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Measurement of the open-charm contribution to the diffractive proton structure function

Measurement of the open-charm contribution to the diffractive proton structure function
Chekanov S.Derrick M.Krakauer D.Loizides J.H.Magill S.Musgrave B.Repond J.Yoshida R.Mattingly M.C.K.Antonioli P.Bari G.Basile M.Bellagamba L.Boscherini D.Bruni A.Bruni G.Cara Romeo G.Cifarelli L.Cindolo F.Contin A.Corradi Pasquale S.Giusti P.Iacobucci G.Margotti A.Nania R.Palmonari F.Pesci A.Sartorelli G.Zichichi A.Aghuzumtsyan G.Bartsch D.Brock I.Goers S.Hartmann H.Hilger E.Irrgang P.Jakob H.-P.Kappes A.Katz U.F.Kind O.Meyer U.Paul E.Rautenberg J.Renner R.Stifutkin A.Tandler J.Voss K.C.Wang M.Weber A.Bailey D.S.Brook N.H.Cole J.E.Foster B.Heath G.P.Heath H.F.Robins S.Rodrigues E.Scott J.Tapper R.J.Wing M.Capua M.Mastroberardino A.Schioppa M.Susinno G.Kim J.Y.Kim Y.K.Lee J.H.Lim I.T.Pac M.Y.Caldwell A.Helbich M.Liu X.Mellado B.Ning Y.Paganis S.Ren Z.Schmidke W.B.Sciulli F.Chwastowski J.Eskreys A.Figiel J.Olkiewicz K.Stopa P.Zawiejski L.Adamczyk L.Bold T.Grabowska-Bold I.Kisielewska D.Kowal A.M.Kowal M.Kowalski T.Przybycien M.Suszycki L.Szuba D.Szuba J.Kotanski A.Slominski W.Adler V.Bauerdick L.A.T.Behrens U.Bloch I.Borras K.Chiochia V.Dannheim D.Drews G.Fourletova J.Fricke U.Geiser A.Goebel F.Gottlicher P.Gutsche O.Haas T.Hain W.Hartner G.F.Hillert S.Kahle B.Kotz U.Kowalski H.Kramberger G.Labes H.Lelas D.Lohr B.Mankel R.Melzer-Pellmann I.-A.Moritz M.Nguyen C.N.Notz D.Petrucci M.C.Polini A.Raval A.Schneekloth U.Selonke F.Stoesslein U.Wessoleck H.Wolf G.Youngman C.Zeuner W.Schlenstedt S.Barbagli G.Gallo E.Genta C.Pelfer P.G.Bamberger A.Benen A.Coppola N.Bell M.Bussey P.J.Doyle A.T.Glasman C.Hamilton J.Hanlon S.Lee S.W.Lupi A.Saxon D.H.Skillicorn I.O.Gialas I.Bodmann B.Carli T.Holm U.Klimek K.Krumnack N.Lohrmann E.Milite M.Salehi H.Stonjek S.Wick K.Ziegler A.Collins-Tooth C.Foudas C.Goncalo R.Long K.R.Tapper A.D.Cloth P.Filges D.Nagano K.Tokushuku K.Yamada S.Yamazaki Y.Barakbaev A.N.Boos E.G.Pokrovskiy N.S.Zhautykov B.O.Lim H.Son D.Piotrzkowski K.Barreiro F.Gonzalez O.Labarga L.del Peso J.Tassi E.Terron J.Vazquez M.Barbi M.Corriveau F.Gliga S.Lainesse J.Padhi S.Stairs D.G.Tsurugai T.Antonov A.Danilov P.Dolgoshein B.A.Gladkov D.Sosnovtsev V.Suchkov S.Dementiev R.K.Ermolov P.F.Golubkov Y.A.Katkov I.I.Khein L.A.Korzhavina I.A.Kuzmin V.A.Levchenko B.B.Lukina O.Y.Proskuryakov A.S.Shcheglova L.M.Vlasov N.N.Zotkin S.A.Grijpink S.Koffeman E.Kooijman P.Maddox E.Pellegrino A.Schagen S.Tiecke H.Velthuis J.J.Wiggers Wolf E.Brummer N.Bylsma B.Durkin L.S.Ling T.Y.Cooper-Sarkar A.M.Cottrell A.Devenish R.C.E.Ferrando J.Grzelak G.Patel S.Sutton M.R.Walczak R.Bertolin A.Brugnera R.Carlin R.Dal Corso F.Dusini S.Garfagnini A.Limentani S.Longhin A.Parenti A.Posocco M.Stanco L.Turcato M.Heaphy E.A.Metlica F.Oh B.Y.Whitmore J.J.Iga Y.D'Agostini G.Marini G.Nigro A.Cormack C.Hart J.C.McCubbin N.A.Heusch C.Park I.H.Pavel N.Abramowicz H.Gabareen A.Kananov S.Kreisel A.Levy A.Kuze M.Abe T.Fusayasu T.Kagawa S.Kohno T.Tawara T.Yamashita T.Hamatsu R.Hirose T.Inuzuka M.Kitamura S.Matsuzawa K.Nishimura T.Arneodo M.Ferrero M.I.Monaco V.Ruspa M.Sacchi R.Solano A.Koop T.Levman G.M.Martin J.F.Mirea A.Butterworth J.M.Gwenlan C.Hall-Wilton R.Jones T.W.Lightwood M.S.West B.J.Ciborowski J.Ciesielski R.Nowak R.J.Pawlak J.M.Sztuk J.Tymieniecka T.Ukleja A.Ukleja J.Zarnecki A.F.Adamus M.Plucinski P.Eisenberg Y.Gladilin L.K.Hochman D.Karshon U.Riveline M.Kcira D.Lammers S.Li L.Reeder D.D.Savin A.A.Smith W.H.Deshpande A.Dhawan S.Straub P.B.Bhadra S.Catterall C.D.Fourletov S.Hartner G.Menary S.Soares M.Standage J.
Ewha Authors
Issue Date
Journal Title
Nuclear Physics B
0550-3213JCR Link
Nuclear Physics B vol. 672, no. 1-2, pp. 3 - 35
Document Type
Production of D*±(2010) mesons in diffractive deep inelastic scattering has been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 82 pb-1. Diffractive events were identified by the presence of a large rapidity gap in the final state. Differential cross sections have been measured in the kinematic region 1.5<Q2<200 GeV2, 0.02<y<0.7, xP<0.035, β<0.8, pT(D*±)>1.5 GeV and η(D*±) <1.5. The measured cross sections are compared to theoretical predictions. The results are presented in terms of the open-charm contribution to the diffractive proton structure function. The data demonstrate a strong sensitivity to the diffractive parton densities. © 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.
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