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Measurement of event shapes in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

Measurement of event shapes in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
Chekanov S.Krakauer D.Loizides J.H.Magill S.Musgrave B.Repond J.Yoshida R.Mattingly M.C.K.Antonioli P.Bari G.Basile M.Bellagamba L.Boscherini D.Bruni A.Bruni G.Cara Romeo G.Cifarelli L.Cindolo F.Contin A.Corradi M.De Pasquale S.Giusti P.Iacobucci G.Margotti A.Nania R.Palmonari F.Pesci A.Sartorelli G.Zichichi A.Aghuzumtsyan G.Bartsch D.Brock I.Goers S.Hartmann H.Hilger E.Irrgang P.Jakob H.-P.Kappes A.Katz U.F.Kind O.Paul E.Rautenberg J.Renner R.Schnurbusch H.Stifutkin A.Tandler J.Voss K.C.Wang M.Weber A.Bailey D.S.Brook N.H.Cole J.E.Foster B.Heath G.P.Heath H.F.Robins S.Rodrigues E.Scott J.Tapper R.J.Wing M.Capua M.Mastroberardino A.Schioppa M.Susinno G.Kim J.Y.Kim Y.K.Lee J.H.Lim I.T.Pac M.Y.Caldwell A.Helbich M.Liu X.Mellado B.Ning Y.Paganis S.Ren Z.Schmidke W.B.Sciulli F.Chwastowski J.Eskreys A.Figiel J.Olkiewicz K.Stopa P.Zawiejski L.Adamczyk L.Bold T.Grabowska-Bold I.Kisielewska D.Kowal A.M.Kowal M.Kowalski T.Przybycien M.Suszycki L.Szuba D.Szuba J.Kotanski A.Slominski W.Bauerdick L.A.T.Behrens U.Bloch I.Borras K.Chiochia V.Dannheim D.Derrick M.Drews G.Fourletova J.Fox-Murphy A.Fricke U.Geiser A.Goebel F.Gottlicher P.Gutsche O.Haas T.Hain W.Hartner G.F.Hillert S.Kotz U.Kowalski H.Kramberger G.Labes H.Lelas D.Lohr B.Mankel R.Melzer-Pellmann I.-A.Moritz M.Notz D.Petrucci M.C.Polini A.Raval A.Schneekloth U.Selonke F.Wessoleck H.Wichmann R.Wolf G.Youngman C.Zeuner W.Lopez-Duran Viani A.Meyer A.Schlenstedt S.Barbagli G.Gallo E.Genta C.Pelfer P.G.Bamberger A.Benen A.Coppola N.Bell M.Bussey P.J.Doyle A.T.Glasman C.Hamilton J.Hanlon S.Lee S.W.Lupi A.McCance G.J.Saxon D.H.Skillicorn I.O.Gialas I.Bodmann B.Carli T.Holm U.Klimek K.Krumnack N.Lohrmann E.Milite M.Salehi H.Stonjek S.Wick K.Ziegler A.Ziegler A.R.Collins-Tooth C.Foudas C.Goncalo R.Long K.R.Metlica F.Tapper A.D.Cloth P.Filges D.Kuze M.Nagano K.Tokushuku K.Yamada S.Yamazaki Y.Barakbaev A.N.Boos E.G.Pokrovskiy N.S.Zhautykov B.O.Lim H.Son D.Barreiro F.Gonzalez O.Labarga L.del Peso J.Redondo I.Tassi E.Terron J.Vazquez M.Barbi M.Bertolin A.Corriveau F.Ochs A.Padhi S.Stairs D.G.St-Laurent M.Tsurugai T.Antonov A.Danilov P.Dolgoshein B.A.Gladkov D.Sosnovtsev V.Suchkov S.Dementiev R.K.Ermolov P.F.Golubkov Y.A.Katkov I.I.Khein L.A.Korzhavina I.A.Kuzmin V.A.Levchenko B.B.Lukina O.Y.Proskuryakov A.S.Shcheglova L.M.Vlasov N.N.Zotkin S.A.Bokel C.Engelen J.Grijpink S.Koffeman E.Kooijman P.Maddox E.Pellegrino A.Schagen S.Tiecke H.Tuning N.Velthuis J.J.Wiggers Wolf E.Brummer N.Bylsma B.Durkin L.S.Ling T.Y.Boogert S.Cooper-Sarkar A.M.Devenish R.C.E.Ferrando J.Grzelak G.Matsushita T.Rigby M.Ruske O.Sutton M.R.Walczak R.Brugnera R.Carlin R.Dal Corso F.Dusini S.Garfagnini A.Limentani S.Longhin A.Parenti A.Posocco M.Stanco L.Turcato M.Heaphy E.A.Oh B.Y.Saull P.R.B.Whitmore J.J.Iga Y.D'Agostini G.Marini G.Nigro A.Cormack C.Hart J.C.McCubbin N.A.Heusch C.Park I.H.Pavel N.Abramowicz H.Gabareen A.Kananov S.Kreisel A.Levy A.Abe T.Fusayasu T.Kagawa S.Kohno T.Tawara T.Yamashita T.Hamatsu R.Hirose T.Inuzuka M.Kitamura S.Matsuzawa K.Nishimura T.Arneodo M.Ferrero M.I.Monaco V.Ruspa M.Sacchi R.Solano A.Galea R.Koop T.Levman G.M.Martin J.F.Mirea A.Sabetfakhri A.Butterworth J.M.Gwenlan C.Hall-Wilton R.Jones T.W.Lightwood M.S.West B.J.Ciborowski J.Ciesielski R.Nowak R.J.Pawlak J.M.Smalska B.Sztuk J.Tymieniecka T.Ukleja A.Ukleja J.Zarnecki A.F.Adamus M.Plucinski P.Eisenberg Y.Gladilin L.K.Hochman D.Karshon U.Kcira D.Lammers S.Li L.Reeder D.D.Savin A.A.Smith W.H.Deshpande A.Dhawan S.Hughes V.W.Straub P.B.Bhadra S.Catterall C.D.Fourletov S.Menary S.Soares M.Standage J.
Ewha Authors
Issue Date
Journal Title
European Physical Journal C
1434-6044JCR Link
European Physical Journal C vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 531 - 545
Document Type
Inclusive event-shape variables have been measured in the current region of the Breit frame for neutral current deep inelastic ep scattering using an integrated luminosity of 45.0 pb-1 collected with the ZEUS detector at HERA. The variables studied included thrust, jet broadening and invariant jet mass. The kinematic range covered was 10 < Q2 < 20480 GeV2 and 6 × 10-4 < x < 0.6, where Q2 is the virtuality of the exchanged boson and x is the Bjorken variable. The Q dependence of the shape variables has been used in conjunction with NLO perturbative calculations and the Dokshitzer-Webber non-perturbative corrections ('power corrections') to investigate the validity of this approach.
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