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dc.description.abstract본 연구의 목적은 창의성의 인지적·인성적 측면을 고루 갖춘 창의융합인재 양성을 위한 미술과와 사회과의 교과통합수업을 구성하여 중학교 3학년의 창의적 인성에 미치는 영향을 확인하는데 있다. 본 연구에서는 미술교과에 내재된 간학문적 특성과 창의적 특성이 미래인재 양성을 위한 새로운 교육 방안 탐색에서 주요하게 작용할 것으로 보고, 학생들의 잠재된 창의적 능력과 소질 계발의 기회를 제공하는 미술교과 교육으로 발전할 필요가 있다고 판단하였다. 이를 위한 미술 교과 운영 방안으로 미술과 중심의 간학문적 통합교육을 계획하였으며, 수업 내용 면에서는 기후변화와 지구온난화를 중심 주제로 미술교과와 사회교과의 간학문적 교과내용을 다루면서 미술교과의‘체험·표현·감상’영역의 균형 있는 학습으로 재구성하고자 하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 창의적인 문제 해결 방안을 모색하는 미술과 표현활동 과정에서 교과 간 지식의 통합적 활용이 학생의 창의성 신장에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 것으로 기대하고, 학생의 창의적 인성을 살펴 교과통합수업과 실제적인 창의역량 함양 간의 의미를 확인하고자 하였다. 이와 같은 연구목적 아래 프로그램 구성을 위한 연구방법은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 국내외에서 논의되고 있는 창의성 및 창의적 인성 교육에 대한 개념과 이론을 검토하여 창의적 인성 교육의 필요성을 확인하고, 미술과 중심의 창의성교육의 선행연구 및 이론을 고찰하였다. 둘째, 국내 미술교육과정의 동향과 2009·2015개정 중학교 미술교육과정과 교과통합수업 이론과의 연관을 분석 및 확인함으로써 미술과 중심의 교과통합의 가능성을 탐색하였다. 이를 근거로 표준 교과서와 학교 수준의 교육과정에서 중심 주제와 미술·사회과의 연계 지점을 찾아 교과통합수업을 설계하였다. 셋째, 서울에 소재한 D여자중학교 3학년 전체 7개 학급의 학생 154명을 대상으로‘우리학교를 에코스쿨로 리디자인하기’수업을 적용하였으며, 전체 대상 중 교과통합의 적용 유무를 독립변인으로 하는 88명의 실험집단과 66명의 통제집단의 창의적인성의 사전·사후 변화를 측정 및 비교하였다. 창의적 인성의 측정도구는 하주현(외 2인, 2011)이 개발한 KEDI 창의적 인성검사(CPS, Creative Personality Scale)에서‘중·고등학생용 창의적 인성검사지’를 사용하였다. 실험처치 후 t검정을 통해 실험집단과 비교집단의 사전·사후 창의적 인성 수준 차이를 살폈다. 본 연구의 실증분석은 모두 유의수준 p<.05, p<.01, p<.001에서 검증하였으며, SPSS ⅴ. 19.0 프로그램을 사용하여 통계 처리하였다. ;The purpose of the study is to design a curriculum integration course between arts and social studies in order to cultivate creative convergence talent who has both creativity cognitive and personality aspects and to identify the curriculum integration centered on arts, on creative personality of third grade middle school students. This study suggests that the interdisciplinary characteristics and creative problem solving process inherent in the arts curriculum will play a major role in the search for a new educational plan for future talent development. Breaking from the existing curriculum that was operated as a single curriculum, it determined that it is necessary to develop an integrated art curriculum that provides opportunities for development of their talent and creativity which are potentially inherent in students. For this purpose, it planned an interdisciplinary integrated education centered on art subject, and in thecontext of the contents of the class, it aimed to restructure the contents that have the balance of 'experience, expression and appreciation', which are the fields of art subject. Therefore, in this study, it is expected that the integrated use of subject knowledge will positively influence the creative thinking and creative expressive ability of students in the process of aesthetic expression activity seeking solutions to creative problems. The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of curriculum integration and achievement of students' actual creative capacity depending on their improvement of creative personality. The research methods for constructing the program are as follows. First, the concept and theory of creativity and creative personality education discussed here and abroad were examined, and the necessity of creativity personality education was pointer out. In addition, prior studies and theories of art and centered creativity education were examined. Second, it analyzed the possibility of Korean art education curriculum and the relation between the art education curriculum of 2009·2015 revised middle school curriculum and curriculum integrated class theory. Based on this, the study designed the integrated textbooks for classroom and school-level curriculum to figure out the linkage points between the central theme and the arts and social studies. Third, it applied the 'Redesigning our school as an eco-school' class to 154 students in 7 classes of D girls middle school in Seoul, and 88 experimental group and the 66 control groups depending on whether integrated curriculum was applied were measured and compared in terms of the pre-and post-change of creativity. As for the creative personality measurement tool, it applied 'Creative Personality Tests for Middle and High School Students' in KEDI Creative Personality Scale developed by Ha-Joo Hyun (2 others, 2011). After experiment, the difference in creative personality of experimental group and control group through t-test, was examined. All the empirical analyzes of this study were verified at significance level p <.05, p <.01, p <.001, and analysis was performed using the SPSS v. Statistical 19.0 program. The main results of the comparison of the pre- and post-treatment of the two groups were as follows. First, the level of creative personality in experimental group and control group according to presence or absence of arts-centered subject integration showed a positive effect on creative personality level than control group. The experimental group showed significant changes in all the sub-domains of the creativity test, and positive changes in order of task attachment, aesthetics, curiosity, risk taking, respectively. In this regard, the integrated approach to social studies in the arts and subjects that focuses on solving global environmental problems gives direct motivation to problem solving, such as expanding the intersection of students' life experiences and broadening overlapping points and thus, it is seen that their task attachment tendency has increased a lot by focusing solely on completing their task. In addition, students can experience