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Diabetes mellitus 및 Jaundice 病患의 尿中 Bile acid의 T. L. C. Profile

Diabetes mellitus 및 Jaundice 病患의 尿中 Bile acid의 T. L. C. Profile
Other Titles
A Stduy on the T.L.C. Profile of Bile Acids in the Urine of Diabetes mellitus and Jaundice Disease
Issue Date
대학원 약학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
A Study on the T.L.C. Profile of Bile Acids in the Urine of DIabetes mellitus and. Jaundice Disease. 1. In a detailed comparison of urine of the Jaundice disease and Diabetes mellitus disease by T.L.C. profile in CMAW solvent system, especially excreated following Bile acids in Jaundice urine; 5β-Ranol sulfate, 5β-Bufol sulfate, 5β-cyprinol sulfate and 5β -cyprinol sulfate (R_(f) value 0.26-0.28), and excreated 5β-ScymnoI sulfate (R_(f) value 0.19) and Glycoursodeoxycholate (R_(f) 0.88) in Diabetes mellitus urine. Other Bile acids were common phenomena. 2. In a detailed comparison of urine of the Jaundice disease and Diabetes mellitus disease by T.L.C. profile in EAW-2 solvent system, especially excreated following Bile acids in Jaundice urine ; cholic acid (R_(f) value 0.68), 5β- Bufol (R_(f) value 0.43), 5β-Cyprinol (R_(f) value 0.43) and excreated 5β-Scymnol (R_(f) value 0.21), 5β-Ranol (R_(f) value 0.32), Trihydroxycoprostanic acid (R_(f) value 0.85) and 5β-cholestane-3α,7α,I2α, 27α-tetrol (R_(f) value 0.82) in Diabetes mellitus urine. Other Bile acids were common phenomena.;疾患에 따라 Bile acids 의 배설이 서로 다를 것으로 예상하고 Jaundice 患者와 Diabetes mellitus 患者의 尿를 대상으로 하여 Bile acids의 排泄 Pattern을 T.L.C로 관찰하였다. CMAW(Chloroform : Methanol:Acetic acid:Water) 溶媒系에서 Jaundice患者 尿中에는 5β - Ranol Sulfate, - Bufol sulfate, 5α - Cyprinol sulfate, 5β - Cyprinol sulfate가 特有하게 檢出되었으며, Diabetes mellitus 患者의 尿에서는 5β - Scymnol suifate 와 Glycoursode - oxycholate 가 獨特하게 排泄된을 알 수 있다. 또한 EAW - 2 (Ethylacetate : Acetic acid : Water) 溶媒系에서 Jaundice患者 尿에서는 Cholic acid, 5β - Bufol, 5β - Cyprinol이 특유하게 검출되었으며, Daibetes mellitus 患者 尿中에는 5β - Scymnol, Trihydroxy coprostanicacid, 5β - Ranol, 5β - Cholestane - 3α, 7α, 12α, 27 - tetrol가 독특하게 排泄됨을 알 수 있다.
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