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校內現職硏修에 關한 一硏究

校內現職硏修에 關한 一硏究
Other Titles
A Research on the Actual State of In-Service Teacher Training at Schools
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교육대학원 교육학전공교육행정분야
梨花女子大學校 敎育大學院
I. Introduction Description of problem and Purpose of research The changing society requires new and rapid adjustment in education. As educational theories, teaching methods and techniques are developing and improving, a parellel need exists for more special knowledge and in-service training on the part of teachers. The national teacher re-education system is weak, and teacher training institutions are few in number. Here the problem of an urgent in-service training at schools with the following three purposes has caused this study. (1) to examine and analyze the actual condition of it. (2) to understand the problems and find the ways to improve them. (3) to study the need and the general idea of it. Contents of Research The educational concept, purpose, need, method and form of in-service education were studied through the related literature, the teacher re-education program of the Ministry of Education and the school program of in-service teacher training were examined in this research. Through interview, opinion survey of the purpose, method, time, plan and problems in in-service teacher training at schools, the urgent necessity and points to be improved were to be understood. Method of research This research was analyzed and examined through records survey, questionaire and interview from Nov. 1, 1969 to June 10, 1970. Population is 279 secondary schools in Seoul. Among them 279 principals, 279 assistant principals, 8259man-teachers and 2166 woman-teachers were included. 18 middle and high schools and 12 grils' schools -- 30 public and private secondary schools in all were smapled through stratified, cluster and random sampling method. Sampling for 702 teachers was collected from 1000 teachers among 5949 middle school teachers and 5034 high school teachers -- 10983 teachers in all. II. Text Results of research and Interpretation 1. The concept about in-service teacher training About one half teachers seem to think the concept of in-service training to be "self-training activity" at the rate of 57.3 Per cent assistant principals, 52.9 per cent principals and 47.4 per cent teachers. 2. Plan of it About the in-service teacher training program the principals know much better than the other teachers. 96.3 percent assistant principals know "very well", 76.4 per cent principals do so, and 48.5 per cent teachers know "a little". 3. Purpose 77.8 per cent, assistant principals, 58.8 per cent principals and 35.9 Per cent teachers think the purpose of in-service training to be "improvement in teaching method and technique". 4. Form About the form of in-.service training, principals, assistant principals and the other teachers who want" in-service training by themselves" are 36.3 per cent, 18.5 per cent and 20.3 per cent respectively. And those who want "to invite instructors" are 29.4 per cent principals, 22.3 per cent assistant principals and 31.0 per cent teachers. 