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Results 1-10 of 353 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2016Gender Differences and Women’s Participation in Climate Change Adaptation TechnologyIYAKAREMYE, NYINAWINKINDI ARLETTEMaster's Thesis
2016Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and the National Economic Development of Lao PDRLEUANG, VILAYSONEMaster's Thesis
2016Domestic Violence against Women and Women’s Economic EmpowermentMWAISAKA, PENDO FREDMaster's Thesis
2016A Gender Comparison of Attitudes towards Risk, Perceptions of Environmental Barriers and Business Intentions in Nepal’s Tourism SectorK.C., JYOTIMaster's Thesis
2016The Impact of Rwandan Women Politicians on Women's Economic Empowerment in RwandaMUKAMAZERA, JACQUELINEMaster's Thesis
2016Systematizing MigrationLARIN, DIONNE MARGAMaster's Thesis
2016Housing the Rich or the PoorGUIVALU, CATHERINE LEWAQONAMaster's Thesis
2016What Happens to The Survivors When They Go Home?WYNN, CHAW SUMaster's Thesis
2016Combating Violence against Women in EgyptABDELKADER, AMAL MOHAMED ABDELMONIEM MOHAMED TAWFIKMaster's Thesis
2016The Development of NGO in ChinaZhong, WenjunMaster's Thesis
