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도시와 농가의 가계소비지출 비교분석

도시와 농가의 가계소비지출 비교분석
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교육대학원 가정과교육전공
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
본 논문은 우리나라의 도시가구와 농가가구의 소비수준과 소비추세를 비교파악하고, 건전한 가계운영의 방향을 모색할 수 있는 기본자료를 얻기 위하여 다음과 같은 문제를 분석하였다. A. 물가변동과 가계소비지출 B. 소득과 소비지출과의 관계 C. 가구인원수별 소비지출 D. 도시가구와 농가가구의 비목별 소비지출구조 1965년부터 1973년까지 9년간의 도시가계와 농가가계의 소비지출에 관한 기존통계자료를 이용하여 시계별방법으로 분석처리한 결과는 다음과 같다. A. 물가는 매년 높은 **률을 보이고 있으며 물가의 상승률이 크면 클수록 실질소득이 감소하므로 소득탄력성이 큰 피복비, 잡비는 구성비율이 줄어드는 현상이 나타났다. B. 도시가구와 농가가구는 소득의 가감에 따라 소비지출도 증가추세를 보이고 있으나 소비성향은 낮아지고 있다. 지난 9년간 도시와 농가의 소득과 소비지출에는 격차가 심했으나 해가 감에 따라 다소 그 격차가 축소되는 현상을 보이고 있다. C. 가구원규모가 커짐에 따라 1인당 소비지출액은 체감되었다. 주거비와 광열비는 가구원수가 증가함에 따라 완만한 증가추세를 보이나 잡비는 가구인원수가 증가함에 따라 소비패턴에도 변화를 가져왔다. 음식물비의 구성비율은 점차 감소되고, 반면에 주거비, 잡비의 구성비율은 상대적으로 커지고 있다. 도시가구와 농가가구의 격차가 가장 심한 비목은 주거비이고 가장 작은 격차를 보이는 것은 광열비로 나타났다. 소비지출비목의 구성비율 크기를 보면, 음식물비, 잡비, 주거비, 피복비, 광열비의 순서이다. 그리고 9년간 증가율이 가장 높았던 비목은 도시의 경우는 잡비이고 농가의 경우는 주거비로 나타났다. 반면 가장 낮은 증가추세를 보인 비목은 도시가구는 음식물비, 농가구는 광열비로 나타났다.;A comparative economic analysis of household consumption expenditure on urban and rural households Ⅰ. Topics of study and research A. Households' consumption behavior in relation to the price fructuation. B. Economic relations between change of income and household consumption expenditure. C. Household's consumption spending behavior relative to the number of hosehold members. D. Structure change of rural and urban households' consumpti expenditure by the spending items. Ⅰ. Methods used in the analysis In this dissertation the existent statistical data of urban and rural households were used for the time-series analysis from the year of 1965 to 1973. The current prices of the above mentioned materials. were converted into the constant ones on the basis of 1970's price. And here used deflator is the index number of wholesale prices excerpted from the EPB's the Korea Economic Yearbook, 1974 . The rate of variation in disposable income or consumption spending by the items was calculated on the basis of 1965=100 by the researcher. Ⅱ. Summary of Outcomes. A. Recently the Korean economy has seen a soaring-up slope in consumer prices or wholesale prices under this circumstance the real income of every household decreased greatly leading to the following structure change in households' consumption spending; while the weight of spending for the food and the residence, low in income elasticity, increased the weight of spending for the clothing and the miscellaneous usages, high in income elasticity, decreased. B. As disposable income increased, the consumption expenditur of urban and rural households increased also. But the properisity to consume decreased. During the nine years, the gap of income or consumption expenditure between urban households and rural ones which has been deep-wided is recently much narrowed. C. The per capita consumption expenditure decreases as the number of household member increases. And as the number of household member increases, the spending for the fuel and power increases more in laxity, but spending for the misce-llaneous usages increase more sharply. D. During the nine years the consumption pattern has generally along with the variation of prices and income ; the composition weight of the spending for food has decreased, but that of the residence and miscellaneous usages has increased. In comparison of urban households with rural ones, a deepest gap of spending weight can be seen in the spending for the residence, most shallow in the spending for the fuel and power. And the heavier items in composition weight of consumption expenditure can be ordinally lined up as follows; spending for food, miscellaneous usages, residence, clothing, fuel and power. And during the nine years, the items that showed the hightest increasing rate of spending are the spending for miscellaneous usages in urban households, and spending for residence in rural households. In contrast with that, the most laxing items are spending for food in urban households, spending for fuel and power in rural households.
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