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Literature Reading

Literature Reading
Kim, Yun Joo
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외국어교육특수대학원 TESOL학과
이화여자대학교 외국어교육특수대학원
Laura Eunae Park
These days English is considered as the most dominant language in the world. Particularly in Korea, since English is an essential requirement to gain admissions to the more prestigious universities and to acquire a more desirable job, a special interest in English learning has increased to obtain a high level of English proficiency. In order to construct language proficiency, it is widely believed that reading is one of the most important skills for ESL/EFL learners to master. According to Anderson (2003a), reading comprehension skills could play a crucial role in ESL/EFL learners for achieving success not only in English learning but also in academic studies where English reading proficiency was required. Therefore, one of the most effective learning methods which are likely to fit better in the Korean EFL context can be English reading. However, most English reading classes in Korea are mainly aimed at reading from non-authentic texts in using traditional teaching methods which focus on skills needed to answer the exam questions. Such methods do not only give students few opportunities to be exposed to authentic English and the culture of the target language, but also discourage students’ interest in reading. Therefore, in order to enhance the efficiency of reading instruction, literature in reading class can be employed as the medium for connecting cultural background, authenticity, and various language uses to language learning. Van (2009) proposes that reading literature in the EFL classroom is beneficial in that it provides meaningful and authentic contexts, develops an awareness of a ,and promotes cultural awareness among students. For the above reason, this textbook is designed for middle school students aged 14-16 years in the EFL reading class whose language proficiency level is mid-intermediate (according to ACTFL proficiency guideline).Since it is mainly focused on enhancing English reading comprehension skills through literature, students will learn when and how to use appropriate reading strategies and also be able to accelerate vocabulary growth through reading.
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