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Reading Disability의 要因에 關한 硏究
- Title
- Reading Disability의 要因에 關한 硏究
- Other Titles
- (A) Study of Factors of Reading Kisability
- Authors
- 황순자
- Issue Date
- 1974
- Department/Major
- 대학원 교육학과
- Keywords
- reading disability; 읽기; 아동; 교육학
- Publisher
- 이화여자대학교 대학원
- Degree
- Master
- Abstract
- The purpose of this study is to identify thA factors of reading disability in respect, to physical condition, visual-auditory perception, neurological basis, language background, emotional and social, traits educational backgrou, family environment, and intelligence.
For this purpose 117 disabled readers and 104 normal readers in the second grade at three public elementary schools in Seoul were selected as a results of informal reading achievement tests and teachers' rating.
Questionaires were given to parents and teachers in addition to standardized intelligence tests and word perception tests given to the children in order to provide materials, for evaluation school records were also used. Collected materials were tested to ascertain the differences between disabled readers and normal readers by thet-test and the X²-test at significance levels 0.01 and 0.05.
The results of this study are listed as fallows :
1. There was no significant relationship between such physical conditions as general health, abnorhality of eye movement, frequency of visual -auditoy organic, disorder and reading disability.
2. There was very significant relationship between visusal-auditory perception and-reading disability.
3. There was no significant relationship between such neurological basis as left-right discrimination, differentiation of handedness and reading disability; but a significant relationship was seen between motor skill and reading disability.
4. There was no significant relationship between such language brckground as childhood language development, familial incidence of language disorder and reading disability; but a significant relationship was seen between disability.
5. There was no significant relationship between such emotional and social traits as withdrawnness, aggressiveness, isolation and reading disability; but a significant relationship was seen between distractibility and reading disability.
6. There was no significant relationship between such educational background as experience of kindergarten, change of schools, frequency of absence and reading disability; but a significant relationship was seen between interest in reading and school and reading disability. Also, the disabled reader had a stronger tendency of the rejection of reading, and got significantly poorer achievement in all school subjects.
7. There was no significant relationship between such family environment as the level of parents' education and occupation, employed mother, parents' attitude toward disabled reader and reading disability. The disabled readers' Patents, however, had stronger overindulgent tendencies than the normal readers' parents.
8. There was very significant relationship between intelligence and reading disability, especially in the areas of space perception, reasoning, verbal conception.;本 硏究의 目的은 읽기가 不振한 兒童의 特性을 中心으로, 읽기 障碍의 要因을 身體的, 視·聽知覺, 神經學的, 言語的, 情緖 및 社會的, 敎育的, 家庭環境 및 知能등의 諸 側面에서 究明하는데 있다.
이 目的을 爲하여 서울特別市內 3個 公立國民學校 2學年兒童 802名을 無選標集하여 읽기成就檢査와 敎師의 評定 結果에 依해 읽기障碍兒 117名과 正常兒 104名을 硏究對象으로 選定하였다. 資料를 蒐集하기 위해 父母와 敎師를 通한 質問紙 調査와 知能檢査, 單語 知覺檢査를 實施하였고 學校의 生活記錄簿를 參考하였다. 蒐集된 資料는 要因別로 t檢證과 x²檢證에 依해 集團間의 差의 有意度를 밝혔다.
읽기가 不振한 兒童의 特性을 中心으로 한 읽기障碍의 要因 分析에서 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다.
1. 健康狀態, 眼球運動의 異常, 視·聽覺器官의 疾病頻度 등의 身體的 條件은 읽기障碍와 有意한 關係가 없었다.
2. 視·聽覺 知覺은 읽기障碍와 매우 有意한 關係가 있었다.
3. 神經學的 要因中 左右의 區別力, 손잡이(handedness)의 分化狀態 및 왼손잡이(left-handedness)는 읽기障碍와 有意한 關係가 없으나 動作技能은 읽기障碍와 有意한 關係가 있었다.
4. 言語的 要因에서 兒童期의 言語發達狀態 및 言語障碍의 家系性은 읽기障碍와 有意한 關係가 없으나, 意思表現力 및 듣기理解力의 欠陷은 읽기障碍와 매우 有意한 關係가 있었다.
5. 情緖 및 社會的 特性中 退行性, 攻擊性, 孤立性등은 읽기障碍와 有意한 關係가 없으나 注意力의 散慢은 읽기障碍와 매우 有意한 關係가 있었다.
6. 敎育的 要因中 幼稚園經驗, 轉學經驗, 欠席頻度는 읽기障碍와 有意한 關係가 없으나 學校나 읽기에 對한 興味는 읽기障碍와 有意한 關係가 있었다.
또한 읽기障碍兒는 읽기에 對해 拒否反應을 보이는 傾向이 甚했고, 學校成就는 모든 科目에서 顯著히 不振했다.
7. 父母의 敎育 및 職業水準, 子女의 學業에 對한 父母의 態度 및 家庭學習指導 狀態등의 家庭環境的 與件은 읽기障碍와 有意한 關係가 없었으나, 子女의 學業에 對한 父母의 態度에서 障碍兒의 父母는 正常兒의 父母보다 放任的 傾向이 甚했다.
8. 知能은 읽기障碍와 매우 有意한 關係가 있었고 特히 知能의 下位能力中 空間知覺, 推理力, 言語槪念 要因은 읽기障碍와 매우 有意한 關係가 있었다.
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