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Showing results 1 to 30 of 38

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
19861, 2-Dimethyl hydrazine 투여후 백서 대장점막 변화에 대한 광학 및 전자현미경적 연구홍기숙Doctoral Thesis
2013A case of IgM deficiency with b cell deficiency detected by abo discrepancy in a patient with acute osteomyelitis홍기숙Article
1999A case of thymic carcinoid tumour with multiple metastasis including bone marrow이순남; 홍기숙; 구혜수; 김유경Article
2008A case of type 2N von willebrand disease with homozygous R816W mutation of the VWF gene in a Nepalese Woman홍기숙Article
2017A new strategy for calculating the risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA)홍기숙; 정태동Article
2017Accuracy assessment of five equations used for estimating the glomerular filtration rate in Korean adults홍기숙; 정태동Article
2014Assessment of therapeutic drug monitoring of vancomycin in elderly patients according to new guidelines홍기숙; 이미애; 정화순; 최희정Article
2007CD34, RAB20, DLK1, PU.1 and GFI1 mRNA expression in myelodysplastic syndrome홍기숙; 정화순; 성주명; 허정원; 문영철Meeting Abstract
2009CD34, RAB20, PU.1 and GFI1 mRNA expression in myelodysplastic syndrome홍기숙; 이미애; 정화순; 성주명; 허정원; 문영철Article
2008Clinical significance of minor elevation of cardiac troponin I홍기숙Article
2015Clinical Usefulness of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Cellular Analysis and Lymphocyte Subsets in Diffuse Interstitial Lung Diseases홍기숙; 정화순; 허정원Article
2010Comparison of HbA1c analyzers: D-10, variant II turbo, Cobas Integra 800, and Afinion AS100홍기숙Article
2016Diagnostic Utility of Serum Glycated Albumin for Diabetes Mellitus and Its Correlation with Hyperlipidemia박설희Master's Thesis
2016Diagnostic utility of serum glycated albumin for diabetes mellitus and its correlation with hyperlipidemia홍기숙; 정혜선Article
2003Dissemination of Macrolide-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolates Containing Both erm(B) and mef(A) in South Korea홍기숙; 김경효Article
2017Efficient reporting of the estimated glomerular filtration rate without height in pediatric patients with cancer홍기숙; 정태동Article
2018Evaluation of the 1B equation to estimate glomerular filtration rate in pediatric patients with cancer홍기숙; 정태동Article
2005Evaluation of the BNP level in identifying patients with cardiovascular diseases in South Korea홍기숙Meeting Abstract
2008Evaluation of the phoenix automated microbiology system for detecting extended-spectrum β-lactamase in escherichia coli, klebsiella species and proteus mirabilis홍기숙Article
2006Further increase of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, amikacin- and fluoroquinolone-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae, and imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter spp. in Korea: 2003 KONSAR surveillance홍기숙Article
1997HCV and HBV coexist in HBsAg-negative patients with HCV viraemia: Possibility of coinfection in these patients must be considered in HBV-high endemic area홍기숙Article
2009Hemoglobin yamagata: Hemoglobin variant detected by HbA1c test홍기숙; 이미애; 성연아; 정화순Article
2005hTERT mRNA levels by real-time RT-PCR in acute myelogenous leukemia홍기숙; 이미애; 정화순; 성주명; 유은선; 허정원Article
2010Immunophenotypic features of granulocytes, monocytes, and blasts in myelodysplastic syndromes홍기숙; 이미애; 정화순; 허정원Article
2004Increasing prevalence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci, and cefoxitin-, imipenem- and fluoroquinolone-resistant gram-negative bacilli: A KONSAR Study in 2002홍기숙; 이미애Article
2006Iron removal with phlebotomy and recombinant human erythropoietin in secondary hemochromatosis after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation서주영; 홍기숙; 구혜수; 유경하; 유은선; 조수진Article
2003Korean Nationwide Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance in 2000 with special reference to vancomycin resistance in enterococci, and expanded-spectrum cephalosporin and imipenem resistance in gram-negative bacilli홍기숙Article
2000Korean Nationwide Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance of bacteria in 1998홍기숙Article
2016Large-scale performance evaluation of Accu-Chek inform II point-of-care glucose meters홍기숙; 정태동Article
2017Performance evaluation of the Bio-Rad D-100 system for hemoglobin A1c assay홍기숙Article