2015 | DRE-CALUX assay를 이용한 태안 기름 유출 사고 지역 주민 혈중 다환상방향족탄화수소류 노출 평가 | 김정신 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | Sustained delivery of oncolytic vaccinia virus via injectable polyacrylamide hydrogel for the treatment of advanced solid tumors | 이은희 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | A randomized controlled trial of genotype-guided warfarin initiation in patients with cardiac valve replacement | 이관영 | Master's Thesis |
2014 | Rescuing effects of A3 adenosine receptor agonist on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in vitro and scopolamine- or streptozotocin-treated memory impairment in vivo | 김영윤 | Master's Thesis |
2014 | Neuroprotective and Antiepileptic Effects of Oleamide as a Novel Calpain Inhibitor against Kainc Acid-Induced Excitotoxicity and Behavioral Epilepsy | 남혜연 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | Secretagogin Plays a Key Role in Insulin Secretion via Focal Adhesion Remodeling | 양서윤 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | Preventive effects of natural naphthoquinones on Aβ oligomerization and oxidative stress- or Aβ-induced neurotoxicity in hippocampal cells and slice cultures | 김소연 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | Construction of 1,4- Disubstituted 1,2,3- Triazole Library Targeting Aurora Kinase via Cu (I)-Catalyzed Click Chemistry and Gold-Catalyzed Direct Synthesis of 3,4,5- Trisubstituted Isoxazoles | 송두희 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | Studies on Molecular Actions of Activity-regulated Cytoskeleton-associated Protein, Arc/Arg3.1, on Stress Responses | 박연승 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | Proteomic Analysis of Redox-Sensitive Cysteine Residues using Novel Chemical Probes | 하슬기 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | Ginsenoside Re Can Rescue Mitochondrial Complex IV Deficit Of PINK1 Null Dopaminergic Neurons By Activation of Nitric Oxide Signaling | 송지현 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | 파킨슨병 환자들을 위한 한국어판 복약순응도 설문도구의 유효성 평가 | 정지은 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | Stereoselective Synthesis of Tubuphenylalanine, epi-Tubuphenylalanine, and Allyltubuphenylalanine | 심미경 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | Click Chemistry를 통한 Aurora Kinase A 저해제 라이브러리의 합성 | 이주연 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | Application of Non-volatile Dimethyl Carbonate to Preparation of PLGA Microspheres via New Emulsion Microencapsulation Technique | 김한솔 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | Relevance of Microencapsulation Methods to Quality Attributes of PLGA Microspheres | 김유영 | Master's Thesis |
2012 | Understanding the Functions and Mechanisms of p63 Phosphorylation | 이병린 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | Population pharmacokinetic analysis of sulindac in women with preterm labor | 성진원 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | Association between CACNA1C gene polymorphisms and ritodrine-induced cardiac adverse events | 백민영 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | Intranasal insulin for Alzheimer’s disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment | ALNAJJAR, SARAH | Master's Thesis |