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민주화 과정에서의 입법과정 분석

민주화 과정에서의 입법과정 분석
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대학원 사회생활학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
본 논문의 목적은 1987년 6월 29일 민주화 선언을 기점으로 하여 민주화 과정에 있어서의 13대, 14대 국회의 입법 과정과 11대, 12대 국회와 비교하여 분석하는 것이다. 역대 국회에 있어서 입법 과정은 행정부의 우월, 야당의 소외현상등 그 입법 과정을 실현하는데 있어서 충분한 활동을 하지 못하였다. 민주화 과정 이후 13대, 14대 국회는 11 대, 12 대 국회의 권위주의 체제의 분위기와는 다른 환경적인 요인과 더불어 법적이고 제도적인 측면에 있어서의 거대 야당의 등장 및 여소야대 국회의 등장, 국회의 권한 강화 등의 민주적 분위기가 조성되어 있었다. 이런 분위기하에서 입법 과정의 실태를 분석하여 의회의 기능의 실태를 분였다. 이를 위해서 본 연구는 11대, 12대 국회의 7년 1개월 간의 기간에 발의한 868개의 법률안을 13대, 14대 국회의 8년 동안의 제출된 1,838개의 법률안을 대상으로 4가지 측면을 분석하였다. 첫째, 국회의 개회율과 법률안 심의율, 둘째 입법 과정에서의 입법부와 행정부의 관계, 세째 입법 과정에서의 여당과 야당의 역할 분석, 네째 법률안의 내용과 처리 결과와의 관계 등이다. 본 연구의 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째 법률안 제출면에서 11대, 12대 국회에 비해 13대, 14대 국회에 있어서는 의원 발의 법률안이 크게 늘어났으며 가결된 법률안 중에서도 의원 발의 법률안의 수가 크게 늘어났다. 그려나 법률안의 통과율이 낮아졌으며 이러한 현상은 국민들의 요구를 정책으로 산출시키는 입법 기능의 역할 저하 현상을 들고 있다. 또한 법률안의 제출면에는 행정부;Modem democracy is based on the parilamentary politics. The main actors for this parliamentary politics are the national assemblymen, while the most exemplary actions of the National Assembly are the legislative activities. With such basic concept in mind, this study was aimed at positively analyzing the influence of higher political system over the lower National Assembly, based on the performances of the 11^(th), 12^(th), 13^(th) and 14^(th) elected assemblies. In case of Korea, anti- National Assembly ideology has. been considered as merely a subordinate variable of political and social development. Till the 12^(th), our National Assembly has been evaluated as above mentioned. The appraisal of Korean National Assembly' performance is negative. The administration' superiority, opposition parties' alienation, legislator's nonspeciality have been indicated in this area, till now. But the 13^(th), 14^(th) National Assembly have several characteristics different from all successive National Assemblys. In terms of law and institution, the 13^(th), 14^(th) National Assembly consolidates it's power remarkable and opposition parties-majority Assembly and ruling party-majority Assembly are appeared by turns. So we research on the limited scope of the 13^(th), 14^(th) National Assembly's function which is comparing with 11^(th), 12^(th) National Assembly. Take into consideration that the National Assemblism is estimated in the veins of Korean political history, vertical comparative research is usefulness. And what influence these political characteristics exert in the area of law-making is analyzed in this study. The finding of this study are as follow: First, the rate of the opening of the 13^(th), 14^(th) National Assembly is 25.4%, lower than the 11^(th), 12th National Assembly, 29.4%. And the average rate of consideration of bills is 78.1%, lower than that of 11^(th), 12^(th), National Assembly, 81.9%. Second, in 13^(th), 14^(th) National Assembly terms of the proposal of bill, the number of legislators-initiated bill 890 bills, and in case of passage of bill, 57.9% of the proposed bills are passed. The government-initiated bills is passed three times more than the legislators- initiated bill. So we can know the governnenet's overwhelming power are continuing still now. Third, in 13^(th), 14^(th) National Assembly of the rejection of bill, none of the all proposed bills is voted down through vote in the 13^(th), 14^(th) National Assembly. But the abrogation of bill is mainly used in rejection of bill and 316 out of 1,838 bills are abrogated. Forth, in terms of the roles of the ruling party and opposition party in the process of legislative, the ruling party legislators- initiated bill is fewer than of opposition party. But in terms of the ruling party legislators-initiated bills is three times more than that of opposition Party. Fifth, in terms of proposal and passage of bill, the number of the standing committees and special committees- initiated bills is 187 and 183. More than 97% of bill are passed and these mean that the standing committees and special committees play an important role in the process of Law making. Conclusively, according to what we have investigated adequatly, for the National Assembly's law-making process, we can affirm relatively the 13^(th), 14^(th) National Assembly which during it's term than the 11^(th), 12^(th) National Assembly. And the 13^(th),14^(th) National Assembly is placed in good environment to develop a function of law-making.
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