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Anionic surfactants 의 界面活性 作用에 Organic builders가 미치는 영향에 關한 硏究

Anionic surfactants 의 界面活性 作用에 Organic builders가 미치는 영향에 關한 硏究
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대학원 약학과
Anionic surfactants계면활성작용Organic builders약학
이화여자대학교 대학원
음이온성 界面活性劑의 일종인 Sodium Dodecylaryl Sulfonate와 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate의 個別, 또 이 二個洗劑를 同量混合한 것의 농도를 각기 달리하여 洗淨力, 浸透力, 起泡力, 硬水性 등을 고찰하고 한편, 일정한 硬度의 硬水 中에서 上記 항목을 고찰하여 비교하였다 [1]. 다음에는 界面活性劑에 미치는 Builders의 영향을 보기 위하여 Organic Builders인 E.D.T.A와 C.M.C를 선택하여 그 둘의 농도를 달리하여 주면서 Sulfonate염과 Sulfate염 및 그 2종을 同量混合한 것의 洗淨力, 浸透力, 起泡力, 硬水性을 관찰하여 줌으로써 Builders가 그 농도의 변화에 따라 界面活性劑에 미치는 영향을 관찰하였다. Sodium Dodecylaryl Sulfonate가 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate보다 洗淨力, 起泡力, 硬水性은 우수하였으며, 浸透力은 반대로 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate가 우수하였다. 한편 二個洗劑의 同量混合劑는 洗淨力, 起泡力, 硬水性, 浸透力 등이 중간으로 나타났다. Organic Builders로 사용한 E.D.T.A와 C.M.C는 洗淨力, 起泡力은 높여 주었으나 浸透力과 硬水性에는 오히려 낮은 효과를 보여 주었다. 일정한 硬度의 硬水中에서는 이상 각각의 효과가 대체로 낮게 나타났다.;About Sodium Dodecylaryl Sulfonate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, by varying the concentration of each and that of mixture containing each same volume of the former two each time, Detergent capacity, Permeation capacity, Foaming capacity and Hardness were examined, meanwhile when hard water of a regular degree of hardness used, such power of Anionic Surfactants above mentioned as Detergent capacity, Permeation capacity, Foaming capacity, and Hardness were examined and compared. Next time, to show the effect of Builders on Surfactants, two organic Builders, E.D.T.A. and C.M.C. were choosed as Builders. By examining such power of Surfactants as Detergent capacity, Permeation capacity, Foaming capacity and Hardness, with the concentration of Builders varied, the effect of Builders on Surfactants according to their change of concentration were observed. Sodium Dodecylaryl Sulfonate was superior to Sodium Lauryl Sulfate in Detergent capacity, Foaming capacity, and Hardpess, but conversely inferior in Permeation capacity. The observation of using the mixture containing each same volume of Sodium Dodecylaryl Sulfonate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate showed the mlddle values of Detergent capacity, Permeation capacity, Foaming capacity, and Hardness, E. D. T. A. and C. M. C. using as Builders raised Detergent capacity, Foaming capacity, but had low effect on Permeation capacity, and Hardness instead. When hard water having a. regular degree of hardness used, each of effects above were largely low.
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