a sense of risk-taking and open-mindedness in the process of looking at new and creative problem-solving methods by looking at problems from various perspectives and experiencing integrated knowledge utilization in problem solving process. This result corresponds to the conclusion of a number of studies on creativity that lead to improvement of various factors of creative personality, which is a tendency of creativity as well as creativity thinking ability in high level thinking process of students mobilized for creative problem solving. Second, when comparing the six sub-domains of creative personality expressed in the experimental group and the control group, the experimental group showed remarkable growth in all the creative personality sub-domains. On the other hand, the control group showed the risk reduction, while there was no change or significance in the openness of thinking, uniqueness of judgment, but a somewhat significant change in curiosity, task obsession, and esthetics was shown. The results of this study were as follows: First, the experimental group showed higher growth in the order of task attachment(.29), uniqueness of judgment(.27), curiosity(.22), esthetic(.20), risk-taking(.13), and openness of thinking(.09). The reason for the improvement of creativity in both groups was that the experimental group had a common conceptual learning through the interdisciplinary approach of integration, while the control group showed the effect of common conceptual learning among the subjects due to the influence of the multidisciplinary integration of the subject. Despite the fact that integrated impact of academic knowledge on the control group was not considered in the research plan, the lessons learned in both groups were more integrated in the way of class composition even though the same group of subjects were treated in the same period. And therefore, the control group lesson, which was operated by the separated class, also taught the common concept between the art subject and the social studies by dealing with the common theme among the subjects, indicating that it can also be seen to achieve multidisciplinary integrated approach. Third, as a result of comparing the evaluation results of experimental group and control group, both groups showed creative expression, but the results of experiment group showed higher understanding of class topic in presenting creative idea than control group result. In the process of redesigning the school space according to the space design process, the prominent part of the results of the experimental group compared to that of the control group, showed a wide range of understanding of the school space and many attempts to express it from various perspectives. Based on the understanding of school, it also showed differences in the attempt to present a more structurally expanded space design idea by showing imagination and creativity. On the other hand, in the qualitative evaluation of the practical result, the aesthetic level of the two groups did not show a significant difference, but there was a difference in the completeness of the result, the detailed description, and various expression methods. This is because the integrated approach of the arts not only induces the interest and curiosity of the students in the process of artistic representation, but also derives a challenge to their own expressions in the process of their own expression. In this process, it can be understood that they are able to get confidence by themselves through the expression achieved from various attempts. Through the above research results, the integrated approach of the art subject in the third grade of middle school would guide the student to develop various ability to utilize knowledge to expand the perspective of problem situations and to find solutions. Moreover, in the process of presenting the ability as aesthetic expressions, it can be seen that this would be an effective method for cultivating creative personality such as obsession, independent judgment, risk-taking, curiosity, and openness of thinking. In particular, the integrated courses of arts and social studies in the third grade in middle school integrate the social issues which pass through the contents of the three years of middleschool, and thus students can easily access the learning topics based on the prior learning contents and by choosing social problems closely related to their surroundings, students were able to recognize the problem consciousness. In this regard, it has a significance in that it serve as a teaching method suitable for the subject lesson focusing on the student's experience and understanding.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsⅠ. 서론 1 A. 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 B. 연구의 내용 및 방법 5 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7 A. 창의성창의적 인성 교육 7 B. 미술과 중심의 교과통합수업 57 Ⅲ. 미술과사회과의 통합수업 연구방법 102 A. 연구대상 및 절차 102 B. 연구 도구 106 Ⅳ. 연구 결과 및 논의 148 A. 연구결과 148 B. 논의 170 Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 175 참고문헌 179 부록목차 182 ABSTRACT 247-
dc.format.extent13359007 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 교육대학원-
dc.title미술과·사회과 교과통합수업이 중학교 3학년의 창의적 인성에 미치는 영향-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.translatedThe Effects of Integrated Curriculum of Art and Social Sciences on Creative Personality of 3rd Grade Middle School Students-
dc.creator.othernameRhee, Ja Ae-
dc.format.pagevii, 252 p.-
dc.identifier.major교육대학원 미술교육전공- 2-
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