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dc.description.abstract현대사회는 과학문명의 급진적인 발전과 오토메이숀에 의한 대량생산으로 노동시간이 단축되어가고 있으며 반면 여가는 중대되고 있다. 또한 현대의 도시인들은 소위 공해문명에 시달려 신체적으로나 정신적으로 많은 위기에 당면하고 있다. 이러한 관점에서 여가 선용은 중요한 것이며 건전한 여가활동은 심신의 건강과 나아가서는 바람직한 사회를 이룩하는데 크게 공헌하고 있다고 본다. 특히 현대인들은 대리만족에 그치는 수동적이고 정적인 여가활동 보다는 실행만족을 가져다 주는 능동적이고 동적인 운동을 갈구하고 있다. 이러한 여가운동은 건강과 체력을 향상 시키며 기분전환에 따른 심신의 피로를 회복하므로서 작업능률이 향상되고 욕구불만을 해소하게 되는등 우리일상생활에 바람직한 기능을 지니고 있다. 본 연구는 이런한 관점에서 도시인을 조사 연구 대상으로 하여 서울특별시에 거주하고 있는 약 500명을 대상으로 설문지법에 의하여 조사하였다. 조사내용으로는 여가운동<Leisure sports>의 종목, 경험, 태도, 지도문제, 운동후의 효과 및 징후등의 실태를 조사하고 이를 성별, 계층별 생활정도별로 분석 고찰하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 남자는 평균 16개 종목, 여자는 8개 종목의 여가운동 경험이 있으며 남자의 경우 스케이트, 탁구, 등산캠핑, 배구, 여행을 90%이상이 경험한바 있고 여자의 경우도 베드민턴, 탁구가 80%이상의 경험을 한 것으로 나타났다. 계층별로 본 경험 빈도가 많은 순위는 고교생이 베드민턴, 탁구, 스케이트, 배구, 농구 등이고 대학생은 스케이트, 탁구, 베드민턴, 배구, 등산캠핑이며 일반인은 탁구, 베드민턴, 배구, 등산캠핑, 여행의 순으로 나타났으며 고교생은 평균 9~10개 종목을, 대학생은 11~12개 종목을 일반인은 13개 종목의 여가운동을 해본 경험이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 생활정도로 보면 상류층이 13개종목, 중류층이 12개종목 하류층이 10개 종목을 경험하고 있음이 밝혀졌다. 학교에서 여가운동의 기회는 구기종목에 남, 여 각각 높은 비율을 나타 내었는데 이것은 학교에서의 여가운동 교육이 시설관계상 단체종목에 치중하고 있다는 것을 나타냈다. 여가운동을 하는 기회에 관하여는 클럽활동이나 개인적으로 하는 기회가 동등하게 높은비율을 보였다. 여가운동을 하는 이유에있어 대학생과 고등학생은 건강을 위해서가 높은율을 보였고 일반인은 기분전환을 위해서가 높은 율을 나타냈다. 이는 일반인과 스포오츠를 하는 목적이 다름을 알수있다. 교교육면에 있어서 여가운동에 관한 교육이 부족하다는 사람이 전체의 68.6% 이며, 시설면에 있어서 부족하다고 생각하는 사람이 49.5%로서 높은율을 나타내고 있어 교육면에 있어 시설의 개선책이 요망된다고 본다. 여가운동을 하게 된 동기에 관하여는 친지의 권유로가 가장높은 것으로서 여가운동은 혼자보다는 동반자가 있어야 함을 알 수 있었다. 여가운동의 지도자 육성에 관한 의견에서 전문적인 육성기관이나 학교교육에서 다루어져야 한다는 의견이 지배적이었다. 여가운동후에 나타나는 징후 및 효과에 관하여는 일부 정신적 육체적 피로징후가 어느정도 있었으나 오히려 효과적인 징후가 많았음이 나타났다. 이상의 결과와 고찰을 통하여 볼때 여가활동이 우리 도시인에게 정신적 육체적으로 많은 효과를 나타내고 있으나 그에비해 학교나 사회에서의 일반대중을 위한 여가운동의 제도나 조직이 미흡하여 특히 시설과 지도자 양성면에서 국가적인 차원의 정책적인 배려와 지원이 요청된다. 또한 경제적으로 비용이 적게 드는 여가운동의 여건을 만들어 주어 일반대중들이 보다많이 여가활동에 참여할 수 있도록 하여야 된다고 생각한다. In accordance with the increasing rate of modern technological progress and mass-production due to automation, people, are inreasingly more interested in the enjoyment of leisure. The environment pollution, at the same time, exposed modern men to crises, psychological as well as phyical. In view of these changes, enjoyment by leisure plays its important role for health and recreation, and social health, modern men prefer active and dynamic game to static and passive activities, and sports, in this sense, have multiple functions: improvement of health, improvement of work efficienced, compensation for repression, etc. My thesis attempts, in this light, an analysis of various response of modern men to sports and leisure, especially among urban men, and prasped them in terms of sex, age, social groups, and economic level. I chose 500 students and citizens of Seoul, and studied the participated sports, frequency, opportunity, behavioral effects, and results, and derived from them some problems in school activities. I drew out the following conclusions. (1) Men have taken part in 16 kinds of leisure sports, among which more than 90 percent of them are interested in such sports as skating, table tennis, mountain climbing, volley ball, and sightseeing. Women, on the other hand, have participated in 8 kinds of leisure sports. Badminton and table tennis are the main sourcse of their activities to more than 80 percent of women. (2) The order in which high school students are interested in leisure sports runs as follows: badminton, table tennis, skating volley ball, and basket ball. College students are fond of skating, table tennis, badminton, volley ball, and camping. And general citizen of Seoul are interested in table tennis, badminton, volley ball, moutain climbing and camping, and sightseeing. High school students take part in 9 to 10 kinds of activities, college students participated in 11 to 12 kinds, and general citizens of Seoul are interested in 13 kinds of activitied. (3) Upper class generally participate in 13 kinds of leisure sports. The middle class are interested in 12 kinds of activities. (4) In school, as leisure sports, men and women take part in such collective games as ball games, which seems to have some relation with curriculum. Meanwhile, in leisure hours in outside of school, they are interested in club activities, summer schools or seminars, and train camps. Students differ from citizens in the reason for their participation. Students take part in leisure sports for the purpose of keeping their body healthy, while general citizen are fond of them for recrcation. (5) As to the effects and results of