- Title
- 動作에 따른 腰部와 臀部의 變化 硏究
- Authors
- 朴文子
- Issue Date
- 1974
- Department/Major
- 대학원 의류직물학과
- Publisher
- 梨花女子大學校 大學院
- Degree
- Master
- Advisors
- 安顯玟
- Abstract
- 70 Korean women were determined in two ways (the 1st and the 2nd dimensional physical measurement) to grasp a body size and a pattern as an abject matter for a clothing construction.
Those who were measured represented 70 housewives and women-workers, aged 16 to' 60, dwelling in Seoul.
Mr, Martin's Body Keasuring Implement was used as a measuring method in the 1st dimensional measurement and those measured were determined by means of Martin's formula. In the second dimensional measurement, after drawing individuals' horizontal sections with Adjustable curve rule, their areas were determined by means of Planimeter. The number of items were as follows; 2 items in length, 16 items in circumference measured in sitting and upright position. 2 items in weight and expanded measurements the total amounts to 20 items in he 1st dimensional measurement. Ane then, 16 items in circumference measured as a horizontal section in sitting and upright position and their areas were measured in the 2nd dimensional measurement.
The comparuison between the 1st and the 2nd dimensional measurement has resulted in the following considerations.
I) Comparison of the change rate in sitting and upright position. (The 1st & the 2nd dimensional measurement)
2) Comparison of correlation concerning each item and its difference as a variable in sitting and upright position.
3) The Formulation of Correlation: Differences between sitting and upright position as dependent variables in the 1st dimensional were selected so as to introduce practical formulas.
4) The Examination of Hypothetical Results; While the correlation coefficients of circumferences were mostly increased in the 1st dimensional measurement some exceptional items may be decreased. Or while any circumferences were increased. their areas may be decreased.
5) Expecting much difference between hip and expanded measurement sitting and upright position I have laid stress on hip and expanded measurement. In the light of these facts, I made attempt to compare them with age.
From the examination as stated above, the general conclusions were as follows:
I In sitting position, although most circumferences were increased, No. 6 & 7, Table 5-1, were decreased by 0.7886cm and 1.1229cm, In case of sitting position, most areas were decreased, but areas of s few items (crotch 17,l650㎠, lower crotch 10,2750㎠, & knee 1,2000㎠ , etc) were decreased while their circumferences were
(2) In general, differences of each item having no connections with age, the older those measured were, the more differences of hip circumferences were increased.
(3) Formula Calculated:
Ⅰ. The analysis result of correlations (differences; between hip circumferences in sitting & upright, and hip circumferences in sitting as variables married or unmarried) show a definitive coefficient R^(2) =0.7826.
Ⅱ. The analysis resulta of correlations (differences of hip circumferences, hip circumferences in upripht as variabes) show R^(2) =0.6087.
Ⅲ. The analysis results of correlations (differences of hip circumferences, weight, waist in upripht. middle waist, hip, knee circumferences as variables married or unmarried) show R^(2) =0.6887.
Ⅳ. The analysis results of correlations (expanded measure ment, hip in upright, knee circumference as variables) show R^(2) =0.5829.
IIV. The analysis results of correlations (differences of middle waist circumferences between sitting and uprignt, weight, waist circumferences, hip circumferences as variables, married or unmarried) show R^(2) =0,6517
6) The analysis results of correlation (differences of middle waist circumferences in sitting & upright, waist circumferences in sitting, middle waist circumferences, hip circumferences as variables, married or unmarried) show R^(2) =0.6l63.
above analyses have shown that hip circumferences occupied a relitive importance in clothing construction for women.;衣服構成에 目的物인 體型의 把握을 위하여 韓國女性을 對象으로 두가지 方法 (一次元的計測, 二次元的計測) 으로 生體計測을 實施하였다. 被計測者는 서울 市內 거주자로 職場女性과 家庭主婦 70名이다. 年齡은 滿 16 歲에서 滿 60 歲 까지다. 計劃方法은 一次元的計測은 Martin 氏 人體測定器를 使用하였으며 Martin 式에 따라 計測했다. 二次元的計測은 自在曲線定規로 水平斷面을 採取한 後 求積器로 面積을 測定하였다. 計測項目은 一次元的計測에서는 直立에서 長育 2 項目, 周育 8 項目을 計測하고 또 正坐에서 周育 8 項目을 計測한 것과 體重과 땡겨진칫수를 첨가한 20 項目이다. 二次元的計測에서는 周育 8 項目에 해당하는 部位의 水平斷面을 直立과 正坐에서 16 面을 採取하고 그 面積을 測定하여 다음과 같이 考察하였다.
1) 直立과 正坐時의 變化 (一次元的計測과 二次元的計測)를 比較 檢討
2) 直立과 正坐時 各 部位와 그 差를 變數로 하여 相關關係를 比較 檢討.
3) 相關關係의 公式化
이때 從屬變數는 一次元的計測의 直立과 正坐時의 差를 擇했으며 이는 實用的인 公式을 만들기 위함이다.
4) 假說的인 事項의 檢討
一次元的計測에서 正坐時 大部分의 경우 길이가 늘어 나지만 줄어드는 部位도 있을 것이다. 라는 추측과 또는 周育은 늘어나지만 面積이 줄어드는 경우도 있을 것이라는 擬問點에 관해 檢討
5) 모든 項目에 있어서 特히 直立과 正坐時의 差가 많을 것으로 예상되는 臀部差와 땡겨진 칫수에 重點을 두어 考察하고 이것을 다시 年齡과 比較해 보려고 試圖했다.
이상의 檢討 結果 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다
1) 正坐時 大部分 둘레가 늘어 나지만 脚相貫線은 0.7886 cm , 上腿上邊圍는 1.1229 cm가 줄어들었다. 正坐時 面積의 경우는 줄어드는 部位가 더 많다. 脚相貫線部는 27.3343 ㎠, 上腿上邊部는 22.0157 ㎠, 大腿部는 17.1650 ㎠, 下腿部는 10.2750 ㎠, 脛骨最大部는 1.2000 ㎠,의 面積이 줄어들었다.
2) 各 部位의 差는 一般的으로 年齡에는 關係가 적으나 臀部差만이 年齡이 높을수록 그 差가 커졌다.
3) 算出된 公式
i) 直立時와 正坐時의 臀部의 差, 正坐時의 臀圍, 旣·未婚을 變數로 相關關係를 分析한 結果 決定係數는 R^(2)=0.7826 이다.
ii) 臀圍의 差, 直立時의 臀圍, 를 變數로 相關關係를 分析한 結果 決定係數는 R^(2)=0.6087 이다.
iii) 臀圍의 差,體重,直立時의 腰圍, 中腰圍, 臀圍, 脛骨最大圍, 旣·未婚을 變數로 相關關係를 分析한 結果 決定係數는 R^(2)=0.6048 이다.
iv) 땡겨진 칫수, 直立時의 臀圍, 脛骨最大圍를 變數로 相關關係를 分析한 結果 決定係數는 R^(2)=0.5829 이다.
v) 直立과 正坐時의 中腰圍의 差, 體重, 腰圍, 臀圍 旣·未婚을 變數로 相關關係를 分析한 結果, 決定係數는 R^(2)=0.6517 이다.
vi) 直立과 正坐時의 中腰圍의 差, 正坐時의 腰圍, 中腰圍, 臀圍, 旣·未婚을 變數로 相關關係를 分析한 結果, 決定係數는 R^(2)=0.6163이다.
이는 臀圍가 衣服構成에 重要한 比重을 차지함을 示唆한다.
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