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Showing results 1 to 20 of 3091

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2025Removal of contaminants of emerging concern by membranes in water and wastewater An updated review윤여민; 정봉연Review
2025Using supercritical CO2 for alginate-fouled seawater reverse osmosis cleaning and for carbonate mineral production from concentrated brine윤여민; 정봉연Article
2025Unveiling the biological activities of the microbial long chain hydroxy fatty acids as dual agonists of GPR40 and GPR120박진병; 우지민Article
2025Virtual audit of microscale environmental components and materials using streetscape images with panoptic segmentation and image classification황성주Article
2025Bacterial synergy and relay for thermophilic hydrogen production through dark fermentation using food waste조경숙Article
2025Maximizing biomass utilization: An integrated strategy for coproducing multiple chemicals나종걸Article
2025MoS2@Hydrochar nanocomposites with cost-effective fluid turbulent eddies induced piezoelectric catalytic peroxymonosulfate utilization efficiency for water polluted dye degradation김동수Article
2025Ru-doped Aurivillius phase perovskites Bi4Ti3O12 for boosting photo-redox of N2 in photocatalytic nitrogen fixation윤여민Article
2025Revealing the roles of oxygen vacancies in NiO-CeO2 redox catalysts for electrocatalytic ozonation: Mechanistic study via in situ Raman spectroscopy윤여민Article
2025Comparison between intense pulsed light and continuous ultraviolet treatment processes for enhancing the vitamin D2 content of shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) powder정명수; 황희정Article
2025Super-fast and accurate nonlinear foot deformation Prediction using graph neural networks이상륜Article
2025Optimal hybrid renewable microgrids via energy demand control using media platforms in South Korea나종걸Article
2024On Improving Sheet Metal Formability in Hydrodynamic Deep Drawing Process through a Solid-Oil-Type Mineral Grease Pressure Medium이태용; Luca QuagliatoArticle
2024Ultrasound neuromodulation of cultured hippocampal neurons전상범Article
2024Inoculation effect of heavy metal tolerant and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for rhizoremediation조경숙Article
2024Bacteriophages PECP14, PECP20, and their endolysins as effective biocontrol agents for Escherichia coli O157:H7 and other foodborne pathogens김병식Article
2024Cyclic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Columns with L-Shaped Ties신영수; 김희선; 김철구Article
2024Difference in boreal winter predictability between two dynamical cores of Community Atmosphere Model 5최용상Article
2024A data-driven agent-based simulation of the public bicycle-sharing system in Sejong city최선한Article
2024Economic analysis of the circular economy based on waste plastic pyrolysis oil: a case of the university campus이상훈Article