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F.프뢰벨의 兒童敎育 理論및 恩物에 關한 硏究

F.프뢰벨의 兒童敎育 理論및 恩物에 關한 硏究
Other Titles
(A) Study on Froebel's Theory of Early Childhood Education and the Gift
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대학원 교육학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
This thesis has made an attempt to find what are some of the contemporary meanings of Froebel's theory of early childhood education and the gift. The paper has done this largely through an investigation of literature on Froebel. Froebel's representative work of The Education of Man and some other major analyses of Froebel seem to suggest in this research, that Froebel's perception of children is pretty much of having divinity and that children through a creative self-activity continue to develop. Froebel who puts an emphasis on the creative self-activity of human inner life considers children's play to be the foundation for their education, and maintains that it is the most apparent self-activity. Accordingly, he recognizes as important the value of children's play based on their self-interest, and he devised as his own creation a gift, that is, toys. In this thesis, the content of his gift is also introduced relatively in details. There are some criticisms of metaphisical and symbolic nature on Froebel's theory of education and on the content of the gift. Nevertheless, it has a great meaning in contemporary early childhood education, which cannot be denied. In other words, the principle of creative self-activity through plays gave a foundation to the John Dewey's new educational movement which has been developing regardless of the changes in the form and subject of gift. This study observes that such development derives clearly from Froebel's theory. Although it may be difficult to accept the Froebel's theory of education and the content of gift as they are, it is still important to reassess the meaning of the principle of creative self-activity through plays and the gift. Thus, coming up with a theoretical ground for a more accurate direction of contemporary early childhood education. If this research could posit a certain consciousness for better developmental theories of young children's education as well as further studies on contemporary scientific early childhood education, it is to be sure thanks to the original thoughts of Froebel.;本 硏究는 文獻을 통하여, Froebel의 敎育理論과 恩物에 관해 考察하였으며, 現代的 意義를 分析하였다. Froebel의 代表的 着書「人間敎育 」 (The Education of Man)과 Froebel 硏究家들의 理論을 綜合 分析한 結果, Froebel의 兒童觀은 兒童을 神性의 所有者로 보고, 創造的 自已活動(Self Actiyity)을 통하여 連續發展한다는 것이다. 人間內面의 創造的 自發活動을 重要視한 Froebel은 遊戱가 兒童敎育過程의 기반이 되며, 兒童의 가장 현저한 自發的 活動이라 하였다. 이와같이 兒童自身의 興味에 따른 遊戱의 價値와 重要性을 强調하면서 그가 考案 製作한 遊具인 恩物(Gift)을 내 놓았다. 本 硏究에서는 이 恩物의 內容도 상세히 소개하였다. 따라서 Froebel 敎育理論이나 恩物 內容에 있어서 상징적이고 形而上學的인 面은 비난을 받기도 했지만, 現代的으로 커다란 意義를 가지고 있음을 알 수 있다. 卽 遊戱를 통한 創造的 自己活動의 原理는 Dewey의 新敎育運動의 根本을 이루면서, 現代에 이르기까지 繼承 發展되고 있고, 思物의 形態와 소재도 많이 달라졌으나. 根本原理는 Froebel의 理論에서 비롯되었음을 考察하였다. 그러므로, Froebel 時代의 敎育理論이나 恩物의 形態를 그대로 받아들일 수는 없지만, 遊戱에 의한 創造的 自已活動의 原理와 恩物에 관하여 재검토 함으로써 現代 兒童敎育 方向 설정의 理論的 根據를 提示하는데 도움이 되고자 한다. 또한 本 硏究를 基礎로 하여 더욱 發展的인 兒童敎育理論이 수립 되고 現代의 科學的 兒童敎育 硏究의 뒷받침하에, Froebel 思想의 眞正한 繼承이 이루어지는데 작은 도움이 되고자 한다.
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