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Learning English with Drama

Learning English with Drama
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외국어교육특수대학원 TESOL학과
이화여자대학교 외국어교육특수대학원
Laura Eunae Park
Purpose : The purpose of this textbook is to develop college students’ English communication ability by offering a variety of activities based on English drama. Rationale : Using English Drama in language learning is a good approach for youth who are familiar with multi-media. The drama ‘Anne with an E’ is created by ‘Netflix’, which is one of the most famous the media-services in the world. Because it provides services in many countries, students easy to access the drama. Also, since it can be watched with various electronic devises such as mobile phone, tablet PC, and laptop, college students can watch the drama wherever and whenever they want. The drama, ‘Anne with an E’ is based on the world famous storybook ‘Anne in Green Gables’. Because the book has been regarded as a classic since the 20th century, the story is well known to people from different cultures. There is high possibility that students have read or heard about the book, which can help them have an easy understanding of the whole storyline. Furthermore, since the conversation and incidents happening in the drama can be found in our daily lives, students can be highly motivated to practice their communication skills. The various settings of the drama such as the village, school, and church provide students with lots of opportunities to experience communication in different situations. Target audience : The target learners are college students of age 18-20, university freshmen. They would be in an EFL context with the level of intermediate-mid according to the ACTFL proficiency scale. Method : Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) & Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT) Expected Outcomes : Students can improve four language skills as well as daily communication ability. Also, students can be motivated to learn languages by using multi-media based on this experience.
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