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예술강사 지원사업을 통한 문화소외지역 학생들의 국악 수업 경험 고찰

예술강사 지원사업을 통한 문화소외지역 학생들의 국악 수업 경험 고찰
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A study on the experience in Korean music class by students in the culturally isolated areas, through Art Instructor Support Program
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교육대학원 음악교육전공
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
본 연구는 예술강사 지원사업을 시행하는 문화소외지역 초등학교 학생들이 국악 수업을 통해 무엇을 경험하였는지 심층적으로 탐색하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 「도서·벽지 교육진흥법 시행규칙」 제 2조에 의해 벽지 지역으로 구분된 강원도 소재 K 초등학교를 연구현장으로 선정하여 학생, 학부모, 음악 교사, 예술강사를 대상으로 비참여 관찰, 심층 면담, 참여자 기록물 등의 자료를 수집하고 분석하며 결론을 도출하였다. 본 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학생들은 예술강사의 국악 수업을 통해 평소 경험할 기회가 많지 않았던 다양한 국악기를 직접 체험하였고, 예술강사의 생생한 시범과 연주를 경험하며 학습 내용을 보다 명확하게 이해하였을 뿐만 아니라 이는 참여자들에게 전문 국악인의 연주를 감상할 수 있는 새로운 기회가 되었다. 또한, 학생들은 국악 수업에서 예술강사의 전문성에 의한 집중적인 실기지도를 경험하며 실력 향상의 기반을 다졌고, 음악 교사와 예술강사의 협력하에 다양한 공동체 활동을 충분히 경험하며 공동체 활동에 대한 갈증이 해소되었다. 그러나 여전히 협소한 수업 공간과 미비한 공연시설이라는 한계점이 국악 수업 경험과 수업을 통해 형성된 국악에 대한 관심을 확장하는 데 어려움을 주었다. 이는 사업 주체가 문화소외지역 소규모 학교의 교육환경 개선에 대한 방안을 마련하고, 예술단체와의 협력을 통해 문화소외지역의 학교에 찾아가는 공연 등의 감상 지원을 강화할 필요성이 있음을 나타낸다. 둘째, 예술강사의 국악 수업을 통한 음악적 영향은 연주 욕구 및 성취감, 연주 실력의 향상 및 자신감 상승, 국악 향유능력 배양으로 나타났다. 학생들은 예술강사의 전문성에 따른 연주와 지도를 통해 연주에 대한 내재적 동기가 형성되며 연주 욕구가 상승하였고, 완성도 높은 연주에 대한 성취감을 얻었다. 연주 실력이 향상되면서 자신감이 높아졌을 뿐 아니라 직접 국악을 찾아 듣거나 개별적으로 국악기를 배우기 시작하였다. 또한, 예술강사의 국악 수업을 통한 비음악적 영향은 친밀감, 협동심, 자기효능감, 새로운 자아발견으로 나타났다. 학생들은 평소 경험할 기회가 적었던 다양한 전통 놀이 활동을 통해 친밀감이 강화되었고, 서로의 소리를 맞추거나 친구들과 어려움에 대한 조언을 공유하며 협동심이 함양되었다. 전문적인 지도에 따른 실력 향상을 통해 자기효능감이 향상된 반면, 일부 참여자는 연주에 대한 어려움으로 인해 학습 의지와 자기효능감이 낮아진 것으로 나타났다. 국악에 대한 관심이 높아진 학생들은 외향적이고 적극적인 성격으로 변화하였으며, 국악과 관련된 진로를 탐색하게 되었다. 본 연구를 통해 예술강사 지원사업에 따른 문화소외지역의 국악 교육에 대한 현실적인 개선방안이 마련되어 학생들의 국악 수업이 질적으로 향상되고, 소외지역의 학생들이 국악 향유자로 성장하여 국악 교육의 긍정적인 가치가 더욱 빛날 수 있기를 기대한다.;This study is to make an in-depth investigation, through Korean music classes, on the experiences acquired by elementary school students in the so-called culturally isolated areas where ‘Art Instructor Support Program’ is being implemented. For this purpose, an elementary school (“K” elementary school), located in Gangwon Province and classified as ‘Isolated area’ in accordance with Article 2 of , was selected for field case research. Through conducting non-participants observations and in-depth interviews with students, parents, music teacher, and art instructor, and collecting and analyzing participant records and researcher’s reflexive research journal, the conclusion of this report is drawn as follows. First, students have personally experienced through Korean music classes a variety of traditional Korean music instruments that they had little opportunity to experience beforehand, having come to more clearly understand about learning contents by watching vivid demonstrating performance of art instructor and conducting their own performance, as well as they have had opportunities of appreciating performances of professional Korean music artists. In addition, students have seen pretty good improvement of their skill base in the course of Korean music classes after taking concentrated art training from art instructor who has expertise, and they could relieve their thirst for community activities by sufficiently experiencing a variety of community activities in collaboration with music teacher and art instructor. However, it turned out that limited class space with very few class hours and poor performance facilities are becoming obstacles to expanding student’s interest in Korean music that was formed through Korean music classes. This suggests that improvement measures on the educational environment for the small sized schools in culturally isolated areas be developed by the project managing entity, and reinforcing the direct seeing events at site for the schools in culturally isolated areas by cooperating with art organizations is needed. Second, the musical influence given to students through Korean music classes by art instructor has resulted in student’s heightened desire for performance and sense of accomplishment, improved playing skill and increased self-confidence, and build-up of enjoying ability of Korean music. Students have formed intrinsic motivation for the performance through performance and instruction by expertise of art instructor, which has led to student’s enhanced performance desire and student’s gaining sense of accomplishment about performance with a high degree of completion. As students found their performance skill improved, their self-confidence was enhanced. Furthermore, they personally attempted to listen to Korean music, or began to learn individually traditional Korean music instruments. In addition, unmusical influence of art instructor in the course of Korean music courses has created the intimacy between students, the spirit of team work, self-efficacy, and new self-discovery of students. Intimacy between students was enhanced through a variety of traditional play activities that students had little chance to experience, and their spirit of team work was strengthened by harmonizing their performance and sharing advices about their own difficulties with friends. However, some of students showed that their will-to-study and self-efficacy was decreased with not overcoming difficulties in performance, while the majority showed the increased self-efficacy through skill improvement following professional instruction. Those students who showed the increased interest in Korean music found themselves changed personality both in extrovert and proactive, and they began to seek for mapping out their career path to Korean music related course. Through this study, it is highly anticipated that more realistic improvement measures as to the education of Korean music in the culturally isolated areas should be developed, which could lead to substantial improvement in the student’s experience of Korean music, allowing the students in isolated areas to grow as enjoying individuals of Korean music, as result of which the positive outcome of educating Korean music can be more shining going forward.
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