leisure sports, many people say that such activities are good in mental, as well as physical, sensory nerves. And most of them want more facilities for leisure sports to be built by authorities concerned. (6) The participants of leisure sports are, for the most part, motivated by relatives. And guides and trainers also begin to be interested in leisure sports by their relatives and friends. Considering what I have tried to investigate in the present thesis, leisure sports plays a very important role in the city life. It is, therefore, an urgent need that we should be more interested in leisure sports for both our health and mental hygiene.;In accordance with the increasing rate of modern technological progress and mass-production due to automation, people, are increasingly more interested in the enjoyment of leisure. The environment pollution, at the same time, exposed modern men to crises, psychological as well as physical. In view of these changes, enjoyment by leisure plays its important role for health and recreation, and social health, modern men prefer active and dynamic game to static and passive activities, and sports, in this sense, have multiple functions: improvement of health, improvement of work efficiences, compensation for repression, etc. My thesis attempts, in this light, an analysis of various responses of modern men to sports and leisure, especially among urban men, and grasped them in terms of sex, age, social groups, and economic level. I chose 500 students and citizens of Seoul, and studied the participated sports, frequency, opportunity, behavioral effects, and results, and derived from them some problems in school activities. I drew out the following conclusions. (1) Men have taken part in 16 kinds of leisure sports, among which more than 90 percent of them are interested in such sports as skating, table tennis, mountain climbing, volley ball, and sightseeing. Women, on the other hand, have participated in 8 kinds of leisure sports. Badminton and table tennis are the main sources of their activities to more than 80 percent of women (2) The order in which high school students are interested in leisure sports runs as follows: badminton, table tennis, skating, volley baIl, and basket ball. College students are fond of skating, table tennis, badminton, volley ball, and camping. And general citizens of Seoul are interested in table tennis, badminton, volley ball, mountatn climbing and camping, and sightseeing. High school students take part in 9 to 10 kinds of activities, college students participated in 11 to 12 kinds, and general citizens of Seoul are interested in 13 kinds of activities. (3) Upper class generally participate in 13 kinds of leisure sports. The middle class are interested in 12 kinds of activities. (4) In school, as leisure sports, men and women take part in such collective games as ball games, which seems to have some relation with curriculum. Meanwhile, in leisure hours in outside of school, they are interested in club activities, summer schools or seminars, and train camps. Students differ from citizens in the reason for their participation. Students take part in leisure sports for the purpose of keeping their body healthy, while general citizens are fond of them for recrcation. (5) As to the effects and results of leisure sports, many people say that such activities are good in mental, as well as physical, sensory nerves. And most of them want more facilities for leisure sports to be built by authorities concerned. (6) The participants of leisure sports are, for the most part, motivated by relatives. And guides and trainers also begin to be interested in leisure sports by their relatives and friends. Considering what I have tried to investigate in the present thesis, leisure sports plays a very important role in the city life It is, therefore, an urgent need that we should be more interested in leisure sports for both our health and mental hygiene.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsI. 서론 1 II. 이론적인 배경 4 A. 여가의 개념과 특징 4 B. 여가활동의 기능과 중요성 6 III. 연구의 범위 및 절차 9 A. 연구의 범위 9 B. 연구의 대상 9 C. 연구의 절차 10 IV. 결과 및 고찰 12 A. 조사대상의 응답율 12 B. 여가운동에서 경험한 종목 13 C. 여가운동의 기회 19 D. 여가운동에 대한 태도 26 E. 여가운동의 지도 문제 37 F. 여가운동 후에 나타나는 징후 및 효과 41 V. 결론 45 VI. 제언 49 참고문헌 51 부록 53 [영문초록] 60-
dc.format.extent1975671 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 교육대학원-
dc.title도시인의 여가운동의 실태에 관한 조사연구-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.format.page62 p.-
dc.identifier.major교육대학원 체육교육전공- 2-
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