway to microbicidal oxidants in Drosophila gut immunity | 이원재; 김재상; 이대기 | Article |
2021 | Analysis of transgenic murine models for T-cell lymphoma | 이규진 | Doctoral Thesis |
2020 | Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma-like lymphadenopathy in mice transgenic for human RHOA with p.Gly17Val mutation | 이상혁; 김재상; 이대기 | Article |
2006 | Basic helix-loop-helix gene hes6 delineates the sensory hair cell lineage in the inner ear | 김재상 | Article |
2007 | Bcl-XL/Bax proteins direct the fate of embryonic cortical precursor cells | 김재상 | Article |
2017 | Characterization of developmental defects in the forebrain resulting from hyperactivated mTOR signaling by integrative analysis of transcriptomic and proteomic data | 이상혁; 김재상 | Article |
2015 | Characterization of SLC22A18 as a tumor suppressor and novel biomarker in colorectal cancer | 이상혁; 김재상; 정연주 | Article |
2020 | Characterization of TNNC1 as a Novel Tumor Suppressor of Lung Adenocarcinoma | 이상혁; 김재상; 정연주 | Article |
2010 | ChimerDB 2.0 A knowledgebase for fusion genes updated | 이상혁; 김재상 | Article |
2020 | ChimerDB 4.0: an updated and expanded database of fusion genes | 이상혁; 김재상 | Article |
2011 | Clinical validation of colorectal cancer biomarkers identified from bioinformatics analysis of public expression data | 이상혁; 김재상; 김완규; 정연주 | Article |
2007 | Clinical validity of the lung cancer biomarkers identified by bioinformatics analysis of public expression data | 이상혁; 김재상 | Article |
2023 | Conserved miR-370-3p/BMP-7 axis regulates the phenotypic change of human vascular smooth muscle cells | 이상혁; 강상원; 김재상; 이두재; 정연주 | Article |
2009 | Coordination of multiple dual oxidase-regulatory pathways in responses to commensal and infectious microbes in drosophila gut | 이원재; 김재상 | Article |
2004 | Cutting edge: Direct interaction of TLR4 with NAD(P)H oxidase 4 isozyme is essential for lipopolysaccharide-induced production of reactive oxygen species and activation of NF-kappa B | 배윤수; 이원재; 김재상 | Article |
2010 | Cytosolic Hsp60 Is Involved in the NF-kB-Dependent Survival of Cancer Cells via IKK Regulation | 이공주; 이수영; 강상원; 김재상; 이두재 | Article |
2015 | Cytosolic Hsp60 orchestrates the survival and inflammatory responses of vascular smooth muscle cells in injured aortic vessels | 이상혁; 강상원; 김재상; 이두재; 정연주; 강동훈 | Article |
2010 | dCIP4 (Drosophila Cdc42-interacting protein 4) restrains synaptic growth by inhibiting the secretion of the retrograde glass bottom boat signal | 김재상; 이대기 | Article |
2006 | Differential actions of the proneural genes encoding Mash1 and neurogenins in Nurr1-induced dopamine neuron differentiation | 김재상 | Article |