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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2018A Study on Job Embeddedness, Turnover Intention, and OCBLI, WENBOMaster's Thesis
2008An exploratory study on meta skills in software development teams: Antecedent cooperation skills and personality for shared mental models강혜련; 양희동Article
2020Exploring the Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Counterproductive Work Behavior in ChinaYOU, XINMENGMaster's Thesis
2006Factors in team effectiveness: Cognitive and demographic similarities of software development team members강혜련; 양희동Article
2016Female manager career success: The importance of individual and organizational factors in South Korea강혜련Article
2020Regulatory Focus and Employee CreativityDING, LINMaster's Thesis
2017The Impact of Female Managers’ Narcissism and Communicative Competencies for Career on Career SuccessLIU YINGMaster's Thesis
2019The Impact of Power Distance and Zhong-Yong Thinking on Voice BehaviorGAO, WEIWEIMaster's Thesis
2017The Impact of Regulatory Focus and Perceived Organizational Benevolent Climate on Innovative Behaviors of Knowledge WorkersSONG, XUNMaster's Thesis
2018The Impact of Team Learning Goal Orientation and Psychological Collectivism on Team CreativitySHANG, SHANGMaster's Thesis
2005Women in management in South Korea: Advancement or retrenchment?강혜련Article
2007가족친화제도에 대한 근로자의 유용성 지각이 조직효과성에 미치는 영향장예지Master's Thesis
2011기혼 남녀근로자의 직장-가정간 역할상승효과 및 선행요인 연구이상미Master's Thesis
2023상사에 대한 공정성 지각과 부하의 공정성 감수성이 조직몰입 및 이직의도에 미치는 영향이호정Master's Thesis
1999애정표현 훈련(affection training)이 유치원에 통합된 자폐아동의 사회적 상호작용 발달에 미치는 효과강혜련Master's Thesis
2004여성관리자 경력개발의 통합모형에 관한 연구조미영Master's Thesis
2000유아의 창의성과 언어 및 사고 능력의 관계강혜련Master's Thesis
2004지식근로자 팀 효과성의 통합 모델임희정Doctoral Thesis
2016직무배태성이 이직의도 및 일-가정 갈등에 미치는 영향전영은Master's Thesis