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한국 Radio방송 프로그램 變遷過程에 관한 硏究

한국 Radio방송 프로그램 變遷過程에 관한 硏究
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(A) Study on the process of changes in radio programming in Korea
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대학원 시청각교육과
한국radio방송 프로그램교육학
이화여자대학교 대학원
1. Purpose This study is not an attempt to suggest an ideal radio programming adequate to the Korean audience, but just an attempt to examine various factors that exert an influence on the developmental changes in radio programs as a means of further developing radio programs and cultivating the characteristics inherent to the radio medium, in such a way as to meet public needs, tastes, and desires. For this purpose, program time-tables of the four major radio stations-KBS, MBC, DBS, and TBC during the past decade were extensively utilized as basic source materials. 2. Peculiarities of Korean Broadcasting Korean radio broadcasting stations are not so institutionalized as to better serve public interests and to improve program quality. Many problems were found in the operation and programming of radio stations, most of which are attributable to the unreasonable licensing of commercial radio stations and to excessive competition among them to get a larger audience. To diagnose other underlying causee, I have tried to examine radio's relations with other media and market unstability-in the wake of the economic development. 3. Changes of Radio Programs For the convenience of this study, the period covered in this study(1961-1971) is divided into four stages : the first(1961-1964) saw the beginning and development of commercial radii stations;the second(1965-1967), competition among them and the growth of radio as buainess;the third(1968-1970), the effort to cultivate characteriatics peculiar to the radio medium;and fourth(1971- ), economic recession and the arrival of TV which forced radios to revise their programs. Through comparative research on program content of the four major stations, I have derived the following seven categories. 1) Newscast : Some changes have been made during the period, chiefly in the technique of presentation due to increased mobility of reporters as well as technicians, which in turn made news reporting speedier and more immediate, because the big news events were broadcast on the spot. On the other hand, news commentators are gradually freeing themselves from abstruse and confused academic terminologies and using many more colloquial expreasions. This trend will be further accelerated in the future. 2) Educational programs which are usually seasoned with commic elements have been tried on and off, however, this program is expected to shrink further in the future. 3) Service information programs have been improved most noticeably in presentation format and content, and further improvement and development of this program is expected. 4) Drama programs which have played a big role are also expected to decrease considerably with the arrivalk of TV, as the trend shows that melodramas and homedramas have been giving way to documentaries in recent years, 5) Music programs have undergone virtually no changes in the sense that music still occupies the top position in the overall time-table as before. However, in content and the method of presentation, changes are noticeables;since 1968 most of the straight music : programs have disappeared and they were changed into disk jockey programs or service information programs in which music and talk-show alternate. Pop music is having its field day and this trend will be further accelerated in the days to come. 6) Entertainment programs are many and varied, but most vulnerable along with dramas with the coming of TV. Open door programs were brought into the stadium as a kind of semi-open door programs, which resulted in considerable outs in production cost. On the other hand, disk jockey programs developed in leaps and bounds in recent years due to the fact that it cost less for the radio stations and the listner may enjoy the program casually which doing work at the same time. In this the signifieance of this program will increase even in the days of TV. 7) There are other programs which may be lumped together into miscellanies. These will disappear as soon as radio programs are organized in accordance with audience segmentation. 4. Conclusion Radio programs in Korea have been changed incessantly only in an effort to extend its audience on the spur of the moment rather than by the dictation of certain principles such as public interests and the sense of mission. Factors which are responsible for the changes of radio programs could be traced as follows : an excessive competition among radio stations, simply to get a larger audience;and the advent of TV. And TV is held responsible for degrading rodio programs rather than expediting the development of radio as a medium. It is urgently required for radio stations to realize their responsibilities entrusted by the public in order to watch over the environment in which they live, and to create and transmit culture relevant to enhance their aesthetic tastes. In this sense, the radio stations should have visions to enlighten the audience because mass media such as radio, TV and newspaper exert trenandous influence on the national development.
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