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非行 靑少年의 音樂態度에 關한 硏究

非行 靑少年의 音樂態度에 關한 硏究
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교육대학원 음악교육전공
비행 청소년음악태도교정교육발전
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
우리나라 靑少年들의 非行은 社會的, 敎育的 次元에식 큰 問題點을 던져주고 있다. 그러나 靑少年들의 非行은 繼續되는 行爲가 아닌 一時的인 行爲이므로 價値觀의 定立. 社會的 敎養의 涵養等에 依해 豫防 矯正이 可能하다. 우리나라의 境遇 非行靑少年을 矯正敎育 시키는 여러機關 中 矯正敎育을 받으면 社會의 構成員이 될 可能性이 많은 非行靑少年들을 少年院에서 收容하고 있다. 少年院의 矯正敎育 目的은 여러가지가 있다. 그 中 한部分이 情緖적 純化이다. 그리나 外部와 隔離된 生活을 하고 있는 少年院生들의 境遇 緊張된 生活에서 情緖純化의 여러分野 中 音樂은 그들의 感情的 緊張을 緩和시켜 주는 가장 가까운 手段이기 때문에 情緖純化에 않은 影響을 줄 수 있다. 그러므로 知識및 技術習得으로서의 音樂敎育보다 그들의 心性을 自然스럽게 變化 시킬 수 있는 音樂 프로그램이 만들어져야 한다고 생각했다. 이러한 見地에서 本 硏究는 豫防 및 治療的인 프로그램을 만드는 基礎資料로서 少年院의 矯正敎育 實態를 把握한 다음 人間形成에 미치는 音樂敎育의 影響力을 糾明하러 보았다. 調査對象을 全國 10個所 中 서울少年院과 安養少年院의 男女院生 321名으로 하였다. 調査方法으로 質問紙法을 利用했으허 少年院生들의 非行種別과 音樂에 對한 態度에는 어떤 差異點이 있으며 非行種別로 본 性格과 音樂態度에는 어떤 反應을 보이는지를 알아보고 그들의 情緖純化의 一部分으로서 形式的인 學科目으로서보다 豫防 및 治療的인 次元에서 音樂敎育은 價値認識을 새롭게 할 수 있는 理論的 근거를 提示하고자 하는데 硏究目的이 있다. 이 硏究에서 나타난 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 非行種別로 본 音樂態度 點數에는 男子集團에서 强盜, 暴力集團이 竊盜나 强姦致傷 集團보다 音樂이 對한 態度가 좋게 나타났다. 2. 非行種別로 본 性格과 音樂態度에서는 男子들의 境遇 竊盜集團과 强盜集團에서 서로 反對되는 反應을 나타냈다. 즉 竊盜集團에서는 性格特徵 中 責任性을 除外한 支配性, 情緖的 安定性, 社會性 열등감이 上位集團 일수록 音樂態度가 좋았고 下位集團 일수록 音樂態度가 좋지 않았다. 3. 暴力集團에서는 사회성을 제외한 모든性格의 上位集團일수록 音樂態度가 좋지 않고 下位集團 일수록 音樂體度가 좋았다. 4. 女子들의 境遇 性格特徵 中 支配性, 責任性, 社會性은 下位集團 일수록 音樂態度가 좋았고 上位集團 일수록 音樂態度가 좋지 않았다. 情緖的 安定性과 自信感은 上位集團 일수록 音樂態度가 좋았다. 5. 男女를 比較해 보면 支配性 및 社會性에서 反對反應을 보였다. 단 卽 男子集團은 支配性 및 社會性이 上位集團 일수록 音樂態度가 좋았고 女子集團은 支配性 및 社會性이 下位集團 일수록 音樂態度가 좋았다. 그러나 一般的으로 男女集團의 音樂態度 點數의 差異에는 意味가 없으므로 男女 區別없이 音樂態度 프로그램을 作成할수 있으며 非行種別에 따라서는 差異에 意味 있으므로 非行種別에 따라 適切하게 프로그램을 作成해야 하며 性格特徵에 따라 音樂態度의 反應이 다르므로 性格特徵 分類에 따라 프로그램이 作成되어야 하며 敎授方法도 달라야 하겠다.;One of the issues pressing modern day times and prevailing on the lists of those things that are of grave concern in our country that affects our social and educational fields is the problem of juvenile delinquency. It will be observed, however, that juveniles are figuratively abel to". wash their hand.. "through the setting up a view of values, building up a culture, so to speak which only serves to prevent or reform their tendencies towards delinquency. And since they do not become accustomed to it. they become motivated or inclined to commit extemporaneous actions that are highly unfamiliar to the set patterns or standards of commonplace behavior. In our Korean society, as in most other societies, there is a nominal percentage of youth that demonstrate a possible transition or re-introduction into the set 'pattern' or 'standard' to eventually become acceptable if not exceptional candidates destined to be' good elements of society. However, these elements undergo a reformatory refamiliarization process that is usually offered or sponsored by some community or more complex organization. what is known as the 'Juvenile Reformatory school', which has focused its aims to this end in the training of its youth-hood. The refinement of their sentiments is one important aim on which they place emphasis on. And in Music Education, they discovered is usually the most direct and most effective means by which the aims are usually accomplished. A substance which has proved to ease the stress fortified by their solitary livelihoods, which is often seclude or octrasized from the family unit or other ties that are standards in the lives of others. Therefore, the need is rather, for a program of atmospheric music which induces their sentimentalities and shifts them into a more favorable mood which accelerates or graduates into their daily lives thus becoming an 'affixed' by which they can instill it into their daily schedule, not for musical proficiency but for that secluded quarter of their lives. From this point on, this study has dealt mostly with general characteristics and problems of the juvenile delinquent in order to probe deeper and because of this prepare data. Fundamental data that can be utilized in a program of prevention and cure to then proceed into the impact of music lessons given as a basis to forming humanistic qualities. The defined students, male and female alike total a number of 321 persons from the Seoul Reformatory School and the Anyang Reformatory School were chosen out of 10 such schools in this country as the subjects of a survey conducted by means of questionnaires to determine only among certain classes of delinquents on how music worked upon different characteristics held by each type of delinquent. This study also pursued theoretical grounds that questioned: Dose success spring form refinement of sentiment or on the basis of formal lessons instead and which of the two is best? was it because of visitations or implementation? on the following page, we may observe the results of the survey conducted: 1) The attitudes towards music appeared to be more favourable in male groups types that had committed burglary or other violent acts other than those of theft, vandalism and or rape. 2) The attitudes towards music and the character of male groups that had committed any act of theft appeared to be opposite to that of the group that had committed burglary but with more dominancy, sentimentality, stability and sociability less the virtue of responsibility and or confidence. It was better in the upper class of the group and less in the same characters in the lower class. 3) The attitudes towards music for the group of any type of violence were characterized with the worse of it in the upper class. Less their sociability and the group tended to be better than the lower ones. 4) The attitudes of female groups towards music tended to be better with characterized domination, responsibility sociability in the lower class of the group and the worse in the upper class of the same. 5) Male groups displayed opposite characters against female counterparts in domination and sociability. Better attitudes towards music in the group with higher domination and sociability for males. but also in the group with lower domination and sociability levels for females. However, in conclusion, as the difference of attitudes towards music between male and female groups does not bear any significant importance, The same music program may be considered for both, but it may bear a difference among the distinct cases of delinquency and the music training program must be given dissimilar considerations in accordance to whatever type of delinquent they may be dealing with at the time. It should also be mentioned that Character is another element to reckon with when said program is implemented.
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