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Showing results 1 to 30 of 120

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2013A girl with sternal malformation/vascular dysplasia association박은애; 김경효Article
2011A model for prediction of spontaneous preterm birth in asymptomatic women하은희; 박은애; 김영주; 박혜숙; 박미혜Article
2021An Extensive Reading Program for Young Learners박란Master's Thesis
2020Association between pre-and postnatal growth and longitudinal trends in serum uric acid levels and blood pressure in children aged 3 to 7 years하은희; 박은애; 김영주; 김혜순; 박혜숙; 조수진; 이혜아Article
2017Association between serum levels of uric acid and blood pressure tracking in childhood박은애; 김혜순; 박혜숙; 조수진Article
2013Association of adiponectin gene polymorphism with birth weight in Korean neonates박은애; 김영주; 박미혜; 조수진; 공경애Article
2008Association of antioxidant vitamins and oxidative stress levels in pregnancy with infant growth during the first year of life하은희; 박은애; 김영주; 박혜숙; 이화영; 박보현Article
2005Association of antioxidative vitamin and oxidative stress levels in pregnancy with respiratory diseases during the first year of life박은애; 김영주Meeting Abstract
2014Association of mid-pregnancy antioxidative vitamin and oxidative stress levels with infant growth during the first 3 years of life하은희; 장남수; 박은애; 김영주; 박혜숙; 이화영; 박보현Article
2013Association of vitamin D concentrations with adiposity indices among preadolescent children in Korea하은희; 박은애; 김영주; 김혜순; 박혜숙; 이화영; 곽혜선; 조수진; 이혜아Article
2020Blood Pressure Curve for Children Less than 10 Years of Age: Findings from the Ewha Birth and Growth Cohort Study박은애; 김혜순; 박혜숙; 조수진; 박보현Article
2023BMI trajectory and inflammatory effects on metabolic syndrome in adolescents하은희; 박은애; 김영주; 김혜순; 박혜숙; 홍영선; 이화영; 조수진; 정승연; 이혜아Article
2010Body weight at birth and at age three and respiratory illness in preschool children하은희; 박은애; 김영주; 박혜숙; 이화영; 이진화; 최경희Article
2021Business English with General English and Business Idioms유현이Master's Thesis
2016Cerebellar Development in Preterm Infants at Term-Equivalent Age Is Impaired after Low-Grade Intraventricular Hemorrhage박은애; 조수진; 심소연Article
2019Coco김효민Master's Thesis
2021Cohort profile: the Ewha Birth and Growth Study하은희; 박은애; 김영주; 김혜순; 박혜숙; 홍영선; 이화영; 김의정; 조수진; 이혜아Article
2016Combined effect of folate and adiposity on homocysteine in children at three years of age하은희; 박은애; 김영주; 박혜숙; 조수진; 박보현; 이혜아Article
2020Combined effects of dietary zinc at 3 years of age and obesity at 7 years of age on the serum uric acid levels of Korean children박은애; 박혜숙; 조수진; 박보현; 이혜아Article
2024Combining ER and IR for Elementary Students고은지Master's Thesis
2015Comparison of gastric and other bowel perforations in preterm infants: A review of 20 years’ experience in a single institution박은애; 이선화; 조수진; 심소연Article
2009Cord Blood Adiponectin and Insulin-like Growth Factor-I in Term Neonates of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Mother손진아Master's Thesis
2023Critical Literacy김은영Master's Thesis
2017Current Issues In Various Fields For High School Students이범숙Master's Thesis
2016Developing communication ability with ER and Multimedia Assisted Resources (Disney story books and animation)이지민Master's Thesis
2017Developing Discussion and Debate Skills in an EFL University Classroom정희재Master's Thesis
2016DNA Methylation of the Proopiomelanocortin Gene in Overweight and Obese Children as a Biomarker to Predict Metabolic Syndrome.박은애; 김영주; 김혜순; 조수진Meeting Abstract
2014Early aggressive nutrition enhances language development in very low-birthweight infants박은애; 조수진Article
2007Effect of postnatal catch-up growth on blood pressure in children at 3 years of age하은희; 박은애; 박혜숙; 조수진; 박보현Article
2010Effect of retinoic acid on renal development in newborn mice treated with an angiogenesis inhibitor박은애; 성순희; 유경하; 조수진Article