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"각"과 "선성"에 대한 교육학적 의미 : 원효와 루소를 중심으로

"각"과 "선성"에 대한 교육학적 의미 : 원효와 루소를 중심으로
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대학원 교육학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
이 연구는 원효의 “覺”과 루소의 “善性”의 비교이다. 비교의 목적은 “覺”과 “善性”의 인간관·윤리관에 조명된 敎育學的 意味가 무엇인가를 조망해 보는 데 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 그 성격상 도덕교육연구를 위한 하나의 방법적 시각을 제시하고자 하는 것이 된다. 원효의 “覺”과 루소의 “善性”의 비교 이유는 인간관·교육관의 유사점에 기인한 것이다. 또한 원효사상과 루소사상의 비교연구는 현대의 도덕적 자세와 반성, 가치평가의 이상적-보편적 모델로서 폭넓은 시야를 제공한다고 본 때문이다. 이 연구의 방법은 양자의 저서에 나타난 “覺”과 “善性”의 체계와 구조속에서 그 공통점·차이점을 분석·이해한 것이므로 넓은 의미의 구조적 방법과 해석학적 방법에 의하 비교연구방법이다. 본 연구의 초점은 다음의 3가지이다. 1.“覺”과 “善性”에 조명된 인간관과 교육관의 차이점·공통점은 무엇인가. 2. 그에 따른 敎育學的 意味의 공통점과 차이점은 무엇인가. 3. 그 현대적 의의는 무엇인가. 이와 같은 연구문제에 맞추어 “覺”과 “善性”의 인간관·윤리관·교육관을 조명·분석·비교한 결과, 본 연구자는 다음과 같은 결론을 추출했다. 즉, 두 이론은 권위주의적 도덕교육의 문제점을 극복하고, 전통 교육관을 현대에 살릴 가능성을 암시해 주며, 종교와 도덕과의 병행을 통한 도덕교육의 방식을 제공하는 하나의 방법론임이 밝혀졌다. ; The purpose of this study was to provide a guideline for the contemporary moral education by examining the theories of Wonhyo (617-686), the ancient Korean Buddhist monk and Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), the French philosopher. Wonhyo’s “enlightenment” and Rousseau’s “la Bonte” were compared and analyzed in terms of their concepts of man, ethics, and religion through the literature to find out their influences on moral education. The theories of Wonhyo and Rousseau deserve to compare as following reasons: First, their theory of ethics and religion are timeless and could be applied universally, so that they may represent criteria for evaluating modern educational philosophy. Secondly, both ethical theories could provide some concrete materials of selecting and reconsidering the goals of moral education in contemporary society. This will also lead the way to exchange the moral thoughts between Eastern and Western world for better understanding each other. Commentary and Note on the Awakening of Faith and Keum Gang Sam Mae Gyong Non by Wonhyo and Emile ou de l’Education by Rousseau were used as main texts beside the other references for this study. The two philosopher’s thought structures were compared in terms of interpretative and structural analysis. Their view points on ethics and religion were particularly emphasized to compare their similarities and differences with expecting some possible perspective guidelines for moral education in our days. Whole thesis were divided into five chapters as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Explanations of the concepts of enlightenment and La Bonte and their logical approaches Chapter 3: Interpretation, analysis and comparision on man as shown in enlightenment and La Bonte theories Chapter 4: Analysis and comparision on ethical and religious views in enlightenment and La Bonte Chapter 5: Analysis and comparision of the function of those two moral education. According to Wonhyo and Rousseau, moral education should be a process of self-realization. This process of self-realization can be accomplished through love for oneself as well as others, namely, mercy and love that is the act of religion. They both analyzed the man’s natural and the basic psychological characters and convinced the equality of all men. Such a conviction should lead every man to transform into his original mental and ethical nature. As a result of this study, the writer found out that regardless of the time and geographical differences, and different scholastic approaches the two philosophers had much in common thoughts in man. They both arrived the same conclusions of man’s moral, ethical, and religious nature that modern political and technological society must reconsider for the philosophy of moral education.
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