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여대생의 의생활에 관한 조사 연구

여대생의 의생활에 관한 조사 연구
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교육대학원 가정과교육전공
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
본 연구는 서울시내 대학교의 여대생의 의생활에 관한 실태를 조사한 연구로서 여자대학 3개교와 남녀공학 3개교의 의류직물학과 및 가정학과 여학생 대상으로 하여 외의를 중심으로 질문지를 이용하여 조사되었다. 조사내용은 의복의 구입상태, 의복선택시의 Design, 의복착용, 세탁상태, 피복비에 관한 사항 및 Stocking착용 등에 관한 총38개 항목으로서 여대생 517명에게 조사를 실시하였다. 회수한 질문지 답안은 각 항목마다 나타난 상황이 조합되어 실태가 분석되고 결론과 개선되어야 할 점이 고찰되었다. 그 결론과 개선점을 간략하면 다음과 같다. 1. 의복구입은 거의 모두가 양장점 이용이 많았는데 이것은 자작이나 기성복을 착용하므로서 피복비를 절약함이 개선점으로 요망된다. 2. 여대생들의 용돈은 12,000~16,000원 정도로 집계되었고 이들 피복비는 월평균 3,000~4,000원 정도이었다. 현재 5급 공무원 봉급이 17,000~27,000인데 여대생 1인당 용돈은 12,000~16,000원이고 그것도 Arbeit로서는 A대학만이 22%이고 나머지 5개대학은 4~5%에 지나지 않아 부모의 부담이 너무 크다고 사료된다. 그러므로 피복비 및 용돈으 절약하여 부모의 부담을 적게 하는 것이 바람직 하겠다. 3. 세탁은 주로 여대생 자신들이 하고 있었으며 옷의 건조시 옷걸이의 이용이 많았는데 그것은 옷의 형태가 변하지 않게 하기 위하여 취해진 좋은 방법이었고 외의임에 불구하고 햇빛을 이용하여 건조하는 학생수도 40%나 나타나고 있어 그늘이나 통풍이용을 개선점으로 권하고 싶다.;This study was carried out to research the practice of college women's wear with questionraire survey by special emphasis on outer wears. The questionnaire contained a total of 38 items, such as purchase, selection, design, wearing, laundering, cost of apparel, and wearing of wearing etc. and distributed to 517 students of the department of clothing and textile and department of home economics of 3 women's universities and 3 universities of co-education. The questionnaire was collected and analysed the answer in each item. The results from the analysis and discussion indicated the some kinds of the problems and improvable points in their apparel care. The results and improval points are as follows: 1. Almost all of the respondents suggested that they purchased their clothings from dress maker's. But I would like to suggest that it would be better for women-students to buy ready-made cloth-ings or to try to make their own suits for themselves to save their money. 2. It was calculated that women-students were usually spending their pocket-money form 12,000 Won to 16,000 won and about from 3,000 to 4,000 Won for wearing their new suits every month. Compared with the monthly salary of Government employee, women-students seemed to spend a lot of money every month. But the low class of Government employee are usually paid about from 17,000 Won to 27,000 Won per month. In A university, 22% of students responded that they were earning their pocket-money by means of their part-time job themselves, where as only 4%~5% of students in other 5 universities. I am sure that most of the parents of women-students have to supply a lot of money with their daughters. It's a trouble for most of parents. I think, therefore, that most of women-students have to save their pocket-money and the cost of clothing in order that the parents may be relieved from such heavy burden. 3. Laundry was being done mainly by the students themselves and most of them used hanger for drying process of washed clothings in order to keep the form of clothings unchanged. This practice can be considered to reasonable. 40% of students practiced to utilize the sun shine for drying of outer wears. It is advisable that this practice should be eliminated by utilizing shade and such a place where ventilation is favorable.
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