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Sodium tripolyphosphate-chitosan의 polyelectrolyte complex coating이 sulfanilamide 과립의 용출에 미치는 영향

Sodium tripolyphosphate-chitosan의 polyelectrolyte complex coating이 sulfanilamide 과립의 용출에 미치는 영향
Other Titles
(The) effect on the dissolution rates of Sulfanilamide granules coated with a Polyelectrolyte Complex of Sodium tripolyphosphate-Chitosan
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대학원 약학과
Sodiumtripolyphosphate chitosanpolyelectrolyte complex coatingsulfanilamide
이화여자대학교 대학원
약물의 용출속도를 조절하기 위하여 불용성의 Sodium tripolyphosphate와 Chitosan의 Polylectrolyte Complex로 Coating한 Sulfanilamide 과립을 조제하였다. Sulfanilamide와 Sodium tripolyphosphate를 1 : 0.7의 중량비로하여 과립을 만들어 chitosan이 각각 0.5%, 0.7% 및 0.9%로 용해되어 있는 pH 2.5의 염산용액중에서 교반시켜polylectrolyte complex로 coating하였다. 사용한 coating 용액중의 chitosan의 농도가 증가할수록 과립의 막 두께가 두꺼워졌고 그 용출속도도 지연되었다. 용출용매가 증류수인 경우, T_(50%)로 비교하면 coating 전 과립은 6분인데 비해 coating 용액중의 chitosan의 농도가 0.5%, 0.7% 및 0.9%일때 각각 27분, 135분 및 180분으로 용출이 지연되었다. 용출용매로 pH 6.8의 붕해시험 제2액을 사용한 경우, coating전 과립은 T_(50%)가 4분인데 비해 coating용액중의 chitosan의 농도가 각 0.5%, 0.7%, 0.9%일때 32분, 135분, 160분으로 용출이 지연되었다.;Sulfanilamide granules coated with a polyelectrolyte complex of sodium tripolyphosphate and chitosan to give water-insoluble granules which could be used for controlled-released of the drug were studied. The granules containing SA and STPP(1:0.7) in 12-20mesh were dispersed in the HCI solution of chitosan (0.5%, 0.7% or 0.9%, w/v) by propeller-type agitator at 900 rpm. During agitation the granules were coated with the complex film of sodium tripolyphosphate and chitosan. The coating film thickness increased with the chitosan concentration in the coating solution. The drug released rates of the coated granules were significantly reduced compared with those of the uncoated granules. When the chitosan concentration in the coating solution increased, the drug release rate decreased ; T_(50%) of uncoated granules was 6minutes and those of coated granules with Chitosan- STPP in 0.5%, 0.7% and 0.9% chitosan-HC1 solution were 27, 135 and 180minutes, respectively in distilled water. T_(50%) of uncoated granules was 4min. and those of coated granules with Chitosan-STPP in 0.5%, 0.7% and 0.9% chitosan-HCl solution were 32, 135 and 160min. respectively in disintegration test solution No.2.
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