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Showing results 1 to 30 of 152

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2019A meta-analysis of the event-related potential during auditory processing in infants with familial risk for dyslexia and its correlation to language abilities [난독증 가족력이 있는 영유아의 청각적 정보 처리 시 나타난 사건관련전위에 대한 메타분석 및 이후 언어능력과의 상관 연구]성지은; 임동선Article
2021Age and Education Effects on a Novel Syntactic Assessment Battery for Elderly Adults성지은Article
2014Age-related changes in category decision-making abilities as a function of typicality and animacy of noun exemplars심현섭; 성지은Article
2015Age-related changes in sentence production abilities and their relation to working- memory capacity: Evidence from a verb- final language성지은Article
2017Age-related Decline in Case-Marker Processing and its Relation to Working Memory Capacity성지은Article
2019Age-related decline in storage and processing components of working memory: An eye-tracking study [시선추적을 활용한 청년층과 노년층의 작업기억의 저장 및 처리기능 연구]성지은Article
2018Age-related differences in ERP components associated with processing homonyms depending on the context type of adnominal and verb phrases성지은Article
2017Age-related differences in ERP components during Korean honorific sentence processing depending on listener's social status and predicate agreement성지은Article
2020Age-Related Differences in Production of Non-Canonical Syntactic Structures as a Function of Modifiers to Noun Phrases성지은Article
2016Age-Related Differences in Sentence Processing as a Function of Canonicity and Syntactic Ambiguity오세진Master's Thesis
2020Age-related differences in sentence processing of who-questions: An eye-tracking study성지은Article
2019Age-related differences in word recognition task according to the interference types: Evidence from eye-tracking [시선추적을 활용한 방해자극 유형에 따른 단어재인 과제에서 청년층과 노년층 간 수행력 비교]성지은Article
2022Age-related Differences in Word Recognition Tasks according to Visual Interference and Noun Imagery [단어재인 과제에서 시각적 방해자극 및 명사 심상성에 따른 청년층 및 노년층 간 수행력 비교]성지은Article
2019Aged-related differences in the predictability of verb-thematic roles: An eye-tracking study [시선추적을 활용한 동사의 의미역 예측 정도가 노년층 의미역 처리에 미치는 영향]성지은Article
2019Aging-related differences in the resolution of ambiguity from case marker deletions in a Verb-Final Language성지은Article
2022Aging-Related Dissociation of Spatial and Temporal N400 in Sentence-Level Semantic Processing: Evidence From Source Analyses성지은; 전상범; 안소라Article
2020Case Marker Assignment Abilities as a Function of the Noun Types of Thematic Roles in Aphasia성지은Article
2021Changes in linguistic behaviors based on smart speaker task performance and pragmatic skills in multiple turn-taking interactions성지은Article
2012CILT중재가 실어증환자의 전반적인 의사소통능력과 정보전달능력에 미치는 효과한윤진Master's Thesis
2024Coordinating Words and Sentences: Detecting Age-Related Changes in Language Production성지은Article
2016Cross-Linguistic Differences in a Picture-Description Task Between Korean- and English-Speaking Individuals With Aphasia성지은Article
2020Differential deficits of nouns and verbs in a generative naming task for individuals with mild cognitive impairment정지향; 성지은Article
2017Differential effects of age on case marker processing in a verb-final language백승혜Master's Thesis
2017Effects of age, working memory, and word order on passive-sentence comprehension: Evidence from a verb-final language유재근; 성지은Article
2023Effects of cochlear implantation on cognitive decline in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis성지은; 전상범; 안소라Article
2015Effects of computerized language intervention on abilities of time-person-place orientation and naming for individuals with dementia of the Alzheimer's type성지은Article
2017Effects of lexicality and regularity on reading aloud performance in aphasia성지은Article
2014Effects of listeners' working memory and noise on speech intelligibility in dysarthria심현섭; 성지은Article
2013Effects of syntactic complexity on a case marker processing task in people with mild cognitive impairment정지향; 성지은Article
2017Effects of syntactic complexity on sentence production abilities and their relation to working memory for children who stutter성지은Article