5. Contents 31.4 per cent principals, 31.0 per cent assistant principals and 24.4 per cent teachers know the contents of it as "learning guidance". 6. Time About the time of training 29.4 per cent principals want "occasionally" or "during summer and winter vacation" or "after school", 36.5 per cent assistant principals and 46.4 percent teachers want "occasionally". 7. Effectiveness 5.9 per cent principals, 44.4 per cent assistanttt principals and 43.8 per cent teachers think "education by in-structors" to be effective. In the other hand the responses to "training by themselves" are 94.1 per cent, 55.6 per cent and 54.6 per cent of principals, assistant principals and the other teachers respectively. 8. Practical use 47.0 per cent principals, 62.0 per cent assistant principals and 56.2 per cent teachers show their opinions about the practical use of it as "ordinary". This proves that they made no progress in teacher training program. 9. Need A great number of teachers -- 53.0 per cent principals, 55.5 per cent assistant principals and 71.3 per cent teachers insist on "to be necessary". 10. Problems In planning of in-service teacher training 41.2 percent principals, 33.3 per cent assistant principals and 32.8 percent teachers insist that, one of problems is their "lack of interest" and in executing the plan "lack of time" is the re-sponses of 23.5 per cent principals, 44.2 per cent assistant principals and 49.2 per cent teachers. III. Conclusion Summary 1. Analysis on the actual condition of in-service teacher training According to the responses through questionaire, 48.0 per cent thought the concept of in-service training to be "self-training activity", 39.9 per cent know the purpose of it as "improvement in teaching technique", 24,9 per cent thought the contents to be "learning guidance", 31.2 per cent wanted "to invite instructors", 43.6 per cent wanted "occasionally" about time of it, 43.3 per cent knew "a little" about the plan, 33.9 per cent showed the responses that "in-service training by them-selves" was more effective than "in-service education by in-structors", 56.4 per cent thought the practical use to be "ordinary", a large majority of 70.2 per cent insisted on "the necessity of in-service teacher training at school". 2. Problem analysis About the problems of planning in-service training program 33.3 per cent showed "lack of interest", 32.3 per cent was "lack of will", 25.2 per cent wanted "supporting of the authorities." About the problems of executing the plan 45.3 per cent was the reason of "lack of time", 30.5 per cent, "lack of refer-ence books", 14.9 per cent wanted "a good atmosphere". Suggestion As the conclusion of this study the following five points are suggested. 1. All the teachers should participate in planning the in-service teacher training program at schools for self - and school improvement. 2. School systems should be planned to provide the occasional oppotunities of in-service training for teachers to perform their professional duties. 