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社會的 不適應兒의 態度 및 行動類型에 關한 一硏究

社會的 不適應兒의 態度 및 行動類型에 關한 一硏究
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대학원 교육학과
사회적 부적응아태도행동유형
이화여자대학교 대학원
本 硏究의 目的은 一般敎室 속에서 보통兒童과 같이 散在되여 있지만 일선敎師의 關心밖에 있는 소위 社會的 不適應兒의 態度 및 行動類型이 家庭環境, 學校 및 個人生活과 어떤關係가 있는가를 究明하여, 앞으로의 社會的 不適應兒 敎育에 있어서 그 判別 및 敎育矯正에 도움을 주려는데 있다. 이 目的을 위하여 서울特別市內 6個 男子 高等學校 中에서 社會 不適應 行動特徵을 심하게 나타내거나, 자주 나타낸다고 敎師에 의해서 判斷된 社會的 不適應兒 58名을 標集하고 소위 正常兒童 278名을 標集하여 質問紙와 生活記錄簿로 資料를 얻고, 두 集團間의 差를 x²檢證에 依해 그 有義度 밝힘으로서 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 家庭環境과의 關係 家庭背景으로서 a. 父母의 有無, 父母의 學歷, 父親의 職業, 出生順位, 兄弟數, 經濟的面의 生活水準등은 두 集團間에 意味있는 差異가 없었다. b. 住宅所有의 有無는 두 集團間에 意味있는 差異가 있었다. 父母와 子女사이의 人間關係로서 a. 子女의 친구에 대한 父母의 態度와 子女에 대한 父母의 關心度에서는 두 集團間에 意味있는 差異가 없었다. b. 父母와의 親近度에서는 두 集團間에 意味있는 差異가 있었으며, 父母의 敎育態度와 訓育態度에 있어서는 두 集國間에 매우 意味있는 差異가 있었다. 즉 父母와의 親近度, 父母의 敎育 및 訓育態度가 社會 不適應의 與否에 중요한 要因이 되는 것으로 나타났다. c. 子女의 父母觀에서는 두 集團間에 意味있는 差異가 없었다. 2. 學校 및 個人生活과의 關係 a. 준법精神에 있어서는 두 集團間에 매우 意味있는 差異가 있었다. 즉 社會的 不適應兒 集團은 正常兒 集團보다 준법精神이 희박한 傾向이 있었다. b. 交友關係에 있어서, 친구의 年齡에서는 두 集團間에 매우 意味있는 差異가 있었으며, 친구와의 和睦度에서는 意味있는 差異가 있었다. 즉 社會的 不適應兒 集團은 正常兒 集團과 比較해 볼때 自己보다 나이가 위인 친구들을 가지는 傾向이 있었고, 친구와 다투는 傾向이 많은 것으로 나타났다. c. 學業成績에 있어서 두 集團間에 매우 意味있는 差가 있었다. 즉 社會的 不適應兒 集團은 正常兒 集團보다 學業成績이 낮은 것으로 나타났다. d. 學生의 敎師觀에서는 두 集團間에 매우 意味있는 差異가 있었다. 즉 社會的 不適應兒 集團은 正常兒 集團보다 敎師에 대해서 無關心하거나 不信하는 傾向이 많은 것으로 나타났다. e. 無斷缺席의 有無는 두 集團間에 매우 意味있는 差異가 있었다. 즉 社會的 不適應兒 集團은 正常兒 集團보다 無斷缺席을 한 傾向이 많은 것으로 나타났다. 無斷缺席을 한 理由로 "學校가기가 싫었기 때문이다"가 社會的 不適應兒 集團은 56% 正常兒 集團은 16%로 큰 差異를 보였다. "몸이 아팟기 때문이다"라는 理由로는 社會的 不適應兒 集團이 21% 正常兒 集團이 80%로 나타났다. f. 學校 公共物 使用의 道義心에 있어서 두 集團問에 意味있는 差異가 없었다. g. 自殺하고 싶은 衝動性에 있어서 두 集團間에 意味있는 差異가 없었다. h. 餘暇時間利用에 있어서 두 集團間에 매우 意味있는 差異가 있었다. 즉 社會的 不適應兒 集團은 正常兒 集團보다 餘暇時間을 유흥장(극장, 다방, 당구장, 오락장)에서 보내는 傾向이 많은 것으로 나타났다. i. 異性交際에 있어서 두 集團間에 매우 意味있는 差異가 있었다. 즉 社會的 不適應兒 集團은 正常兒 集團보다 지금까지 사귄 女子 친구의 數가 많은 것으로 나타났으며, 이러한 傾向으로 볼때 異性 친구와의 交際 期間을 오래 維持하지 못하였거나, 여러명을 동시에 사귀었을 경우등을 추측할 수 있다.;The purpose of this study is intended to contribute hopefully to the prediction and educational rehabilitation in bringing up what they call socially maladjusted children, whose existence in ordinary school classes is not rare but hardly occupies adequate attention of their teachers in general, by dint of studying what sorts of influence the family, school and personal life on their attitude and behavioral patterns. To achieve the goal of this work, 58 boys referred to by teachers as extreme or potential socially maladjusted children and 278 other so-called normal boys were selected for sampling from six boy's high-schools in Seoul. And the following results were available, there-after, through the Chisquared test of the differences which the two groups showed in questioning and in their academic records. 1. Relevancy with Family family as a background; a. There was no significant difference between socially maladjusted children and normal children in their parents existence, academic career and occupation and neither in the number of brothers and sisters they have and group members birth dates and in their financial standing. b. There was significant difference between two groups in the matter of whether their family owns a house or not. Parents and children on the basis of human relations; a. There was no significant difference between two groups in regard to their parents attitude toward their friends and their parents attention and concern in children including themselves. b. There was significant difference between two groups regarding to the close ties they share with parents and to the latter's educational and disciplinary attitudes. That is to say, the factors including the close ties with parents, educational and disciplinary attitudes of the parents happen to have critically many things to do with being socially adaptable or not for a juvenile. c. There was no significant difference between two groups regarding to the viewpoints toward their parents. 2. Relevancy with School and Personal Life a. There was very significant difference between two groups regarding to the spirit of obeying laws. That is to say, normal students would observe the school regulations while socially maladjusted children would not. b. As for the friendship, there was very significant difference concering friend's age and degree of intimacy between two groups. The socially maladjusted children distinotly have a tendency to get associated with older friends and to quarrel with their friends. c. There was very significant difference concerning academic achivement between two groups. The socially maladjusted children marked low academic records compared to other ordinary students. d. There was very significant difference concerning viewpoints toward their teachers between two groups. The Socially maladjusted children was found to be either indifferent or distrustful with regard to their teachers. e. There was very significant difference concerning problem of absence without cause in school between two groups. The problem of absence without cause in school was more frequent phenomenon in socially maladjusted children group. The reason of absence verifies the following; ⅰ) Hate to go to school; Socially maladjusted children group 56% normal children group 16% ⅱ) because of sickness; socially maladjusted children group 21% normal children group 80% f. There was no significant difference between two groups in their moral and ethics in utilizing the school public facilities. g. In questioning whether they are sometimes stimulated to commit suicide, there was no significant difference between two grops. h. There was very significant difference between two groups in how they take advantaged of their leisure time. The socially maladjusted children group members were mostly inclined to spend their leisure mainly in the amusement place. ( i.e. tea-room billiards, movie theatre and other fun places) i. There was very significant difference between twr% groups □□or the matter of getting along with girl friends. The socially maladjusted children group happened to have a lot of girls.
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