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Showing results 1 to 30 of 130

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2023A comparative study of the adoption of public-private partnerships for water services in South Korea and Singapore최유진Article
2023A content analysis of South Korean newspaper coverage of adolescent cyberbullying전종설Article
2018A critical assessment of abortion law and its implementation in South Korea배현아Article
2024A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of group art therapy for children and adolescents of multicultural families: A focus on Korea한경아Article
2017A Meta-Analysis of Treatment Interventions for Internet Addiction Among Korean Adolescents전종설Article
2015A model on the rise and decline of South Korean anti-American sentiment조기숙Article
2016A multi-radionuclide approach to evaluate the suitability of 239 + 240Pu as soil erosion tracer박지형Article
2024A New Neoliberal Offensive in South Korea: The Conservative Politics of Rollback and the Disciplining of Organized Labor윤지환Article
2021A Phenomenological Approach to Understanding Sexual Minority College Students in South Korea오인수Article
2017A preliminary analysis of the diet composition of overwintering Bean geese (Anser fabalis) and greater white-fronted geese (A. albifrons) in Korea using PCR on fecal samples이상돈Article
2020A prospective study about the discrepancy between postmortem inspections conducted by emergency physicians and forensic pathologists정구영; 이덕희; 이재희Article
2015A socio-Legal corporate governance model: Analyzing South Korea’s social enterprise promotion act using public-Private partnershipsJasper S. KimArticle
2023A study on creative arts therapists’ human rights sensitivity한경아Article
2021Aging and direct medical costs of osteoporotic fractures배그린Article
2020Analyzing country images through networks: Case of South Korea아이한카디르Article
2020Are Recently Evaluated Drugs More Likely to Receive Positive Reimbursement Recommendations in South Korea? 11-year Experience of the South Korean Positive List System배승진; 임경민; 이동환Article
2020Association between prenatal exposure to PM2.5 and the increased risk of specified infant mortality in South Korea하은희; 김혜순; 박혜숙; 조수진Article
2022Barriers to the provision of optimal care to dying patients in hospital: An international cross-sectional comparison study of nurses’ perceptions김미영; 강숙정Article
2023Basic Income Policy of Korea마재신Article
2018Binge eating disorder and depressive symptoms among females of child-bearing age: the Korea Nurses' Health Study김옥수Article
2021Biodiversity and Transportation Infrastructure in the Republic of Korea: A Review on Impacts and Mitigation in Developing the Country장이권Review
2018Bridging social justice literacies: Elementary teachers' beliefs about the goals of multicultural education최진영Article
2021Capturing country images: a methodological approach아이한카디르Article
2015Career success factors of women in the public sector: An empirical analysis of the Korean central government최유진Article
2021CEO’s Political Connection and Organization Efficiency: Evidence from Public Institutions in Korea안지영Article
2016Characterization of 15 microsatellite loci and genetic analysis of Heterodera schachtii (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) in South Korea정종우; 박중기Article
2021Child welfare policies and services during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea전종설Article
2015Class betrayal voting: Income group and vote choice in Korean presidential elections이종곤Review
2022Clinical Characteristics of Non-Smoking Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients: Findings from the KOCOSS Cohort이진화Article
2021Conceptualizing the Protective Factors of Cyberbullying Victimization in Korean Adolescents전종설Article