3. School administrators should help teachers to have time enough to study by means of simplifying their miscellaneous business. 4. The authorities should support in order that school could get all the necessary reference books for teachers continuous study. 5. To encourage teacher's creativity and interest, the authorities should apply the law to increase the salary and evaluate the service results high for the teachers who had been experienced in in-service teacher training. ;I. 緖論 A. 硏究의 趣旨 및 目的 1. 趣旨 時代의 急速的인 變化로 因하여 敎育理論 方法 技術도 急速的으로 發展함에 따라 敎育者도 時代的 適應과 敎育者의 ?門職向上을 ?한 校內 現職硏修가 必要하다. 制度的 硏修는 年間 12%에 지나지 않기 때문에 校內에서 隨時로 自主的인 硏修가 時急함을 勘案하여 本硏究에 着案하였다. 이 硏究의 目的은 校內 現職硏修의 必要性과 槪念을 살피고 ?態를 調査分析하고 問題点을 把握하므로 改善点을 摸索하여 提案하는 것이다. B. 硏究의 內容 1. 連?文獻調査 --- 現職硏修의 槪念, 必要, 目的, 方法, 問題点을 調査하고 2. 現職硏修의 現況調査 --- 文敎部再講習計劃과 實績調査 3. 校內現職硏修의 意見調査 --- 校內에서의 硏究實態 ? 槪念, 必要, 目的, 方法, 時期, 計劃, 問題点調査 4. 面接追加調査 --- 必要性과 問題点 및 改善点調査를 하였다. C. 硏究의 方法 本硏究는 1969年 11月10日부터 1970年 6月10日까지 約 7個月間 사이에 文獻調査, 質問紙法, 面接法에 依하여 調査한 事例를 統計?理分析하였다. 母集團은 서울市內 279個校 中等學校이며 男?師 8,259名 이고 女?師는 2,166名이며 校監 279名 이고 校長이 279名이다. 學校標集은 類層別, 群集別, 無作爲抽出에 依한 것이며 서울市內 國·公·私立學校 (男學校) 18個校와 國·公·私立女學校 12 個校 合計 30 個校이다. 敎員標集은 中學校敎員 5,949名이고 高等學校敎員 5,034名 計 10,983名中 發送人員은 1,000名 인데 回收人員이 702名이고 그 比率은 70.2%이다. II. 本論 A. 硏究의 結果 1. 校內現職硏修의 槪念 槪念에 對하여 (1)校內의 自主的 硏究活動이고 (2)校內의 指導的 硏究活動인데 (1)의 回答이 敎師는 47.4 %, 校監이 57.3 %, 校長 52.9 %의 比率이다. 2. 校內現職硏修의 計劃에 對하여는 敎師는 (2)의 若干 알고 있다가 48.5 %인데 校監은 (1)의 잘알고 있다가 96.3%, 校長은 76.4% 의 絶對多數이다. 3. 校內現職硏修의 目的 이 目的에는 (1)의 敎育方法 및 技術向上이 35.9 %의 多數이고 校監은 77.8 %, 校長은 58.8 %이란 意見이다. 4. 校內現職硏修의 形態에 對하여는 (1)1人 1硏修에 敎師 20.3 %이고, 校監은 18.5 %, 校長은 36.3 %의 比率이고 (2)의 招聘講師에는 敎師 31.0 %, 校監은 22.3 %, 校長은 29.4 %로 (1)과 (2)의 相反?로 敎師, 校監과, 校長의 比率이다. 5. 校內現職硏修의 內容에 對하여는 (1)의 學習指導에 敎師 24.4%, 校監 31.0%, 校長이 31.4%의 多數이다. 6. 校內現職硏修의 時期에 對하여는 (5)의 隨時로에 敎師가 46.4 % 校監이 36.5 %, 校長이 29.4 % 의 意見을 보이고 校長은 또한 (1)의 放學利用 (2)의 放課後利用도 29.4 %란 同比率을 나타내었다. 7. 校內現職硏修의 ?果에 對하여는 敎師가 (1)의 傳達講習이 좋다에 43.8 %, 校監이 44.4 %, 校長이 5.9 %이고 (2)의 1人1硏修가 좋다에 敎師가 54.6 %, 校監이 55.6 %, 校長이 94.1 %이란 絶對多數를 回示하였다. 8. 校內現職硏修의 도움에 (活用性)에 對하여는 (1)의 보통이다에 敎師가 56.2 %, 校監이 62.0 %, 校長이 47.0 %를 보여 現在 校內 現職硏修의 不實狀態를 말하고 있는 것이다. 9. 校內現職硏修의 必要性에 對하여는 (2)의 必要하다에 敎師가 71.3 %, 校監이 55.5 %, 校長이 53.0 %의 多數이다. 10. 校內現職硏修의 問題点에 對하여는 (1)의 關心이 不足하여에 敎師가 32.8 %, 校監이 33.3 %, 校長이 41.2 %의 多數가 計劃上의 碍路를 말하고 實踐上의 碍路에는 (3)의 時間不足에 敎師가 49.2 %, 校監이 44.2 %, 校長이 23.5 %를 表示하였다. 2. 結論 A. 要約 1. 實態分析 本硏究의 槪念把握에 있어서 自立的 硏修活動이 48.0% 約 ½의 反應이고 目的에는 敎育技術向上이 39.9 %이고 計劃에는 若干 안다가 43.3 %이며 形態에는 招聘講師가 좋다에 31.2% 이며 內容에는 學習指導에 24.9 %이며 時期는 隨時로에 43.6 %이고 效果에는 1人 1硏修가 33.9 %이고 活用性에는 普通이다에 56.4 %이고 必要性에 對하여는 必要하다에 70.2 %의 集中的 意見이다. 여기에는 計劃時의 問題点에 對하여 若干 알고 있다는 것은 自己 스스로 不參하였기 때문이다. 다음 面接에는 待遇策이 法制化되어야 한다고 하였다. 2. 問題点分析 計劃上의 問題点은 學校에서 敎員들의 關心不足이 33.3 % 이고 硏究意慾不足이 32.3 %이며 當局의 支援이 25.2 % 로 거의 ⅓의 反應이다. 實踐上의 問題点은 時間不足이 45.3 %이고 參考文獻不足이 30.5 %이며 雰圍氣造成이 14.9 %의 反應으로 되었다. 3. 提言 上記 問題点을 分析한 結果 그의 改善点을 다음 5個로 提示한다. 1. 校內現職硏修의 計劃은 全員이 參與하여 스스로의 資質向上에 必要한 硏修를 할것. 2. 校內現職硏修는 隨時로 職責完遂를 爲하여 義務的으로 硏修를 繼續할것. 3. 事務의 簡素化를 하여 時間의 餘裕를 주어 硏修時間을 配慮 할것. 4. 當局의 支援으로 硏究의 文獻을 擴充할것. 5. 硏修者 優對策을 法制化하여 敎員의 關心과 意欲을 돋우기 爲한 成績의 評價로 人事管理 및 昇進·昇給의 길을 마련할것.
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