2022 | Association of Disaster Perception, Disaster Attitudes, and Communication Skills with Disaster Nursing Competence among Nurse Officers at Armed Forces Hospitals [군 병원 간호장교의 재난 인식과 태도, 의사소통능력이 재난간호역량에 미치는 영향] | 박효정 | Article |
2020 | Communication of nonverbal students with severe and multiple disabilities: A systematic scoping review [비구어 중도중복장애 학생의 의사소통에 대한 범위연구] | 김유리 | Article |
1983 | Communication을 위한 언어교육 | 金昭香 | Master's Thesis |
2003 | Conceptualizing health campaign strategies through the level of involvement | 김영욱 | Article |
2021 | Degree of interruptions experienced by emergency department nurses and interruption related factors | 김미영 | Article |
2018 | Effects of a work-based critical reflection program for novice nurses | 신수진 | Article |
2020 | The Attitudes of Physicians and the General Public toward Prognostic Disclosure of Different Serious Illnesses: a Korean Nationwide Study | 이순남 | Article |
2022 | The Effects of Digital Literacy and Health Empowerment on Elders’ Communication with Doctors: Focusing on Moderating Effect of Health Beliefs | 정순둘 | Article |
2021 | The intervention effect of a nursing-media studies convergence problem-based learning (PBL) program to improve nurses' public image: Changed perceptions of program participants and students attended a PBL presentation | 유승철 | Article |
2014 | What are characteristics, patterns, and ways to promote communication in the English as a foreign language classroom at elementary school in Korea? | 정혜영 | Article |
1998 | 소통을 통한 대상의 본성 표출에 관한 연구 | 채지영 | Master's Thesis |
1993 | 신문광고에 효과적인 Communication에 대한 조형적 요소 연구 | 이종임. | Master's Thesis |
1991 | 커뮤니케이션(Communication) 역활로서의 티셔츠(T-Shirt) 디자인 연구 | 김연희 | Master's Thesis |
1987 | 한국인의 문화간 커뮤니케이션 성향 | 이소영 | Master's Thesis |
1979 | 社會化와 Communication에 관한 硏究 | 尹惠媛 . | Master's Thesis |
1982 | 韓國英語敎育에 있어서 Communication 活動을 위한 방향 | 李仁淑. | Master's Thesis |