2019 | 2015 개정 교육과정에 나타난 사회정의를 위한 수학교육에 대한 교과서 분석 | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2022 | 2015 개정교육과정 고등학교 영어교과서 대화문에서의 어휘다발분석 | 이수현 | Master's Thesis |
1985 | 6-Hydroxydopamine 투여 흰쥐의 혈압에 미치는 Clonidine의 영향 | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2020 | A Contrastive Corpus-Based Analysis of Lexical Bundles between English L1 and English L2 Writers in Medical Journal Abstracts | 김은수 | Doctoral Thesis |
2020 | A corpus-based study of lexical bundles and moves by english l1 and l2 writers in medical journal abstracts | 이은주 | Article |
2022 | A Preliminary Study of the Validation for Children’s Social Communication Scale for Children Aged 6-7 Years [6-7세 아동의 사회적의사소통척도 문항 타당도 예비연구] | 이은주 | Article |
2001 | Achieving MNC localization by employing local people | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2019 | An exploratory study on employees’ pro-environmental behavior at the workplace | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2022 | Analysis of Change in Relationship between Communication and Social Competence: Comparison of Children and Adolescents by Grade Level | 이은주 | Article |
1991 | Anton Webern의 "Three Songs from Viae Inviae" Op.23의 1악장 분석연구 | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2000 | Anton Webern의 concerto for 9 instruments, op.24의 제 1악장에 관한 연구 : 전 음열주의(total serialism)를 중심으로 | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
1985 | Cellulomonas속 세균의 원형질체 형성과 전자현미경적 연구 | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | CPS모형을 적용한 제품 디자인 수업이 학습자의 비판적 사고력에 미치는 영향 | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2015 | Effects of Collaborative Corpus-Based Learning on the Acquisition and Retention of DVCs | 양정임 | Doctoral Thesis |
2010 | Effects of Modified Nutritional Formulas for Diabetes on Postprandial Glycemic and Inflammatory Responses in Healthy Young Adults | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2011 | Effects of Syntactic Priming on Korean EFL Learners’ Production of English Dative Constructions | 최윤정 | Master's Thesis |
2019 | Fecal and blood microbiota profiles and presence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in obese versus lean subjects | 김형래; 유권; 김태헌; 윤여준; 김휘영; 이은주 | Article |
2010 | Genome-wide scan and quantitative trait analysis of granular corneal dystrophy, type 2 in Korean families | 이은주 | Doctoral Thesis |
1990 | George Herbert의 靈的 갈등 연구 | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2020 | Identifying Developmental Dyslexia in 9 Korean Elementary School Students at Risk for Dyslexia | 김영태; 이은주 | Article |
1999 | Johannes Brahms의 가사셋팅에 관한 연구 : Vier ernste Gesaenge. Op.121을 중심으로 | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2002 | Kinetic studies on nucleophilic substitution reactions of aryl acetates and on Michael-type additions of amines to activated acetylenes | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2022 | Learning English with Chapter Books for Young Readers | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | Lexical Bundle Analysis in an EFL Teacher Corpus | 권예은 | Doctoral Thesis |
2014 | Lexical bundles in the Korean EFL teacher talk corpus: A comparison between non-native and native English teachers | 이은주 | Article |
1993 | N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine의 생성 및 분해 반응에 대한 속도론적 연구 | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2009 | Supplementary Targets and Indicators to Strengthen Social Inclusion, Gender Equality and Health Promotion in the Millennium Development Goals in Africa | 이은주 | Master's Thesis |
2012 | TETE 수업이 중학교 학습자들의 영어청취력과 정의적 측면에 미치는 영향 | 안혜진 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | The development of English personal reference in the Korean ESL learner corpus | 이은주 | Article |
2020 | The Effect of Aural and Textual Input Enhancement Through Movie Clips on the Korean EFL Students’ Learning of Parallelism Rules | 김성민 | Master's Thesis |