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Effects of 4 weeks sonic wave vibration therapy on gait performances in diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients: A pilot study

Effects of 4 weeks sonic wave vibration therapy on gait performances in diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients: A pilot study
Kessler N.J.Chun J.Hong J.
Ewha Authors
Issue Date
Journal Title
Clinical Kinesiology
0896-9620JCR Link
Clinical Kinesiology vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 20 - 24
SCOPUS scopus
Document Type
Background: Individuals with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) have significant mobility impairments and these impairments often represent a significant risk of falling. Considering the consequences of impaired mobility resulting from DPN, it is clear that treatment modalities must be applied to address these problems directly. Purpose: To examine the feasibility and possible effects of sonic wave vibration on gait performance in DPN patients. Methods: Eight males (57.3±2.8yrs, 171.8±3.4cm, 79.5±4.7kgs) and ten female DPN patients (61.4±2.1yrs, 162.3±3.6cm, 68.2±4.1kgs) received 12 sessions (three 4-min bouts a day, 3 days a week) of sonic wave vibration therapy (30Hz of frequency with 5 mm of amplitude). The main gait variables were cadence, ambulation, velocity, step time, step length, stride length, and the coefficient of variation for step time, step length and stride length. Results: The results showed a significant decrease in the coefficient of variation for left step time (4.25 to 2.5%), left and right step length (4.75 to 3.08% and 4.5 to 2.6%) and left and right stride length (3.9 to 2.2% and 3.5 to 2.0%) (p<0.05). No significant changes were observed in other gait variables. Conclusion: 4 weeks of sonic wave vibration therapy improved DPN patients' coefficient of variability for step time, step length and stride length. These results suggest that sonic wave vibration can be used as a valuable method to improve gait in DPN patients. Future research is warranted to explore the role of gait variability in the prevention of DPN associated falls and injury.
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