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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2023A visibility-based estimation of PM2.5 concentrations in Pyongyang, North Korea: Current status and long-term trends김용표Article
2013Alliance Theory and Northeast Asia: Challenges on the 60th Anniversary of the Korea-U.S. Alliance박인휘Article
2023Assessment of air quality in North Korea from satellite observations김용표Article
2019Critical review of North Korean women and children's health, 2000-2019: Physical and mental health challenges with a focus on gender김은미Article
2024Development and effects of the PARENT (Parenting Acceptable Real Empathy Nurture Training) program for mothers who defected from North Korea전정희Article
2022Development and Evaluation of Health Empowerment Scale for North Korean Women Defectors강윤희Article
2017Effectiveness of economic sanctions against North Korea and role of China: Empirical approach오진환Article
2018Electricity supply trend and operating statuses of coal-fired power plants in North Korea using the facility-specific data produced by North Korea: characterization and recommendations김용표Article
2023Estimation of Air Pollutant Emissions from Heavy Industry Sector in North Korea여민주Article
2019Estimation of the contribution of biomass fuel burning activities in North Korea to the air quality in Seoul, South Korea: Application of the 3D-PSCF method김용표; 이지이; 위대현Article
2024North Korean CO emissions reconstruction using DMZ ground observations, TROPOMI space-borne data, and the CMAQ air quality model김용표Article
2020North Korea’s science and technology policy and the development of technology-intensive industries마재신Review
2018Patterns of international trade and the industrial-led economic development of North Korea마재신Article
2022The Real Story Behind Maternal Health of North Korea오승진Article
2021The Sino-North Korea international economic relationship and the economic development of North Korea마재신Article
2020Trump power: Maximum pressure and China's sanctions enforcement against North Korea김인한Article
2016Unexpected Results of a Political Pilgrimage: Yim Su-gyong's 1989 Trip to North Korea and Changes in North Koreans' Worldview김석향Article
2014Useless Men, Entrepreneurial Women, and North Korea's Post-Socialism: Transformation of Gender Roles Since the Early 1990s김석향Article