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Showing results 1 to 20 of 597

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
20182,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin can alter the sex ratio of embryos with decreased viability of Y spermatozoa in mice유영아Article
20113-Deoxysappanchalcone inhibits tumor necrosis factor-α-induced matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in human keratinocytes through activated protein-1 inhibition and nuclear factor-kappa B DNA binding activity윤의중Article
2010A bound on equitable partitions of the hamming space현종윤Article
2014A case of primate rafting and island hopping: Long distance dispersal and successful colonization over open ocean in a volcanic archipelagoMyron ShekelleMeeting Abstract
2016A compact fourth-order finite difference scheme for the three-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation이현근Article
2016A Decoy Peptide Targeted to Protein Phosphatase 1 Attenuates Degradation of SERCA2a in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells강상원; 강동훈Article
2011A direct algorithm for ultrasound imaging of internal corrosion김은주Article
2023A flexible asymmetric supercapacitor with organohydrogel electrolyte for high voltage operation over wide temperature range김정원Article
2014A Fourier-based compressed sensing technique for accelerated CT image reconstruction using first-order methods남혜원Article
2014A hybrid solid-state storage architecture for the performance, energy consumption, and lifetime improvement주용수Book Chapter
2023A linear convex splitting scheme for the Cahn–Hilliard equation with a high-order polynomial free energy윤성하Article
2011A method for anisotropic spatial smoothing of functional magnetic resonance images using distance transformation of a structural image남혜원Article
2011A method of finding bad signatures in an RSA-type batch verification임선간Article
2018A Model for Adaptive Decision Making of 'Ablate-and-Wait' Versus Transplantation in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma김희영; 김휘영Article
2009A novel extracellular phospholipase C purified from a marine bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas sp. J937모상준Article
2023A review on enhanced microplastics derived from biomedical waste during the COVID-19 pandemic with its toxicity, health risks, and biomarkersMd Jamal UddinArticle
2012A Riemann hypothesis analogue for near-MDS codes현종윤Article
2012A short redactable signature scheme using pairing임선간; 이은정Article
2016A simple and efficient finite difference method for the phase-field crystal equation on curved surfaces이현근Article
2014A simple and robust boundary treatment for the forced Korteweg-de Vries equation이현근Article